October 30, 2010


It was a English/Tamil movie played by Mallika Sherawat, one of the sexiest women in this world...Hisss also known as Nagin: The Snake Woman is directed by Jennifer Chambers.
The main character played by Mallika Sherawat role as Nagin...

The film was shot in the jungle of Kerala, India. The film was shot in Mumbai, Chennai, Madh Island and in the studios of Filmistan.

The movie is about The Curse of the Cobra Goddess - anytime man desecrates or violates the cobra, they are doomed to suffer the petrifying curse of the snake woman, of death and infertility. Only respect and worship can keep the population safe and the women fertile.

Over 4000 years ago the inhabitants of the Indus Valley sculpted the image of the shape shifting snake. These half cobras, half human creatures were said to inhabit an awesome, mysterious temple, made of material unknown to mankind, deep within the jungles, far, far away in the legendary spice forests of the Malabar Coast. Children grew up hearing about the story recounted to their grandfathers, by their forefathers about an ancestor, who had journeyed to the edge of the world, and came back to recount a frightening story about the Snake Goddess and her mate.... and from here the legend travelled across India, and the far east along the silk route - passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years until this day.

It is the year 2008, an American man, named George, packing high tech gear, and evil intentions, makes the arduous journey into the heart of the forbidden forest. He captures a male cobra the size of a large python when he's at his weakest, while mating. Little does he realize when they embark on testing this mysterious creature in their high-tech lab, what horror and destruction awaits him....

Release date on 22 Oct 2010..So don't forget to watch and get your ticket now...Its one of thriller movie....Go and catch it!!!!

October 28, 2010

Get to know yourself better

I was reading a few blogs before and I was interested in one archive about this...
So I'll have a look at the quiz and had try to answer the quiz and the result is~~~

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

October 27, 2010

Anger Vs Patience

I don't know what should I feel right now.Just wanna to scream loud,slap people, hit the wall and I just wanna cry...Oh God, I pray for you for my strength to face all this. I just couldn't take all this at this moment...I need You to calm me in my doa' in every time in my solat......

I hate today!!!!Its full of anger,hating people,blaming each other,selfishness....I just don't know how to describe it in words...Its too horrible...DISASTER...People yelling at each other, blaming one to one, never think of others, hate on another~~~~and I just can watch all this drama....hurmmmmmmm....

Started my day with full of anger towards someone...Oh God, i really don't wanna have this feeling...I know you want me to help and i'm willing to do that with all of my heart...and you appreciate me..That was very nice manners...I love that!!!But the thing that make me really angry is when I'm doing my work in rush, and so 'kelam kabut n huru-hara' and you just sitting in front of me and ask me what did you do???fine~~i just answer that but did you come to me and give your help..I didn't ask but you should know because its your work too.....And I just ignore you...Then I ask you if you have pendrive so i can borrow it...You say no!!!Okey fine but could you please help me to find it...Please girl open your eyes...I need you!!!!!Don't just sit in front of your laptop and just ask me what did you do???and why you do???Come on, I don't have time to answer you and I'm not in examination to answer all your question..Its better for you to help me here rather than you keep asking me the same question that I won't answer it....Okey next when I'm getting the pendrive, I wanted to print it out...Okey I can do it myself...Just print it out and suddenly the machine was jam...And I come to you girl ask for your help...and you just go lah print out....Gurl I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!I want you to help me...I don't know how the machine works...and you just ignoring me and stay with your fb....Did you see my face that I was introuble....Did you????Of course you didn't......Okey since you not helping me, I just ask the other gurl at the other site o help me...and yes, they are very helpful and kind to me..I like them....When I'm printing it out, you still keep asking me.."okeh ke okeh ke"...gth la....If you really concern please come here and give your hand and help me don't just say it in words....You not helping me at all.....After all the work done. I wanna to send the paper and you wanna come along..I feel like...please go away~~~~~~~Then you asking me "when the salary???I need the salary now",,,I just ignore it....Did you do your work good to get your salary???Did you deserve it....
Okey just break all this....You lucky gurl cos I able to control my anger..I didn't shout you, I didn't scold you, and even i'm smiling at you and still can talk nicely.....
I don't know if you read this or not, if you do, just take this as advice and don't get into your heart and please don't ask me why again..This is for your good dear...Honestly, I didn't hate you..You are my friend and I want the best for you...Full stop...

