May 31, 2012

back to the place

this is the hardest part in my life!
love matter. again love.

mess mess,

after all i have been through in falling in love to manusia ciptaan Tuhan. again! i can only stay in the same feeling. tell you that this is not easy. letting it go while your heart scream and hold it tight. another heart beat beating all over inside me.

sometimes, there is time you cant stop remaining and sometimes you wanna let it go. you couldnt help it. you just can control it.

alhamdulillah with Allah in my way i kept doa and doa. my last hope is only doa and tawakal.

everyday i pray Him to take back the love from him and give me the love toward Him more and more. so i could survive and live in a better life.

though one day or soon, there is a man who knock the door, it still left same. hurt and sober!

stop for a moment and find damai and redha. then find the one that Allah chose in the first place for you and finally it heals you.

may He bless always with me ;)

May 13, 2012

His love

alhamdulillah disebalik kesedihan Tuhan kurniakan kebahagiaan.

rasa tenang berada bersama insan insan yang menyayangi kita dan sentiasa mendoakan kita.

mungkin juga kita perlu menerima dengan redha segala ketentuan Tuhan kerana segalanya ada hikmah disebalik kejadian.

dan juga menghargai kasih sayang dari insan insan yang istimewa dalam hidup dan menjaga kasih dan sayang ini sebaiknya kerana Allah.

insyaallah. terima kasih Allah ;)

mama oh mama

everybody update their fb status regarding *mother day*. syukran.. we still have one that love and care us more than what we can give back.

alhamdulillah, i spent time with mom for a while though everybody was busy and i am having problem to have leave to see mom. but, with Allah will. we still met.

for me; today is mother day but perhaps i wont leave father alone so make it as parents day which i celebrated them for sacrifice a lot in their life and their time to raise us. and i thank Allah for giving health for my both parents. my prayer always with them.

i appreciate them *mama n abah*. so much! been in geriatric ward, seeing a lot of elderly abondant by their children make my heart sober.

but, they the elderly never let the sorrow haunt them but they pray onr day their children would come and give them a kiss though they know they wont.


just give a minute and pray for our both parents.

pray for them till jannah. ameen

May 5, 2012

Our Mojo

everybody looking up for a calm and striving to finish the assignment. despite the continuously report, minutes for each meeting, the lazy hand to work on board and the losing motivation, yet we still have a responsible to be success and 'amanat' from lovely both parents who always pray for our study. still figure out: what make us lost the mojo, perhaps we just forgot that time flies so fast and the semester come to the end. soon, final was around.

wake up friends,

we in the battle now, fight the mushy mood, strengthen the spirit, and protect with struggle. kick out all the manjalitis symptoms, lazy day syndrome and dreaming fever. lets back to the track.

lets pray together that we will gain our success and make our friendship strong and pull out the 'hasad dengki', and 'cemburu' away.
May He with us all.

Again; lets keep faith company till end of our successful ;)

p/s: remind one another so that each of us wont miss behind. walk along as we walk to 'Jannah'. Insyaallah,
Good Luck everyone. hope, this will help you to get your mojo back. 

May 3, 2012