November 30, 2010

Apa fungsi bulu kening???

Yesterday, when I was in class with the students while we having our revision about the assessment, one of them asked me why we have eyebrow???what is the function of the eyebrow?Is it better if we are without the eyebrow??...Hurm I was wonder how to answer them since I'm not sure the right answer...Then, I said just give me a lil while so I can find the info for you...

I just search through Google and was come out with a few idea by the other blogger then I'm reading it and it was really good details info that soon I'll be sharing it with my students.

  • Fungsi utama adalah untuk mengelakkan kelembapan, kebanyakan masin peluh dan hujan, dari mengalir ke mata. Bentuk melengkung khas bulu kening (dengan cerun di sebelah) dan arah dimana rambut bulu kening yang menyungkit untuk memastikan bahawa air mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mengalir ke samping di sekitar mata, sepanjang sisi kepala dan sepanjang hidung.
  • Tulang pada bulu kening yang agak menonjol membantu untuk menunjukkan ekspresi muka seperti marah atau terkejut....dan menaungi dari sinaran matahari...seperti tudung yang kita pakai jugak mesti ade awning kan...ehhehehehhehe...
Just click at this link and you will find the discription of your eyebrows

.....Me, I had this result;

Bulu Kening Tebal:
  • Dia sentiasa berhati-hati dalam perbicaraannya (hanya berkata yang perlu sahaja)
  • Dia seorang yang pendiam (so truth, sometimes)
  • Dia seorang pendengar yang baik
  • Sangat setia dan taat pada pasangannya (definitely right)
  • Dia seorang yang sensitif dan mudah terluka (Agreed)
  • Silap gaya dia mungkin mengamuk kalau tahap kemarahannya melampaui batasan (I dont know how to scold people..Ish!!)
So tomorrow I'll tell them about the information and explain them what will happen if we without the eyebrow......Thats so interesting!!!!

November 29, 2010

My Sayang Sayang

People always get wrong when I made my status in FB account using 'My sayang sayang', they will comment phewitttt,Ooooooooo, hehhehehehhe, :) , ;) and whatever that shows that I was in relationship and happy with some guy and having a date....hahahahahahhaha.... :D

I LOVE My sayang sayang so much, without them my life is so empty, lonely and I think I'm not alive....huhuhuhuhuhu..They are people who always stay still whenever I need them. They are really concern, humor, kind hearted and everything that I can describe in good words....
People who I could share my story with, my happiness, my sadness, my laugh, my tears, my successful or I can say everything....
THEY ARE PRECIOUS and I couldnt find in others:-

~my dear Tikah, is she cute??pretty??she is..~
She is the girl who always be my side whenever I feel...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu..Almost 4 years knowing her since we are studying in UiTM...Sometimes we do argue but never fight..There some feeling of no satisfaction on each other but we never feel of hating each other... We do LOVE each other....

~my dear Um@Umaira@Yat~
She is cool and kind of brutal tapi dalam hati ada taman cos between us she is more homesick and she easily get cry and I'm kind of strong..hahhahahaha...She always walk fast and always ignoring me when I was gedik2..hahahaha..But she loves me that I know...hahhahaha...
She is the girl who always company me for movie date...Miss that moment~

~my dear kak wani~
She older a year than me..I know her since we are in UiTM and we had been same house during study where we are renting the expensive house and so many things happen during that time which is teach us how to be more careful next time..She always treat me as kanak2 ribena..hahahaha..Cos I always ask her many questions and she never bored to answer me and always smiling at me...I still remember when I asked her like a 5 years old girl asking her mama.. "kenapa kita kena solat?', "apa akan jadi kalau kita tak solat?","apa itu dosa?", kenapa kita tak boleh buat macam ni?", "ada apa dengan ini?"...ahahhaha..All she do is answer with patience and never away from smiling...I love her~~

~my dear Kak Dhiah..Does she look perempuan melayu terakhir???ehhehe~
She is my room mate and like my sister...Always be my good listener, my joke, my lie, my stories, my gossip and always remind me about my solat.... She also be my victim to my non stop questions..hehehhehehe..and she always answer my questions and never forget the advices..She always make a very delicious meals when I feel lazy to cook..And I miss it!!!!!

They are my sayang sayang and I love them so much...HUHUHUHUHUHUHU...
its so sad when leaving them to KK...I miss them a lot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

November 28, 2010

I wanna this

Just got message from my dear Tikah and she said she already own new phone as she mention before......
ARGGGGGGGGHHHH...jelous!!!!!Nak jugak...And I just view the latest and was crave to have this...Its nice and quite expensive tapi kalau dah suka nak buat macam mana kan....

Spend time view the page and get the info about BlackBerry Bold 9780....
this is a brief description bout the phone.....

  • The BlackBerry Bold 9780 isn't very lightweight. It sports Bluetooth, which will let you use it with wireless hands-free kits.
  • Send text messages easily with the full keyboard.
  • Use a stereo wireless headset (or your car's hands-free system)
  • Take pictures with the built-in (5-megapixel) camera
  • Record voice notes
The pricce is araoun Rm1890....