The other girls in the office was fighting about the dinner...huhuhuhu...I don't want to talk bout this but because of this matter I realize that not everyone can be closed with and don't be to kind to others or else you will be step on your head....huhuhu..
This is happend when one of us is a bossy...Give an order and just you have to do this. and do that...Oh please....you should participate...Giving an idea is not enough than acting...I hate that....Luckily we have good girl to solve this and I salute her...Then when the day come to busy and the surround fill with people noise...somebody was yelling to the good girl..Oh my...I just quiet and try not to interrupt...huuhuhu....Its seem the war has begin....Whatever....And next I don't know what is going on...but I know it was a horrible day in the office cos of selfishness and uncooperative between them...

I just don't wanna to write it for too long...I'm tired to type yet I don't have mood to tell it here...
Just wait till tomorrow and see how it goes....
GTG...I need to get to bed early...Need to invigilate student in examination....daaaaaaaa~~~~

October 25, 2010


Just finish my Asar and clear all my clothes on my bed...It supposed yesterday that I should to fold but cos of the lazy sunday mood so I just let on my bed...hahahahaha....Lazy girl!!!!But I'm clear it up now...

I missed Chinta...I follow all the episodes but today i cant watch the series...Its all because the husband...eh eh not mind la but my housemate's husband.He came last night and stay here for 2 days...So I need to get in to my crib....hahahahhaha...Cos he stays outside and watch tv...I hate that!!!Once again there is no freedom...And I'm hungry now.......
Oh no please go away!!!!!!!

Hurm hope today is not the last episode so that I still can watch it.....I like Fasha Sandha in acting...Wow!!!!I don't care if people hate her...She still human being what...still make mistake...
I didn't say I love her...I just like her acting Thats it!!!Whatever she do is her personal life...I don't know her well..I never talk to her and never see her face to face. So why should I hate her....As long as she can acted as good its fine for me...Just because of the gossip so you can judge her...Come on!!!!!!!!We don't know the truth...Maybe someone trying to drop her down...Who knows....So don't listen to the gossip...Or the best thing is don't hate people...Just care about yourself and your life...daaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~

While waiting the Chinta done I just posted my status on my fb~~~~

"I'm hungry and I guess I'll starving the whole nite~~~~~huhuhuhuhuhu..... Generated by Facicons"

And suddenly my housemate read it and reply on chat 'kesian lapar ea' tak pe2, akak nak kuar jap g, nanti makanla akak ade masak kan nasi and lauk orang berpantang' hahahhahahhahahha......
She knew it!!!!OMG...malunyer~~~~~~~~~~~~But its Ok..At least she knows my situation..huhuhuhuhuhu.....

Ok GTG....need to do my magrib first......Its almost 8pm...Isyak will coming plak nanti~~~~~~~~`

October 24, 2010


I just review my old folder in my pendrive...Wow got lot of pictures during my study in UiTM and my practical in hospitals.....All the pictures remind me to all the memories during clinical posting....There is a lot of happiness, sadness, memorable, unforgettable, and yet its still playing in mind when I start thinking bout it...

Then i realized here that I never been with the same person on my clinical posting. Each my clinical posting is with different people in my class....I don't know why, did I don't have any Good friends???Or I been hated by people??? Hurmmm....Nope!!!!Actually I'm choosing not to be with the same person on each of my clinical posting....wonder why??I don't know...Maybe I wanted to be With different people to be with or I am kind of bored with same person...ahhahahhhah...Joke!!!!
It just i need new and fresh environment with the different characters so that its not annoyed me and i'm not been annoyed to others....

~Kangar practical...do I look like 14 years old~

I still remember my first practical was in Kangar Hospital which is same hospital with my mom and dad work at....i choose to stay at Kangar cos i want to be closed with them cos I was homesick!!!!Yela that was my first time rite......There is not much interesting in the hospital...it just I couldn't forgot the new therapist came to the hospital and I was bullied him yet I admirer him...hahahahhahha.....Just forget about it...It just for fun.Well when we are in the place that bring a lot of stress all you need is this..hehehehehhe..(gelak gatal) to encourage you to never give up till the end and make you survive at any situation you are....

