March 30, 2011

Should we be ready?

there was a thing that pop out from mind when I sat alone watching youtube *tsunami in Japan* that happen about past two weeks. Its really told me that Allah is almighty!

I'm frightened!

Again, last few days I read on newspaper about *titik gempa semakin hampir dan Malaysia berisiko mengalami gempa suatu masa nanti* whoa! wait wait!! is it *suatu masa nanti* is for another 100, 100 plus? or maybe 10 years or 1 year around? or it could be on another minutes... Oh Nauzubillah...

I'm frightened!

when there are stated that the first city that will probably be able to had gempa was my hometown. could you imagine how small the city that i stay now. if its for true, it will just gone like the sand at the beach after the wave pass by. but i pray that it will not! Oh blimey! I should not say that way because I know I could not stop it. And Allah have more right to this! He lend all these for us and He will take back whenever He want.

I'm frightened!

people that i love, they all here... leaving at this place. that make me more worry... i saw in the tv how people cry for losing someone that they love. and i chose for not be one of those people... Ya Allah... Insyaallah but yet I still could not stop the Qada and Qadar. Tell me what I should be doing? Of course pray to Allah! the only good way for all.

we do know as time pass by, there are a lot of coming new technologies to detect gempa and even tsunami. Japan for example, the country who had the benteng untuk menghalang tsunami lebih teruk but they didnt expect the tsunami came more stronger than what they thought. Subhanallah... Allah Maha berkuasa.... Indeed! there is no any power stronger than Allah mighty.

No words to say! if its to be ready so we be ready! Not to fight! not to escape! not to running! BUT

Prepare for Iman, Amalan, taubat, and doa...

March 28, 2011

Whispers longing

"I miss you like crazy" remember the song by The Moffat... the boyband who girls die crazy on! handsome young boy adore by the people. Ouch! but i'm not! I just knew a few songs and not really deep fall to them.. ok lets breaking it! its not what i'm going to talk about...

almost two weeks I did not have any news about U and getting worry about him... Whew! Oh Hope God bless him. If only I had a magic device to find where he is now. then, i should not be in this stage of worrying. hurm... every day keep dialing his no and the result is "nombor yang anda dail kini di luar kawasan perkhidmatan" where on earth he is? keep adding my worry on him when heard a disaster everywhere around his sailing! subhanallah, May he away from any inconvenience.. Ameen.. :)

Just pray for his safety and will wait till his back on end of May. Missing you all my day. but I rather pray its more good than stay wheezing about you!

i sent my greeting for you to the blue ocean in the breeze wind, wish God could pass to you and you know how much you are mean to me.

A dr in the house

what i'm talking about? i'm sure people know from the title A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE: the memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir. The 4th Prime Minister. Its a hot selling book. Yes it is. I queued for bought the book. most of them search for this book and its not only one per person but some took more than one.

Alhamdulillah... I already had the book. Firstly came in mind to own the book come from my click kak ir when she said she had the book and its quite interesting to read. Oh might be lot of interest in the book since its Tun Dr Mahathir. We all know him so much. so I just bought it last Saturday...

Unfortunately, it just lying on my bed cos I left to hometown. maybe i should start reading after back from home. Or doesn't need to wait much longer to start, cos my kakak also own the book. Great! we share the same interest. Just view a few pages of the book and its really good and worth to have it! cant wait to finish the whole chapter.

Guys! go and grab it! rm100 is too reasonable price. It just nothing to encourage about supporting whatever into negative side but its a view of something good about Tun. perhaps it just something that you wonder about him and you can find it in the book. The stories of him, family and career and our lovely Malaysia.