Saya Rindu Awak


Tiba-tiba je tadi ada orang buzz dekat FB...Hurm cam kenal je budak ni....Owh ex scoolmate dulu masa high school 'F' nama dia...Lame gila kitorang tak contact...Add je dekat FB tapi tak penah pon bertegur..
Bila tanya dia, dia kata seganla nak tegur..hahhahahahahhaa...Wut the... Tak payahla nak segan2...Kita dah kawan dari sekolah lagi kan...

Dalam sedang rancak2 berborak tanya tentang perkembangan hidup masing masing, tiba-tiba terkeluar soalan dari si 'F'.... "awak dah ada bf?".....Errrrrkkkkkkk!!!!!Hurm dah tentu2 nya jawapan tue tergantung...Napela dia terfikir nak tanya soalan ni..Adehs!!!hampeh betul and aku just letak pic smiley :) ....And dia tanya nape??? Macam mana nak jawab ni....Bagitau je tak de tapi memang betol pon aku single cume not available...heeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~

Pastu sibukla dia argue ngan aku yang dia tak percaya aku tak de bf..."Segak2 lagu nie tak kanla takde bf???".. Adehs ni yang malas nak layan ni...
Dah aku diam dia tanya nape diam...Aku pon tak tau nak taip ape...aku cakapla nape???
RINDUUUUUUUUUU......Ouch!!!tahap kritikal dan bahaya ni...Aku seboleh2nya malasla nak cakap soal ni....Hurm tiba2 plak berindu rinduan nie....lain macam je...Abaikanla...Sibukla pulak Si 'F' nie nak bercerita kisah muda2 kita dulu masa si 'F' nie suka ganggu aku kat sekolah...Tapi sikit pon aku tak layan...Sampai mintak no fon dari membe2 aku xdapat2..hhahhahahha...Sori boy masa tu no fon aku hanya milik 3 orang sahaja kawan baik aku iaitu ADILAH, IKA n AZIM~~~~~~Yang lain2 nak no fon aku sorila tak boleh...My home no is private and confidential..hahahhahahhaha~~~~~~

The best part soalan si 'F' ni," Sayang x?".........Hah!!!! Soalan ape nie...Aku just buat simbol..????????????????????????????????????????~ And 'F' cakap jawabla...Nak jawab apanya aku tak de jawapan untuk soalan itu dan kalau ade jawapan pon dah sememangnya jawapan itu TIDAKKKK!!!!Tapi cam kejam la plak kan nak jawab macam tu....Dan aku pon just buat ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....and terus offline...huhuhuhuhuhuhu...Memang jahat tol aku....
HUrm for 'F', sorila aku tak de masa untuk bercinta sekarang its time for earning as much as i can for money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~and.......


Returning KL

Baru sahaja selesai booking tiket balik ke KL on Dec 24th huhuhuhuhuhu.... Terbang RM500 beli tiket pergi balik KL to KK... Tak pela daripada duduk sorang2 kat KK nie, mati kebosanan la di tambah dengan keadaan rumah kat KK yang agak tidak selamat and sunyi... Dah dekat 2 hari tak tidur sebab takut tak sedar kalau ape2 berlaku nanti al maklumla kalau dah tidur tu.....Hurm kalau tidur pon tunggu nak dekat pagi baru sedap sebab masa tue orang dah ramai bangun, jalan raya pon dah ade kereta hantu pon tak de...heehehehehhehee

Nasib baek hari nie student aku balik awal pagi ade jugak orang yang nak temankan aku bersembang... Tapi tak tau nak sembang ape..sebab dia bukan kaki gosip and bermulut pot pet pot pet cam aku... Kalo kat tower tue ade gak orang nak dengar...Kak Dhiah ke, Tikah ke selalu je jadi mangsa and dorang memang pendengar yang setia... Ala kadang2 dorang wat tak tau je tapi aku tak kisah aku nak cerita jugak...hehehhehhehehe..

Menunggu lagi 4 minggu untuk pulang ke KL ni lama sungguh...Kalaula ada fast forward button macam cerita Hollywood tue memang bagus.... Akula orang pertama yang akan beli remote control tue.....
Eiii.. Tak sabar nak jumpa mama n abah... Tak sabar jugak nak jumpa my sayang sayang...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.....
December cepatla~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hurm walaupun balik KL on December tetap tak sempat nak sambut Besday aku...It soon.....
Aku rasa 2 minggu lagi....Hurm and on that day is public holiday dan student aku yang bagitau aku...Wah bagusnya dorang ingat besday aku...hehehehhehehehehe..................... MUAAXXXXXX...sayang dorang.. :)

Okla sementara memangkah hari2 mendatang hingga ke 24th Dec..Aku rasa nak study jap untuk esok, nanti kalau student tanya hampeh takleh jawab yela dah lama tinggal lupa sudah..kene refresh balik nie..... GTG!!!!!!!