My second practical was in Malacca hospital...All I can say is Hell!!!!!!I hate this place....Friends is good, work,appointment,patients they all nice......The only one is the therapist....She is a Demon hahahhahahhahahah......I hate her till the end of my life (hope God open my heart to forgive her)...She didn't teach, she didn'et treat, she is not occupied, she is useless, she's bad!!!!!!All she do when she came to hospital is just gossiping and have chat, scolded people and just acted like she is pretty....OMG!!!!!!how much I hate her and I almost said that one day something bad deserved for you...How bad I am....I don't care, because she almost makes me failed in my practical..She makes me cried all night thinking of tomorrow...She makes my life in sorrow...She makes my heart hurt.....I hate her till I telling all my friend that she is th bad person ever in this world......Go to hell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Raya celebration in hosp...That was fun~

Then I been posted in HUKM...for my psychiatric area.....This is the best practical so far.....Lots of fun and happiness....Got my best buddies Aida n fatime...They are so fun!!!cheers, sexy and stylish...They taught me about fashion, about make up, about up to date and brand....hahhahhahaha.......and I miss the moment....And they are the people who share my stories, my happiness, my sadness, we laugh, we cried all together...There is no distance...Cos we need each other...I still remember me and Aida was practicing our Aerobic preparing for morning exercise with my patients in ward....I cant forget that!!!!!I can saw the patient during the aerobic...some are dancing, some was kung fu, some was been dreaming and some was rounding around....its really fun!!!!but yet its tired!!!hahhahahhaha.....

~With HTAR therapist..last day...lovely~

Lastly is my 3 months practical was in HTAR(hosp tengku ampuan rahimah) klang....it was very unforgettable....A lot of things happend and lots of memories that teach me bout life...hurm...first that I never forget is I was admiring by someone....she follow me all the way I go..omg!!!and even in the department...she is my psy patient...she was 31years old...she diagnosed as Bipolar Mood Disorder...hurm...she so sweet,pretty and have a good eyes...She said she likes me...She said she falling with me...crazy ar.....follow me everywhere I go and one I never forget is when in the cafe she was wearing sunglasses, shawl and coat, and the belt was open..hahahhaha ....and that time all the people was watching at us....Its really embarrassing me!!!!Oh no......then one day somebody calls me and wanted to talk but then I realized that was her and I just lying and said you got a wrong person...Start from that I just ignore her call and text...But she still keep smsing and calling me...I was wonder where did she got my number....Its in my book on the table...Oh my careless....till now she still send me sms and further mms...whatever...I just ignore her....
Then the memorable was when i was in commuter with my best buddies Aida and Um....There is someone was staring at me...Its Indian boy....He keep staring me when we at first station in Midvalley and last station in Klang....I am afraid!!!Did I did something wrong to him or do I look something wrong???Hurm when i'm out from the commuter, i was waiting my friends at the counter ticket then suddenly the guy come to me..oh No!!!what he want to do...did he wants to slap me???Did he wants to shoot me???and finally he said "mata you cantikla" I was blur and speechless...and sudden i'm dumb...till in the taxi we keep staring each other....hahahahhaha.....that was r eally unforgettable....
Dinner with the guy as a doctor was really memorable..He is a good friend..He is the person can share everything...His name is Dr Faris....but he is married....He really good when spoke...Ok break it!!!!!
Last but not least is the first and last day I met my friend Wafi....We did plan to have holiday together but since we got fight it just disappear....whatever!!!!I just pray for happiness and I never hope that we will be friend....

That was a year ago....Now I have a new life, new environment, new friends, new click....and the most important thing I got new someone that I need to care about....Hope my life now will be better than before....

Things I Keep It Long Last Forever

Dear blog,
I miss you...hahahhahahha.....Causes of bored!!!!!Stay alone at home with nobody around hah....damn bored, cannot talk, cannot laugh, cannot say anything...hate this!!!!!!But it is normal...I've been alone since I was young...My parents is working and they just came home after office hour...There is no one to look after me at home and need to survive by myself but yet I got my very responsible and loving mummy...Even though she is working but she never leave me alone with starve and danger.....Every morning she will cook for my breakfast and lunch....She prepared everything so that i wont be trouble.....Cos she knows I was dependent child...huhuhuhuhu...

Okey lets get back to the track.....I will 22 years old age on Dec soon.Loads of stuff I have been keep it and love it so much and i wont throw it even it damage,broke or old.....i'll keep it nicely n safely......huhuhuhuhu...There are a lot of stuffs that I really love so much.....Its from the people that i love.......

~my baby CQ~

my laptop giving by my mom...i will never break it and I keep safely cos its not easy to get it from my mom and she gave me for free and i will not misused it....