So i'm gonna start and wish i could finish and tell people is a good book to read... and so do you :)

March 25, 2011

Bedtime story

Bedtime story for tonight

There was a sad hunny bunny on her bed
bunny came and sat besides her while asking hunny bunny
bunny: why are you crying?
hunny bunny: sob sob...
hunny bunny was quiet and holding a card on her hand
bunny took the card and read the words inside

"hunny bunny miss mummy bunny"

"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, cucurilah rahmat dah kasihilah kepada kedua ibu bapaku seperti mereka mengasihi dan menyayangiku sewaktu aku kecil"

March 24, 2011

Make me strong

I know I’m waiting
Waiting for something
Something to happen to me
But this waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Nothing in life is free
I wish that somehow

You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day I’ll be ok
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
Help me find my way

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong

Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

I know I’m waiting
Yearning for something
Something known only to me
This waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Life is one mystery
I wish that somehow

You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day you’ll forgive me
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
I beg for your mercy

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong

Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong


March 21, 2011

Stay Blessed

Allah is every where and Allah is always with us. He is inside and around us. Although we cannot see Him but we can feel Him. We can talk to Him, we can tell Him anything we like too. Allah has bestowed upon us many things, also those things we didn't ask for.

All praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon the Prophet (peace be upon him)

there is no word to say instead of thank you Allah for giving us a lot more than our share! indeed, sometimes we forget to say thank for gift You bestowed us. realized that sometimes we forget Him and letting mind with worldly without turning till warn destroyed us, trouble follow the step, misery across mind, heart to be stone! Astagfirullah... sign You clue we neglect, we denied, we forget we even engrossed drifting in worldly heaven life. Subhanallah....

Its proven...Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Kuasa... Allah Maha Pengampun...
we knees seek forgiveness from Allah...Alhamdulillah He listen for the Doa and He said "Aku kabulkan"
Now we breath in, we see beauty of Allah creatures, we listen Holy Quran, we gain back anugerah from Allah. *HIDAYAH* Oh! for those selected~ Syukran.... we belong to the group :)

yesterday, we fell sick.. we make the command, He cure us. we pray to Him, He calm us. Look, How Glorious Allah...He never want us feel the suffer ... Thanks Allah :) Remember: All the hard time from Him, they have made us stronger and wiser and the good times even better.

p/s: Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNya lebih dari kemampuan mereka

Thanks to Allah for blessed us! for all the test He gave for a reason. never blame Him but *muhasabah* is a better way ;)

Smile :) gift from Him.
why? its the way you express your feeling
where did it come from? your heart!
how can your heart feel the good? the beauty of life...
where the beauty come from? is rahmat from Allah
what happen if we have all the above? perfect smile :D

Grieve not, Allah is with us... Good night :)

March 18, 2011

8 hari berakhir

weekend! weekend so much!
hari yang paling ditunggu tunggu...Saturday and Sunday...rasa macam minggu ni sangat lambat. huuu....
takpela tak kisahla yang penting tomorrow is weekend...wanna rest more and more and more!

8 days! refer to cabaran mengofflinekan fb! so aku berjaya mencatat sehingga 8 hari..okeyla tue... better than before yang less than 24 hours...
tak bolehlah, macam macam dugaan untuk cabaran ni especially bila tengok kawan kawan lain berfb kat office..
pastue keadaan entertainment yang sangat teruk dalam rumah ini and dugaan internet yang superb clear dan pantas...
apelagi 8 hari jela mampu bertahan.......heeee

takpe takpe! satu pencapaian yang time kene up sket kot..heeee
bila next time tue kan ????
takpe yang penting fb tak menjejaskan keje keje harian aku pun dah cukup baek! heee

ok2 will see next time whether I'm strong enough untuk bertahan...
so happy good weekend and have a great day everyone!

March 17, 2011

12 Mac 2011

ada apa pada date nie? hari bersejarah! hari penting! hari bahagia! oh no no no!!!
its girls day out :) dah lama tak hang out with girlsssssss.....masing masing bz dengan keje jer....
so this is the time....

Galeri Perfileman FINAS was the place, act kitorang di invite untuk menjayakan program anjuran FINAS sempena pelancaran Pameran Filem Fantasi 2011. So, activity adalah pusing pusing melawat galeri and of course pictures time!!! hehehe... Then, pelancaran majlis by Dato Mustapha Maarof and penyampaian trofi kepada Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee yang di wakili oleh Aziz Satar.

Then program bersama FINAS! Activity is grouping and quiz. Ermm...tak delah best sangat bese je cos tak macam happening kot cos disertai oleh mak cik makcik and takdelah vogue sangat! hee...

Then, habis di FINAS kitorang singgah PWTC... ingat nak singgah kat MATTA fair... tapi disebabkan kene bayar rm3 per ent so tak jadilah..last2 pusing-pusing tengok camera jer...
then went home... :)

March 13, 2011

What did that feeling?