November 27, 2010

7 hari mencari cinta

Sedang asyik klik-klik link blog kat google ni, terklik kat satu page yang aku rasa agak menarik tajuknya... '7 hari mencari cinta'... Hurm mula-mula tue ingat maybe tajuk lagu shiela on 7 kan tapi bila tengok banyak betol entry pada blogger blogger lain yang bertajuk '7 hari mencari cinta', aku pun terpanggil untuk turut sama membaca suma entry2 tersebut dan yang paling penting the blogger itselfla...

Terus aku membaca ke semua entry tue and rupa2nya blogger2 sume membicarakan cerita yang sama tentang seorang blogger ni... Ceritanya sangat menarik.. Kisah cinta yang aku rasa agak sukar untuk di cari...hurm..lets start the story...

Blog ini diwujudkan oleh sang blogger setelah dia berjumpa dengan seorang gadis ketika die lepak di kawasan Lembah klang bersama2 kawannya...Tiba2 lensa kamera die terarah kepada seorang gadis and sang blogger pon telah mengambil beberapa keping gambar gadis tersebut....
Nak dijadikan cerita, sang blogger telah jatuh cinta pandang pertama pada si gadis..huhuhuhuhu...Bermula lah pengembaraan sang blogger mencari si gadis through his blog and dia telah menamakan blognya itu sebagai
Dan sang blogger telah menetapkan 7 hari bagi dirinya untuk mencari si gadis...Dengan pelbagai usaha rakan2 nya dan blogger2 yang lain walaupun tidak mengenali sang blogger itu sendiri tapi disebabkan oleh cerita cintanya yang menarik mereka seolah2 terpanggil untuk membantu sang blogger....

Kepada anda yang mahu mengetahui lebih tentang perjalanan selama 7 hari sang blogger mencari cintanya klik la pada link diatas...

Memang sangat menarik cerita ini persis sebuah novel plak...Walaupun aku dah terlewat beberapa bulan dengan dateline 7 hari itu tapi aku rasa masih belum terlambat kalau untuk membaca yet untuk membantu sang blogger mencari cintanya itu....

Apa yang dilakukan oleh sang blogger adalah perkara biasa yang selalu aku lakukan bila lepak bersama sama rakan2..Kadang-kadang aku pun mengambil beberapa gambar jejaka yang aku rasa kalau dia nampak kacak, bijak, macho and bersopan untuk disimpan atau untuk di upload
di facebook and dijadikan bahan untuk di comment tapi aku takla seobssess sang blogger yanng mencari cinta sejatinya itu....

Whatever it is if the girl meant to you, you'll find her someday....

~whoever know this girl please do tell sang blogger ea~




My dear friend Tikah smsing me yesterday asking me if I'm interested with Nokia C3 since we just got our Durian Runtuh....hahahhahahaha...
Just wonder how the C3 look like???Hurm she said Um also want to buy the same and suggest shoud we have the same phone...Its triplet la...Um choose white, she choose black and I'm pink since its my favorite colour...

The price is just RM500 and below..The function is..

Just view the link and will get the info....Hurm I dont know whether I'll change it since my phone still can be used and in good condition..It just outdated jela..hhehehehehe...
We'll see when I'm back to KL and see how it goes la ea Tikah...
It just I wanna spend the money with something more important at this moment...

Kota Kinabalu: Cabaran II

Today, waking up early on 6.30am since I dont really get sleep...Just lying on the bed and listen to the mp3 and get up on 8am, clean myself and having my breakfast...And the breakfast is sekotak susu dutch lady and 2 pieces of kentucky fried chicken that I bought yesterday when I'm out...

~tinggal plastik n tulang2 je..hehehhehe~

10am~Out from the house and taking bus to Terminal Wawasan..And today make sure that I'm not taking the wrong bus okay eh eh eh...I'm not waiting at the wrong bus stop la.....
Reach to the Terminal Wawasan and went to the computer service and left the lappy there...
Meanwhile I was going to Centre Point Sabah just want to spend the time waiting the lappy done...
~Centre Point Sabah~

~ McDonald in Sabah..hahahah..saje je nak meriahkan blog ngan pictures~

Then, entered the CPS, walk around, usha2 ape yang best.. Same just like in Time Square...Nothing special but nicela...
Then masuk kedai nie and ini, OMG!!Banyak betul SALE tapi cam tak nakla teruja sangat cos nanti balik KL pon boleh shopping jugak...
Lastly beli yang ni je...hehhehehehhe...

~ suka baju ni at the first time masa belek belek and terus grab the colour~

~ 3 keping CD untuk malam nanti since I'll be staying alone..mesti boring~

Then wander around, actually no way to go but cos of waiting the lappy, jalan je la and searching for maxis centre....Habis search the whole building baru jumpa...Done paid the broadband bills..Its time to go home.... Before go home, of course need to buy something to fill my stomach...hehehehhe..Its for lucnhla.......

~McChicken yang sememangnya menu utama bila pegi McD since the rest is too spicy and too cheesy....~

Lastly walk to get my lappy and go home....As arrived the bus station, the driver bus seems like recognized me and show me the bus to go to my house...Thanks Pak Cik.....
And I'm home and get On9 and blogging......huhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuu...
next journey will be continue~~~ :)

Kota Kinabalu: Cabaran I

Rasanye dah 2 hari tak on9 and tak mengblogkan diri..There's load of things going within that day...
As usual, keep busy with studying and revision with the students and sometimes releasing our stress with a joke and story about their hometown, family, lifestyle and about their partners.. They so chill, sharing their laugh and smile with me since they knew that I was really homesick girl, missing her mama and abah a lot...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu... Thanks guy for cheering me up..