~my 7 years old watches~
my daddy gave me when i was 15 years old...i will sit for my PMR..he want me to be success in my exam and this watches he gave me to encourage me to be more hardworking and never give up..Even its look cheap and usual watches but i appreciate it and i love it...its broke!!!!it was in the lift and i hit it at the door when the lift closed....whatever it is I still wanna keep it as my belonging....

~my first expensive pendrive~
I bought it for RM55..I'm studying at UiTM when i bought this and I think I was the last person who bought the pendrive while all my friend have it...

~my first business card~
This is given by my best buddy WAFI...but now he is not my friend anymore....The contact number was changed and i don't wanna know it!!!!!!

~my first movie date ticket with somebody I love~
Its hard to ask him going out....huhuhuhuhu...Hope get another chance to meet up and have a good date....

~my ptptn phone~

Using my ptptn saving to buy this phone eventhough I know I need to survive with the money...
Ask my mom to buy and get permission and yuhuuuuu...i love the phone and i will not change it untill it lost....hahahhahahahahhaha............

And the last but not least is my teddy...Its supposed to be different look but i lost it and maybe my mom was burn it...huhuhuuhuhuhu..it given by my daddy when i was 4 years old...and my sis didn't get it..it just only me....but it lost..huhuhuhuhuhu..I miss the teddy...but i got a lot teddies at home...my kakak,my friend gave to me and i bought it but its still not same as my dady's.....

October 22, 2010

Frustration~Movie Date

Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak 2~ its just a 2 star movie for me...not really interesting, just created hard joke from the actors, not that much fun,the plot is bored!!!!! the ending was ntah ape-ape.....for me JPBC1 is much better and more fun...maybe because the other characters in 1st movie did not show up in the 2nd movie makes the movie so 'suram n xmeriah'....perhaps!!!it just from my opinion....the character that really strong is bring up by Samzy.....and Dina n others...That's much helping actually to light up the grace of the movie......
i don't know...maybe it is because i was tired during watching the movie...i fall asleep in a few action....because it keeps long for one chapter...plus, the atmosphere of the cinema....guess what????the air conditioner was vvvv cool n i'm freezing like it was snowing in the cinema....it's really2 uncomfortable and i was keep 'menguap'...omg!!!kind of waste...but i cant help it~~~~
its really crazy sleepy ma~~~~~~~~~~~~

~the ticket date with him,prove that i'm watching the movie so that i could criticizes..hahhahahahaha ~