Just finish my last capsule of antibiotic. finally, out of drug after a week been sick! even its not really heal but its getting better. two times seeing doctor, 3 times changing medication, take a few types of medicine and my work worse for the whole week due to my bad condition.

apologize to students that i had to cancel all the discussion, my friends thanks for company me to clinic and absolutely my mom which I make her worry about my health. Not to forget to U, honestly I didnt really treat you good since my state of health affected my emotion too. Really sorry for the argument that we had and maybe it cos by PMS also. perhaps! i dont know...

what should I feel? Of course, being thankful to Allah for give me my health back! Alhamdulillah after a week full of tiredness, sickness and anxiety about the condition. and I'm going through over it well. Syukran :) I can walk well, no blur, no headache, just a lil cough and a lil smile sometimes. Its Him give me a chance to breathe again. alhamdulillah.

Well what more should I feel? Hurmmm.... Okay honestly, cant hide myself of having this feeling. I'm a bit depressed! Oh dont worry, its not too bad, still can deal with this. Just dont know what the causes of my depressed. its either about missing someone or worrying about the relationship! Or its nothing to do with both but it just a bit jumpy or PMS again. well i could not discovered the causes. Hurm all I can do just pray this feeling will be away. Maybe I need a space to relax or a vacation would help or someone to talk too. Yeah! I'm going for it... :|

what did that feeling? I dont know!!!! I wanna myself cheer. Is there anyone could help me?

Nope! Guess so. its better to raise hand and recite a doa to Allah to soothe my heart all the time rather that lying on bed thinking all this misery and finding somebody to clear the feelings that I know it wouldn't heal......

Sigh! the only thing that I can do. But I believe doa its a better way right now. Insyaallah He would listen.

Things that we should know about doa is.....

Doa mempunyai kedudukan yang mulia di sisi Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala, kerana doa itu penyataan seorang hamba akan kefakiran, kelemahan serta kehinaannya dan pengakuannya
terhadap kekuatan, kebesaran dan kekuasaan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala. Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:

“Tidak ada sesuatu (zikir dan ibadat) yang lebih mulia di sisi Allah Ta‘ala daripada doa.”
(Hadits riwayat Tirmidzi)

and i would love to share with all of you about doa...

March 9, 2011

Proud to be Women

Wanita hiasan dunia
Seindah hiasan
Adalah wanita solehah

Happy Women Day! International Women Day on March 8 every year. Wow that it so good. Appreciation for all women on the earth. No matter who you are, as long as you are born as women you are proud to celebrate this! Act not really celebrate but good enough to be happy that we are special as a women.

Mom! you are the best women i ever had. I am really proud to have you in my life! I will never forget your kindness, your love, your motherliness toward me, you raised me up with full of sacrificed, your patience, and your everything that you did to me. I will always pray for you Mom...

You're dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall;
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call;
I love you more than you know;
You have my total respect;
If I had my choice of mothers;
You'd be the one I select

Ya Murabbiyah (Teachers)! always striving with your words of ILMU, gave to your little kids to make them a perfect human to be, but you are wish better to be useful human being! You did it well and I am sure that you are the most proud person to hear that. Teaching me not just for worldly but eternity.

I had experience one. teaching! Its really a challenge work that people wont think to do if there is no patience, spirit and strength. I bet you, this is not easy. you are not came to finish your lesson but you came to teach them to be a person that they are should be. you will smile when you see their success but you will frown sad with their failure! And every day i'll try to be the best. Insyaallah God will help!

So women, be proud of yourself. Tidak kira susah atau sennag Allah sentiasa membantu hambanya yang dalam kesusahan selagi kita sentiasa mengingati Nya...Ameen :)

On Hiatus


jangan salah faham! blog still update, no matter busy I am... Insyaallah selagi masih berupaya akan aku sentiasa update blog ini...

so on hiatus nie adalah hanya untuk my FB!!