2 days no blogging and surfing the net cos of lappy broke down infected by the virus. Huh!!!I was so down, stress, anxiety, sad and I was crying because my lappy is the only my friend and everything for me at this moment. I was so panic and dont know what to do since I really dont know about lappy at all.. All I know is just to used it....Hurm...then I was calling everyone and my friend was helping me to select the program that caused by the virus...Hurm unfortunately is not working and didnt get it what he is trying to explained...huhuhuhuhu....Just turn off my lappy and get to bed...

Wake up early Friday morning, going to work as usual, get studying with the students and suddenly, one of them asking me. Miss why do you look so upset and moody???Are you missing someone or we make you angry????.....Oh no dear, I just broke my lappy and I was explained them what is happening...Then they ask me to bring the lappy and they will look into it and try to help me...I was really out of mood to teach them that day and they really understand me and worried bout me...I'm sorry guys I didnt mean it..Luckily, I finished all the chapters with them...

Back to work after break, I brought to them my lappy but still they cannot help me and ask me to bring to the service...hurmm I couldnt wait till tomorrow and I really want to go after working hour...Deal...They will company me....Thank God...

As I finished my Asar, I left home and go to Terminal Wawasan and meet the students there...We are separated cos we stayed at different place since they are a guy...And the girls couldnt companied me since they wanted to go their home. Waiting the bus for coming to Terminal Wawasan, there was a few guys staring at me and I just pretending that I dont see them..huhuhuhuhu..The bus coming and I get in and it was raining and traffic here....Its been 1 hour I'm in the bus but still didnt reach the place and I dont know how the place look like..
Then there you are I arrived at Terminal Donggongun, and it was the last station for that bus..and I was asking the driver.. "is it Terminal Wawasan?" and he said......
"oh bukan bukan, itu jauh sudah...bukan ini bus"
OMG!!!I was taking a wrong bus!!!!I'm lost~~~~~~~~~huhuhuhu..But I dont really panic at all just cool and asked the driver how to go there..Then he asked me to follow the other bus number 13...Okay just get into it and was waiting for the bus full and then it will be move...Its quite long and I'm rushing..huhuhuhu..Its 6.30pm already and KK was so dark and getting night...huh!!!!and I pray to God please safe my journey~~~~~~~~~~

Alex my student was calling me. where were you, I've been waiting and I just said I'm taking a wrong bus and i'm heading to you now just wait okay...and he was so worried about me since I was alone and new to this place..And I told him, dont worry, I'll be fine k~~~~
Hurm...then finally I was in Terminal Wawasan...
Hahahhahahaha..its actually I'm taking the right bus it just I'm waiting at the wrong bus stop...
It supposed across the road from my house....

Got there and find the shop...After everything done, I just went home..Its really tiring day and its really challenging me...huhuhuhuhu....
Luckily I'm safe.......
And the journey will be continue.......

November 23, 2010

Terima Kasih Bah

Its been 3 days in Sabah, getting better and make myself comfortable with the place, people, food, language and their lifestyle.... They actually are nice and friendly people, full of manners and polite, like to smile and very smooth when have a chat... I'm getting to love the place, hope so soon....

First day start working, nothing much happen and not really interested just like my usual life as before...
Early morning came to the department met the HOD and its more to ice breaking session..and the best part is having speech from the HOD for an meh..tadah telinga sajala...
But actually she is nice, like to smile and at the same time like to tease especially about my students..The weaknessesla, the professionalism, the rules, the bla bla bla and bla....hahahahaha..
Just listen to it and keep smile but in my heart and down under the desk my finger was moving to nagging..hahahahhaha... Jahat betullah....

Then is introducing me to all the staff..Huh got a quick orientation..Good!!!!Malas nak round2 the hospital since I'm not really well that day. Then went back to my students and started our mission..hahahhahaha..Its anatomy revision... Memorizing the bones, muscles, nerves for the whole body plus with the origin and insertion... OMG..Its killing me so bad...It will be sudden headache but luckily the students was prepared early before they came to posting with my previous class and still remember the lesson... Great you guys make my works easier...
Then my students said they need to be in cage (punishment due to lack theory) and make a revision on anatomy and physiology, conditions of all the diseases and the assessment...HUH!!!
Again need to do revision and open book meh~~~~~~~~~~~Struggle for my student till they able to touch the patient.. Go Go Go dieba you can do it!!!!! For your students...Its really precious yet not too much in word noble...