I was really frustrated with him....huhuhuhuhu...first of all, i really thank him for agree and company me for the date...i'm really appreciate him...he is willing to drive from PJ to Tower, then pick me up then find the Mines location...Even though we are lost for a while before we get back our direction using your GPS!!!!You really cool and cheer me i guess..Then we park the car and finding the tgv...As we enter the Mines, he is searching for the cinema but i just walk straight like i know the place and suddently i said i think i don't knowla..hehehehe...and he started nagging..hahahhaha..if you don't know just say it so that we can find through the map....oooowwwooowww.....seems like somebody was getting mad....he just cool and just bring me to the right place...
At last we found it...yeayyyy...he's my hero....i think if i lost in the island with him...i still could survive...hehehehhehe...i was very embarrassed with him because of my bodoh sombong...huhuhuhuhu..lucky he just quiet....After got the ticket we got 30minutes to enter the room....hurmmm its so bored...we just standing aside and a lil talk...hurm...just asking him a lil bit questions...actually i really wanna ask him a lot of question but i don't know when we are face to face..i'm speechless...i lost my words...huhuhuhuhu...
Hurm then i was asking him to on his Bluetooth cos i wanna sending him a song that i really like...
But he did't get it...huhuhuhuhu..the i was teaching him how to send free text to others....wow i'm like a teacher who teaching my students in an extra class...hehehhehhehe...
Then we just get in to the room and started watching it....its so empty room!!!just a few people are watching it...but yet, its still cool......
My frustration with him is...started from he took me at tower until he sent me to tower was he is non stop smsing with someone...and it just not for one phone but both of it!!!i really keen to know who he is smsing with...if i can directly ask who is your smsing with???? huhuhuhu but i cant because it's your personal so i cant interrupt it...but its really make me mad and out of mood...all the movie is on, i was thinking about who he is smsing with because he still smsing even the movie still on.....hurmmm whatever!!!!!!
Till the end of the movie i feel this is not a good day and it might be a horrible day for me...Cos i need to feel sad,frustrated, been cheating and stupid!!!!!I just hope this is the first and last for us.....Maybe i should think further about this relation...Though I know that I really love him so much and neway, i couldn't live without him...Or I should take another 10 years to fade him away from my mind and kick him out from my heart~~~~~~~~~``But deep inside, I hope everything is change and give it time to heal all and make every seconds is precious and meaningful for us.....That I pray to God....
If i could do that..I'm happy like I did before..Even its hurt but its cure and there is no bitter heart and the scar is gone......

~~~I just wanna stop all my disappointment and wanna a happy ending in my life~~~

October 20, 2010


What the #%%^^ hahahhahaha......
I'm so bored!!!!!Just finish my dinner and its not really good dinner as the taste is 'lembik' n not tasty....hhuhuhuhuhuhu...the bad char kuey teow i ever eat.....I bought at stall around office and keep the char kuey teow for an hour...hahahhahahhaha.....busy meh~~~~~

~i'm looking as good as this~

Right now i was crave to have pulut panggang, murtabak, tepung pelita, kochi n i miss all the food...I was vvv good in food and i'm an eater...hahhahhahahha...I like to eat and it absolutely rite and i'm not denied it....Its one of the graceful of world~~Those who are choosy and skip the dish let me tell you that you are in loss.....

Lets viewing a few dishes that i really crave to~

~yummy yummy~

Oh no, sudden I miss my mom's cooked....Almost 2 months I didn't eat mom's cooked and i miss it......
I like Kampung style and western are the last from my list and fast food is one of my favorite...hhahahhahahha..no wonder i'm full of fat....hehhehehehhe....

~does it heaven???~

I like petai...I know some of you doesn't especially gurl cos its smelly and bitter and its not cool and look kampung and kolot...what the....I don't care...i like it and i wanna it!!!!!!I still remember when my Tok Wan came to my house and brought berpapan2 petai...There i can see my Abah face look very happy ang smiling cos he likes petai so much.....hurmmm since like so many many petai in the ktchen so i decided to cook the petai...and guess what, i actually don't know how to cook it!!!brilliant hah~~~~so make it try and error in the mom's kitchen, alone and preparing for the dish....Start cooking the dish with very hard ting tong and cincai and full of mess...Keep adding salt and sugar plus water cos the sambal was dried on pans....At last,taraaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!my sambal petai done!!!!its so delicious and my parents like it...yeaaaaaaaayyyyyy finally i can cook....

And since that day i'm a super and iron chef...hahhahahhahha....i'm still learning...I like cooking and eating......Hope one day i will be like chef wan,jamie oliver,nigella who is very good and versatile.....hahhaha..again i'm a dreamer~~~~
I already made my home made dish......The one that is memorable to my friends and my students is......

~My kek batik~

~just making it by reading the recipe and mom's guidance~

I'll make a list to my mom soon before i'm home....hahhahahhaha.....

October 19, 2010


Dear blog,

Wooot, woooooooooot!

I'm back to the track, after some time. Throws me confetti and blows me a vuvuzela, anyone?Okay. Stop being dramatic.I've been TRD. Hell, it is such a long period of my off-blogging. Eh eh, correction. just few days.... Hahahaha!I swear I've been that pretty busy. I was married to works and now were getting divorced, but just for a while. -.-"

And, I’ve been that “pretty lazy” too. I’m not in the mood to type anything and I was just unmotivated to blog though there were loads of the comings and goings around me for the past week that I could share here but I am just lazy to do such. Hmm I guess I lost my blogging mojo or whatever you call it -.-"