MENYAHUT CABARAN MY SAYANG MADHIYAH YAHYA untuk off fb selama mana yang boleh...heee MAMPU KE CIK DIEBA? hahahaha....

wait and see!!!!!

penah menyahut cabaran sekali sebelum ni tapi hanya dapat bertahan selama kurang dari 24 jam...ngeeeeeee TERUK BETUL REKOD TUE!
bukan saje saje tapi mahu betulkan balik tabiat addicted to FB and manage my time right! insyaallah boleh!!!!

comfirm pasnie bila bukak FB pasti dah bersusun notification and yang paling penting sekali dah penuh ar wall aku tue....hish and one more one more (bace gaya kepoh2) confirm banyak tagged picture yang ntah ape2...yang pastinya tagged shawl, baju, sling bag, and paling best ayat ayat pujangga..hish hish...

so FB! i will miss you...12am 10/3/11 tepat kene logout....aduh aduh!!! sat gi jerrrrrrr.....
ok whateverla, just best of luck for me...

March 7, 2011

A Test

Oh got myself on bed again! almost 4 days lying on bed.. huh subhanallah I should not to complaint.
Maybe this is a test from Him for His servant and I have no right to blame Him. Perhaps this thing happen for a wisdom behind. Alhamdulillah its not too bad cos I still can wake, walk, eat, and even smile.

just take time to heal i think. take some pills from my mother for 3 days. but its not healing me. finally, I decided to meet doctor cos worry if there any symptoms of H1N1 before its too late, isnt it? Oh nauzubillah.

Found myself in this condition make me back to the old time. when I was a little girl, mom's always be my side whenever I feel unwell and dad always pampered me. Oh I miss them. Oh wish to be at home...

Hurm just much more and more pray to God for my health for getting better soon. I wish! Insyaallah...

pills oh pills... i hate medication!

Movie Time

Almost 4 months did not go for a movie. cayalah! dapat bertahan tue. eh eh takdela 4 months sangat pun. hee adalah dalam masa yang lama jugak disebabkan oleh kesibukan duniawi. Finally last Sat dapat jugak pegi tengok movie. act i did not plan to go for a movie cos my state of healthy that is not allow me tapi disebabkan teruja dan rasa nak keluar dari terperap dekat rumah. so apelagi i decided to watch midnight movie with my sayang sayang.

Black Swan! act movie nie dah lama dah keluar and even dah ramai member yang suruh tengok. disebabkan dorang suruh tengok so I chose this movie. before go to cinema, I review the movie trailer so I wont wasted my money if the movie is bored!

The movie is about a ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mine as she become more and more like Odile, the Black Swan.

From my thought of view, Natalie Portman was a good actor in this movie. she is playing a role like a mental problem person who had hallucination and delusion. Good movie to watch act. you need to watch from begin till end then you will understand the plot.

so enjoy it!

March 4, 2011

Fall Sick

Oh no!!! I'm very a sad bunny :( huhuhu....have a good weekend with flu sore throat and fever. uhuk uhuk...

rasanya dah lama tak jatuh sakit macam nie. antibody lemah! tidak tidak tidak! ini disebabkan aku posting di tempat kanak kanak kot. selalunya aku akan cepat berjangkit dengan budak budak. memang inilah yang sentiasa berlaku...

Need lot of rest and take some medication. ah cepat cepatlah baik.

March 1, 2011


disebabkan ahad yang bosan aritu, so me and my sayang going out for our best leisure at Bukit Cerakah Shah Alam. best and penat! mula mula nak naek basikal tapi masyaallah bila tengok ramai sangat yang beratur take turn tuk naek basikal kitorang pon decide jalan kaki je la walaupun sebenarnya keadaan kaki aku yang masih sakit sebab jatuh hari tue.. hee

takpelah exercise sket. cam tak bese je kan! hehehe..... rasanya bukan jalan je tapi snap pix yang banyak. tapi memang bestla spend time with this activity. ramai sangat orang yang datang sini. bagus! habis ronda2 satu bukit cerakah ni, kitorang terus balik rumah. sampai je kat umah mandi mandi terus terbongkang akibat kepenatan yang amat sangat! and yang tak tahan bila kepala dah start sakit. ya rabbi! macam nak pecah je, maybe sebab terlalu lama tengah panas kot...

hurm... ni activity bergambar je lebih dari leisure..hee..ape pon enjoy my weekend so much!