Going for a short walk at the hospital making my 'pas pelawat' for 3 months in 4th floor escort by sweetie students...hahahhaha...Got to the counter and ask for the card..At the beginning, I didnt really understand the language but keep trying to understand..Fuhhhh!!! hard meh and suddenly saw the good looking PPK..hahahahhaha..Staring at me just like I did wrong towards him... Masya Allah, he is handsome guyla...Control2 dont be so gediksssss k..You just less than 24 hours been in the hospital and need to spent another 3 months onward...Dont make people annoyed with

Waiting for the time to 5pm is really tortured me... Wanted to go home meh.....
After working hours ask my students to GIANT..Yes its time for shopping therapy..Actually tak sangat pon cos can buy a lil things cos I'm walking to home...Hurm just grab whatever I think I want and never leave is MAGGI la...hahahahahhaa...not much stock pon just a bit and it wont be my main mealtime la..Just for emergency stock....
Went home, its already dark even it just 6pm...huhuhuhuhuhu...Get myself clean, do my Magrib and rest for a while before continue my revision on condition...Its for Medical condition which is Spinal Cord, Stroke, Burn and other neurology its really big topic and really need to understand much cos its really complex condition and uneasy to understand especially when it turn to medical terms.....

And today, we studying lot of condition and fortunately the students easy to understand and able to share their info with me...You guys rock and really study smart..Love you guys....
Almost complete the conditions and have a lil more to catching up...Chaiyok..Hope this week wearing on me...i'll pray to God.....

Hurm just feel not great, when thinking there is a week break on Christmas eve, whether I need to stay or return to KL since the flight ticket was so expensive..I'm effort to it but just think that it was kind of wastela...huhuhuhhu..Will think bout it but I just have decided to go back since I'm really2 homesick yet missing someone so much...If only I can meet him since he said he's going sailing soon...

Gtg, need to sleep early since I had bad headache today. Its getting better after taking a pill. Luckily my mom provide me a medicine as usual when I'm home she will give me a stock of pill cos she dont like me taking outside drug (legal drug) cos medicine in gov hospital is recognized and secure by ministry of health....

Nite blog!!!!!!!!! :)

November 22, 2010

Chillin in Mad

Its cool!!!!! Enjoy it....

This is from my student Azriq's idea to watch this video...So cool and just wanna try it some time when I free...
Love dance so much..Just need some practicing..huhuhuhuhu

Its remind me when I still study at UiTM when I need to do an aerobic dance using Rossa song's PUDAR....So fun to do that with my dear friend Aida...Still remember the steps but need a time to do......
And remind me with my JOGET class in UiTM with the OTs....huhuhuhu..Really hard but nice and fun~~~~~~~~

Love the moment so much................... :)

November 21, 2010

Arriving Kota Kinabalu

All the way from KK...huhuhuhhuhuhu...Just arrived the hostel...So fucking tired since I didn't have enough sleep last night cos I got trouble feeling on my chest thinking of my journey today......

Wake up early morning at 5.30am, get myself clean and pray subuh ang doa that my journey will be safe and out of trouble...Then the abang taxi was calling me, he said he is coming..OMG, so early..huhhuhhuu...Fortunately everything done pack...Just get prepared and went down and saw the abang taxi was waiting me. Oh no he's so handsome guy but I just worried if he is not a good guy.huh!!!Wish everything fine till I arrive LCCT...Luckily he is so friendly..we talk all the way to LCCT and at the same time messaging my dear Tikah just to make sure I still in contact with somebody when I'm with the stranger...Hurm the abang taxi name's is IDAN..He just a part time taxi driver and hhe's working at bla bla bla..I dont really got that info when he told me...ahahhahahahaha...He stayed somewhere in Taming around here jugakla...A lil info I got form him...Just wanna break the silent so we had a lil chat...And he so cool and I'm comfortable with him....

~ Check in time~

Arrived LCCT just go to the board and finding my check in counter..Got that..8am check in and my luggage in and need to pay rm75 due to overload..hahahhahahhaha... 3 months packing meh...mestilah banyak....Then searching for the pintu pelepasan, there I'm meeting 3 sweet sabahan girls and ask them for help and company since I was alone and afraid to move alone..huhuhuhuhuhuu..Lucky they are so friendlly and good people..Love them!!!!!!

~Queen, Laine and Florencia: there are the Sabahan girls who help me a lot~

Waiting for the flight boarding on 8.50am..Its quite long and I was bored and hungry...hikhikhik....Hurm 9.20am the flight here..Its time to say bye2 to KL..huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...SEDIH~~~~~~~~

~waiting the flight..BORED~

Get in to the flight, get my seat and the flighht departing... 2 and half hours in flight really bored and so tiring... Hurm heard the child crying here and here..huhuhuhu..BOSAN!!!!!!Suddenly saw a steward come ask for the meal and he so cute..hehehehhehehhe..GATAL MODE...but at least it'll cheer me up since the flight was full of gloomy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

12.10pm arriving terminal 2 Kota Kinabalu...Lastly its landing..My heart beat was speed up since I will start new life here alone..huuhhu..3 months will be long time for me and I just wanna cry and go home soon~~~~~~~~~
Got my luggage and went to taxi driver and asked to my next location...I'm here at my hostel..huhuhuhhuhu..when arrived at the place there are a lot of people at the restaurant and they stared at me like wanna eat me and all of them are guysssssssssssss......Oh no i'm so afraid and the bad thing is my students not around and they will be coming late...huhuhuhuhuhu...

