November 29, 2013


I still seek Your guidance.

I still bow You for forgiveness calm and peace.

November 28, 2013

New placement

Think that it is time to say goodbye to peadiatric and welcome neuro.

Huh. Today, boss had announce our new placement for 2014. Seriously, i dont know the feeling. Wether i satisfied for the placement that i chose and given to me or i regret for voting them. Arggggghh

Tough! Yes...indeed the area was tough! Eapecially working with doctors and prof. Does it kill me! Nak tukar boleh tak bos? Huhuhu.......

Neuro was a challenge area but the environment working witg people was something that i would never like. Macam mana ni. Tinggal sebulan lagi before leave to new area.

Peadiatric. Once i had complaint to leave at begun but later after 10 months working here seems that i dont want to let it go. Sayang dengan kanak-kanak ni. Especially seeing them grown up with my effort and help and they independent well. Rindunya kat anak anak ni nanti.

Like a mother leaving the child. No wonderla ramai parents out there yang sanggup berhenti kerja just to look after them.

Hopefully this new area will be much better than before. Not like . Insyaallah ;)

November 17, 2013

Diet oh diet

Pernah tak kita terfikir untuk diet.

Pernah tak kita diet.

Tipula kalau orang perempuan ni takde istilah diet kan.

Hurm. Cakap pasal diet nie biarla diet tu betul dan berkesan bukannya diet yang melampau.

Alkisahnya, beberapa bulan tahun ni, i am on diet! Diet nasi, diet protein, diet gula...everything was diet. Huh

Then, i got sick!

Demam, selsema, nausea, headache and almost get faint.


Ini semua diet tak berkesan.

Susu tinggal, sayur tinggal, protein tinggal, buah buahan tinggal. Harapkan pada suppliment je.... Tak cukup!

Sebab tu tiap tiap bulan demam and selsema. Last, tersedar dari kesilaapn diet ni bila my mom called and heard that my voice was different and knowing that i fell sick. Marah sungguh dia.

Makan tu limit sangat... Tak payah nak diet diet....makan makanan yang berkhasiat, jangan makan roti jeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....uhuks!

Akhirnya, tersedar jugak la dari kesilapan diet ni... Bukan apa. Boleh je nak diet sihat, but then masa yang terhad untuk masak and keluar beli makanan yang sihat.

Mana taknya. Balik keje dah penat and letih, beli jela makanan yang ada. Nak kuar jauh jauh tak larat. Jalan jem......huh. Nak masak??? Setakat sorang je.. Malas laaaaaa. Kalau weekend rajinla masak itupun kalau xde kelas....kalau tak...... Beli!

Thats the terrible diet that you guys out there should never try. Kalau nak diet plan betul betul.


Sekarang susah nak outdoor exercise sebab hujan je.... Gym? Kat department nie belambak bilik exercise, cuma bila balik keje tak singgahla sebab kejae bas nak balik kalau lambat pukul 6.30 la baru bas datang. Plus, keje keje umah pun taot tergendala.....

Ish alasan!!!!

Tapi rindu tahap dewa betul nak main badminton...boleh maintain berat badan...huh...

Apa apa pun kawan kawan...... Kalau nak diet biarla diet yang betul. Jangan sampai sakit ea!

November 1, 2013

I wish....

I miss being a little kid with no stress, worries, or care in the world.