Plus,added with the bad bad day ever in my life...Seem like everything come all over and put me in down situation aka depression.....First i just got news that my lovely dear kak dhiah will moving out soon from the house...Its really make feel so sad n i know later i'll be so lone...huhuhuhuhhu...I don't know what i feel right now but for this moment i can say that its really worried me....She like my ears to heard any of my tease my story n all the lie....making joke with her is the thing that i couldn't forget it so fun even though deep inside her its annoyed but she really cool.....she's the one who be my shoulder to cry on, lend me her time,keeping me cheers, advising me every day reminding me to 'solat', telling me what is right and never say you cannot do this and that....She's precious!!!!!n i'm crying now remembering all this.....I know this is good chance for her future..soon or later she will moving to new phase but it just not now...whatever it is i still pray for her goodness and i will not forget her kindness...It just the thing that we really can make it together....we still not travel together, remember our holiday and 'rayap' plan its still not work n it still stuck with the work~~~~~so i just let the time goes in our life...huh!!!!if i ever turn the time back....


really out of this heart...Really hate when knowing that i will be posting to Sabah...huhuhuhu..it so far....i don't wanna go!!!!!!!But i know there is nothing that i could change...this is work, whether you like it or not you still need to do that,,,leaving my bed, my pillow, my friend, my heart, my lovely lovely family my day out, my ronggeng n rayap, the series, movie date, shopping date, my happiness, my story, my joke, the fun...omg!!!!!its really hard meh......i just still not ready...

there is still in my mind and it keep play in n its really worried me n feel so anxious....how i'm going to sabah...being alone without anyone sending me...huuhuhu..i know my parents is working and they really really busy and i was reminded by mom to be careful its mean i need to be independent!!!!!!huhuhuhuhuhu...i never be alone from them....and i hate that...i just want my mom to come along~~~~~n miss her now!!!!!i pray to God to let everything fine and i have my peaceful and happiness there......amin~~~~~


what do you feel when someone give you hope n he break it!!!!!hurm if you don't wanna just say it n don't need to sweet talk......it just hurting~~~~~~~~~~~~~n i hate that!!!!!

i was wonder all the words form you boy cos you keep repeating the same as before and its so bored!!!!!

Omg!!!its 10.10am i GTG!!!!!!there is working date waiting here...n i might be smack by kak wani nanti..... oh yah.....verry awesome rite~~~~~10.10am and 20102010~~~~~~~~~~~

i lev this!!!!!

October 16, 2010

Miss Him

I miss you so much....
Really wanna hear ur voice....I really wanna see you...
Cant wait to see you!!!!!

October 14, 2010


But it much better than before cos i'm going with my vvvvvv best buddies.....Just out for my duty involving in student's convocation at PICC and will be stay for 3 days in Putrajaya.

Bad thing is I have to leave my baby 'CQ' at home...huhuhuhu..its mean i need to leave my fb, my blog n my farm games.....its might be vvvv bored!!!!! But hope the time will be fill with hang out with them....

huhuhuhuhu...i'm gonna miss my laptop n for sure my blog....
C ya on Sunday!!!!!

Fall Asleep

I really wanna post my new chapter today but I'm sleepy!!!!!!!!!!!
I should take a nap for a while.....and hope when i wake up soon i'll be able to write and post it....

So much tired feeling back pain my leg was cramp plus very bad headache after hit my head yesterday...
I need a rest!!!!!!!


October 13, 2010

Why men are never depressed???

Your last name stays put.

The garage is all yours.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Chocolate is just another snack.

You can never be pregnant.

Car mechanics tell you the truth.

You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.

Wrinkles add character.

People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.

New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.

One mood all the time.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

You know stuff about tanks and engines.

A five-day holiday requires only one suitcase.

Your underwear is rm10 for a three-pack.

Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.

You never have strap problems in public.

You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.

Everything on your face stays its original colour.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

You only have to shave your face and neck.

One wallet and one pair of shoes - one colour for all seasons.

You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.

You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife.

You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache.

No wonder men are happier.

Send this to the women who can handle it and to the men who will enjoy reading it.


What did you feel when you posted something in somebody wall and he remove it???

Did you read it, did you comment it, did you share it with others, or immediately you remove it from your wall without reading it and view it just because someone who posted it in your wall is someone that you really hate it........

You the only one that have the answer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`


Today I am learning something that is really really precious!!!!!!
Do never trust anyone!!!! Doesn't matter whether you know the person or any strangers...But absolutely be careful to strangers!!!

Sometimes they show the sincerity to be friend with but actually something is hiding behind....So whatever it is, you need to give attention and xtra careful before you make any connection or relationship...It is definitely important to avoid bad thing on you....

Sweet talk,gift,praise and compliment make us blind to the strangers while we know they are dangerous species that anytime could kill you in silent....