~ 3 months home...welcome~

~the horror stairs..full of cigarette and calsberg tin~

~My Bed~

Just get in the hostel, look around get my bed...take some rest and breath...huhuhuhuhu..And I was so hungry and wanted to buy some food at the restaurant but think twice since there are lot of guys downstairs...huhuhuhuhuhuhu...
Then do my prayer and turn on my lappy and facebooking..

After one hour spent I couldnt stand with the butterfly in stomach..Need to find something to eat..Just went down and get myself to the kedai runcit and bought something..Hurm just get whatever they have in the shop....Seperti biasa, its maggi time.....huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....

~Something I bought to be my stock for tonight~

~My express mamee curry~

Huhuhuhuhu...Need some rest and get my bed prepared while waiting for my students to come.. Will write more after this...daaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~

November 20, 2010

Severe Anxiety


It was really busy and chaos day for me..
First, get ready to get back to KL on 8.30 am bus...Need to wake up early and packing my bag luckily I didnt bring lot of stuff when I'm home....
All the way from home to KL I was thinking and worried about my flight ticket since Bamitha the admin officer didnt email it to me...Huh!!!I was calling her last few weeks she still didnt do anything...Hate that!!!!!!!

Lastly I reached her phone and ask her to email me asap...huuhuhu...Lastly on 6pm she sent it to me..and God the departing is on 9.30am...Early morning...really killed me and at the same time, Kak wani called me that she couldn't send me to LCCT...My God, what should I do..I dont have anybody here to help me...Since every body is still on their holiday.... But then, kak wani said she will give a number of taxi, somebody that her family knows and trust to send me..Okay I'll take it cos I dont have any options and at the same time I still searching if anyone can help me...Just come from my mind is my uncle..Maybe he could help me but I dont want it cos I think I;ll give him lot of trouble before..He sent me when I still studying plus during my interview..I owed him so much...And not now....Its okay I'll try to survive...huuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

Suddenly, I'm checking my contact list and found Mazly's number..My dear friend, hurm and start thinking if he could send me to LCCT. But then I realized he quite far from here to pick me up..huhuhuhu..He's staying in Klang..I dont want to trouble him since I need to move early in the morning..But I still call him and he said it's his pleasure to help but I was so segan and sorry for bother yet thanks for the favour...And he started nagging...bla bla bla....and was make a deal to let him fetch me when I'm back to KL....huhuhuhuhuhuhu..I said we'll see but he said...No see must!!!!!! hahahahahhahahhaha.....

Then, my U texting me, he said why i text-ed him... I just said need some favour but unfortunately, he is not around...huh....:(
Its okay, i'm fine!!!I'll be independent girl travel a way by myself...

Then I was called my dear friend Tikah...And telling her my problem and she said it okay, you go girl, everything is okay, you gonna be fine, everything will be smooth, dont worry and stay cool...

Me chill chill girl, you gonna fine, everything will be fine..Just keep Doa and wish nothing bad happen in your journey....

I done my packed!!!!I really need early sleep and need lot of rest since I have to wake up early tomorrow....huhuhuhuhuhu
Night blog, I'll write when I reach Sabah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

November 19, 2010

Kamilah Juara

Just checking out my folder and clearing all the trash in recycle bin..and suddenly I found those pictures....Its Badminton day while me, and my best buddies tikah and um together....HUHUHUHU...Its been so much longer that we havent gathered since we separate due to our job...Um was in Sabah now and soon I'll be there too...So we stop playing badminton for a while.. Its actually not a while but quite long time jugak....

hurm and I miss the moment...When we going to play together again since after this everyone will have their own way...huhuhuhuhuhu...

Just put some of the pictures and I'll be miss it....It'll be our memories~~~~~~~``

~kekalahan dan kekecewaan um~

Daging Oh Daging

Seronok betul dapat menghabiskan masa kat rumah ngan family.Tambah-tambah lagi semua sepupu ada kat rumah tok... Apa lagi meriahlah tambah pulak kebanyakan nya perempuan memang confirm kepoh....mana taknya sumuanya mulut becok and kaki gosip...hehehehhee termasuk tuan punya blog nilah....

Rasanya dah 2 hari tak blogging...Rindu plak..bukan apa bz eh bukan bz pon tapi sebab line internet kat rumah nie dah macam kereta buruk..tersenggok-senggok..Nak buat camne...Kampunglah katakan....hehehehehe~~~~~~

Cerita pagi raya takdela best mane pon..Biasa biasa jer...Pagi-pagi lagi mama dah ketuk pintu bilik, kejutkan bangun subuh tapi macam beselah buat tak dengar je sebab malas gila nak bangun since dah terlewat tido ngantoklah jawabnya...Ermmm lepas dh 5 kali mama ketuk pintu macam nak runtuh je terus bangun bukak pintu bilik then sambung tido balik..hehehhehehehe...5 minit pukul 7 barulah bangun and bersiap-siap nak pegi masjid...Jalan kaki je pegi masjid sebab masjid nie betol betol depan rumah....

Balik je dari masjid serbu dapur dulula...hehehhe..lapar sebab tak breakfast lagi...Yela dah terbiasa makan awal pagi since dah kerja nie kan...Hurm lepas dah kekenyangan rase cam nak sambung tido balik tapi mama cakap jaga rumah sebab dia nak pegi tolong orang korban..Yela mama and abah kan buat korban, tapi malaslah nak ikot...nanti penat, lebih baik duduk rumah je layan movie tak pon mengonlinekan diri..hehehehhehehe....

Pas mama balik terus kene tolong timbang-timbang daging tuk bagi dekat orang..hurm...best2 dah macam tauke daging je..hehhehehhe...sekati rm15...hihihihihihi.....Pastu siap-siap pegi umah tok sebab kene tolong masak..
tapi pegi rumah tok bukannya kene masak tapi kene siang daging pulak...dahla tak pandai nak siang confirm daging nie hancus kat tangan aku..hikhikhik......

Dah kenyang kat umah tok ape lagi balik rumah terus jalankan misi yang pertama and paling penting ehehhehe..mission tidola...tapi dapat tido sekejap je sebab my sis ajak kuar plak pegi shoppinh..OMG!!!kakak aku nie orang raya ke, tak raya ke asyik shopping je tapi takpe aku suke sebab nanti mesti dia tanya nak beli ape2 tak...meh aku belanja...hah ayat tue yang nak dengar sangatttttttttttt.....hehehhehehehe.....
yelah dari dia simapn duet dia berkepok kepok tue lebih baek dia melabur tuk adik dia nie...confirm cukup bulan bankrap c.....Ala tapi aku tak belli ape2 pon sebab takde bende pon yang nak, selamatla duet kakak aku tue..Tapi next time wacht out!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahhahahhahaha~~~~~~~~~~~`

Hari kedua raya pegi makan kenduri kat Mata Ayer...Wah best2...Tapi semua lauk daging huhuhuhu..dah name pon raye korban mestilah orang buat korban lembu...hurm..tapi belasah je siap tambah lagi...Hurm hari kedua ni part yang paling best sebab aku dapat tengok sesuatu yang aku rase mana tak tumpahnya kuah kalo tak ke kisahnya masa kitorang reramai mak cik2 aku dok sekali aku nampak mama bergosip just like I did..hahahhahaha..kepohla mama nie macam aku jugak...cerita pasal datin la, bajula, handbagla siap dengan gaya2 lagi...ish3...sebijik macam aku bergosip..hehehehehehehhehe...Pastu aku terus bagitau kat kakak aku...mama tengah gosip!!!!!!Dia pon sengih je macam kerang busuk....Pastue kakak aku cakap..hah Just like you....aku pon cakapla...Yes, same goes to you~~~~~~~~`hahahhahahhahahaa

Hurm raya haji ni memang best mungkin sebab aku nak pegi sabah dah so pasnie agak lamala baru balik kampung tue yang rasa cam nak spend lot of time ngan fam....
yang paling best bila abah tunjuk jerat burung yang dia buat kat belakang rumah..memang unik and mengena..dah 2 ekor burung terjerat..Bukan setakat burung, bapak ayam pon kene jugak tapi nasib bapak ayam tue baek sebab die dapat escape kalo tak selamatla buat gulai ngan mama aku...hehehhehehe....pastue ajak pegi memancing ikan kat sawah tapi hujan so aku tak dapat ikot jadi ikot kakak aku jela jalan jalan kat kuala perlis..balik je rumah nampak sekor ikan haruan besar dalam tong...mama cakap abah dapat..ala ruginya tak ikot kalo tak boleh tolong kacau tadi...hehehehhe...

~niela jerat burung yang abah buat kat belakang umah gune umpan betik~~

hurm hari ketiga semua orang dah start keje, tinggalla aku ngan adek adek kat umah..Nie pon dorang ngah tido lagi..bosan betul!!!!!!!!!!nak buat ape je kat rumah...nak suruh buat keje rumah tak de bende pon nak buat semuanya mama dah buat...Just duduk depan lappy n ngarut2 dalam blog..haahahahhahaha....
hurm...just nak bagitau dah 3 hari menu breakfast, lunch and dinner aku daging daging and daging....huhuhuhuhu...semalam je dari pagi sampai malam makan daging akibatnya pukul 9 dah tumbang sebab pening sangat kepala...ish takot jugak nanti darah tinggi...hish!!!!kene diet balik nie....

Hurm takpela nanti bila dah balik kl menu aku akan bertukar so habiskan masa masa aku nie berdaging kat rumah.....hurm mesti rindu nanti...huhuhuhuhuhuhu..

okehla nak off9 dulu nak pegi umah tok tolong mak long masak sebab dia nak buat makan2...again daging...rasenye ni entry kedua aku tulis dalam bahasa ayat agak kelam kabut sket bukannya tak pandai bahasa melayu cume aku nie terlalu skema sket so bila nak rojak rojak and buat happening dalam cerita tak pandai kene improve sket by time...hehehehhehehe...k gtg~~~~~~~~~

November 17, 2010

Get healthy life

Somebody ask me how you keep yourself in thin and slim?...You got a great body...hahahahha..(puji diri sendiri)...But actually I did increased my weight since last aidilfitri..heheehhehe..But still in ideal weight for my BMI...