Kill your heart, your trust, yourself, life and ahead....You are the one that need to decide which is better for you...

Anything, please gain trust and take as much time you need to know someone before you decide to accept and spend rest of your life with....Find a way to spy and keep an eye on them before its too late...

Trust is very hard to find but without trust we cant stay together with peace and happiness with our love...You as a human being need to create and build the trust with your own way in creative and dynamic so that the love that we shower to them is never last and remainsssssssssssssss......

October 12, 2010

Lock It

As i finish my isyak, somebody ask me 'what did you doa'???

'to lock my heart good until right man comes' I answered with tint of sadness as the familiar waves of disappointment wash over me.
Then with my eyes staring her face said 'why did you asked'????
'Just seen that you really 'khusyuk with your doa and seem like tears will drop'

And I just smiling and get to my bed

I just cant take anymore disappointment

October 10, 2010


omg!!!it just like a boom!!!its been a month after recover from fever and i got back a really really bad headache....luckily i'm not in hospital duty tomorrow so i wish i could find a time to get rest...huhuhuhuhuhuhu

hurm speaking bout headache,i should take medicine but why its really hard for me to get it even though it just on the table.mom's always said i'm such a baby girl crying refused for medicine and hope someone giving a chocolate ice cream with a rainbow sweet lollipop..hahhahahhaha...
heaven rite!!!!it will only get if i'm staying with daddy when i'm 5 years old...
omg!!!!i really miss that moment....young girl wearing red polka dot mini skirt crying with holding hand with papa.....huh!that's really memorable..if only i can be a baby girl,if only i can turn time to 17 years back...if only i have magic!!!!!owh i'm a dreamer....

today is wearing me....
feel the joy with my sweetie kakak aka rumate...she's really an amazing girl that i ever met...huuhuhu..she so precious...she don't know how much i admire her in the fact of attitude, behavior,life,strength,smile,peace and love.she such a good women teaching me what is life about, what is Islam and how to be a good Muslim, loving yourself n family,how to be proud to be yours,love people who we care about and be honest and loyal to the one that always in our heart.

Here she is..does she pretty and sweet????

shopping date @ alamanda wit my dear kak dhiah

i just hope if someone could give me a cutie teddy bear.....just snap the pix while waiting the girl praying....does it cute like me...hahahhhahahaha....daaaaaaaa!!!!

i know i can effort to get the pinky teddy but its really sweet if someone that i love give it to me so that its memorable and romantic but for sure he didn't because he such a guy who knows car,football,travelling,gadget hang out with friendsssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!
I hope someday he will open his eyes and look at me that i'm exist!!!!!coz i always waiting for him...

Sometimes i do feel so lonely if you are not replying my text, not answering my calls, ignoring my buzz on ym....i feel so sad.i do admit that we just *******....but i just hope someday you could open your heart and accept me to be part of you and deeply fall in love with me....if you really can't accept me please be honest and say the word so that i'm not hoping and waiting for your answer.....dude!!i can accept whatever your decision man....i'm really open to it but please be clear with me coz i'm just a weak girl who sitting here waiting for you to hold my hands and get away together in heaven..

Its confusing me when you treating me like a princess...calling me syg,baby and soon you come back ignoring me.it so frustrated!!!!!! I just hope that i could stand on it coz i love you so much......
mom's rite...'love is blind'

October 9, 2010


Just got message from my dear friend tikah...I know how keen you want to know the story...I really sorry girl that i couldn't tell you the story.....really sorry my dear.

I hope you understand me dear...Everybody got their personal thing that sometimes she's cry on and sometimes she stick for the feeling of guilt...

I really hope soon or later i could tell what is actually is going on....really hope u to understand me dear....

This is me

I'm not a person who like telling my story to people and even friends, they really don't know bout me and it just one of two people that stand beside me knowing 1/2 of the story and rest i'll keep it myself and lock it in vvv secure.

I'm started blogging around this couple of weeks. Actually i really don't know what to write and really find myself time to stay in front my baby 'CQ' to type and think. Its really hard to learn writing my blog in English. I really hate English!!! but soon i realize this is the way how i'm going to express my feeling towards the blog and find a way to improve my English.

I didn't hope for anyone reading my blog and get a comment from you. This is one of the satisfaction for me to write and it just for fun. For those who doesn't like and ask me to stop blogging, the best thing that you can do is stop reading my blog.

It has been a crazy journey and I had fun. I hope some of you did too. Thank you.

October 6, 2010

My Notes

I asked God....

I asked God to take away my pain.
God said, No.
'It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. '

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No.
'Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is earned.'

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.
'I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.'

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.
'Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.'

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
'You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.'

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.
'I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.'

I asked God to help me love others, as much as he loves me.
God said...
'Ahhhh, finally you have the idea