First of all, I asked her, what is your BMI range???and she said OMG dont ask..Its really out of number (hahahhahha..means you got more than 25- gelak jahat)...OK stop laughing!!!!For sure she is overweight since I could see how much fat in her tummy and her double chin in her face...(I didnt tease her..its so truth)

I said its ok dear, its time to work out...She said this is very impossible..How she's gonna work out if she still taking the same meals like before..Junk food, a snack before bed time, oily food and ice cream, cake-cheese and chocolate, never skip rice(bfast,luch, dinner and even supper) oh GOD!!!!Patotla you are in obess...huhuhuhu..

Since she told me that, I just tell her a simple guide that I did and its work..its not really to lost your weight but more to maintain your weight...

1. its more easier and you dont need to worry- fasting in a month like you did in RAMADHAN
2. skip fast food or any junk food for 2 months (trust me you gonna lost more than 3kg)
3. Take only once meals of rice a day..Could be lunch or dinner but in only I scoop rice
4. drink as much as you can plain water... (8-9 glasses per day)
5. take some milk or chocolate in morning to maintain your energy before you taking lunch so you don't need to have your tea at 10am- p/s: do not skip your breakfast
6. have your dinner before 8pm
7. leave your supper and do not eat anything after 8pm.. - if you hungry take some low fat milk or yogurt and plain water then go to your bed
8. less sugar and salt in your food
9. no oily food
10. dont get to sleep after you eat-its better to walk or light x's like helping in cleaning the kitchen
11. dont eat so much on one dish..make it variety
12. eat more veggie and fruit
13. say no to bicarbonate drink
14. no smoking
15. do some work out

This a few that I did when last ramadhan and I was losing 4kg in a month..Trust me I got 44kg for this diet....
but after raye I gain another 3kg hahhahahhaha because I skip the list especially fast food...hehehehhehehehe....Now i have 48kg but I still have normal BMI...I'll try to maintain and try to do some work out....hehhehehee

My dear friend, she still work on it and still waiting for result..She just started 2 weeks ago.Hope she gonna make it!!!!!!I really tell her, you gonna do this!!!Mesti kuat,mesti gagah n Don't even try to give up..I'm here for you and i'll help you..

Guys you can still search in net and try to find a good way in books....I just have a few...Just spend your time and view it...its really worth it!!!!!!!!

Lets try everyone..Love your body, get healthy life!!!Say no to fat, say bye2 to obesssssssss......Chaiyok!!!!!

November 16, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Just arrived at home yesterday...Tomorrow is Raya Korban. My mom really hope that i will be at home this raya cos she, my daddy and my sister planned to do korban...hurm..and I really hope to come back too.

My daddy take off today cos he wanted to make ketupat....heee..I like it!!!I think last year it was the last time my daddy made for us since last aidilfitri my father cannot make it cos he needs to work a day before raya...

And my mom was in kitchen make rendang..hehhehehe...I'm going to help you soon mama after I done writing.....
Still waiting for my sister from her work and will ask her out to ronggeng2....hehheheh
To all Muslim I wish Happy Raya Korban....

November 12, 2010


Counting days to Sabah....Feel something wrong with me this few days since the date to Sabah getting close...huhuhuhuu..God please calm me...amin~~~

Mommy n Daddy, promise you to take care of myself, will never forget your words, will always keep you in my heart, will always love you guys, Please pray for me and all I need is your bless and doa....

Buddies, we'll meet up again next year, miss the moment hang out at mamak...We'll be hanging out after Sabah days and we gonna share our stories later... Do miss you guys...

Really miss him at this moment..Only 1 day before I'm leaving KL..Are there a chance to meet him again...Just rely on God...Take care of yourself and I'm gonna miss you...I just hope everything will be getting better after I'm back...I love you...

My bed and pillow, I'm gonna miss your softness and I missed the hug in every of my bed time..Just dont go to others..Stay on my bed...

My shoes, I'm sorry cannot bring all of you...Just be at your place and dont turn to
dark with the dust....

My novels, I havent finish read couples of you...Will read you after my sabah's day...

Oh if only I can bring the house..Its heaven...(day dreaming)~~ LOL
Need to get to my bed..Got to sleep early, preparing for tomorrow/```
Its ladies day out..

November 11, 2010

Tau Tak Dia Tu kan.....

What people do when bored???Some might be going out, hang out with friends and playing PS2 or watching movie or the best thing is sleep...huhuhuhuu...Me, as usual surfing the net and view a few blogs, reading news and blogging....

what is the interest reading people's blog? I dont know, some might said, it just for fun, some said wanna know what people do or just wanna spend time with it...Its from the opinion by my friends...But for me, I'm not viewing the personal blog but I prepared to view some celebrities' blog, gossip or other website which have the latest stories of celebrities and any website that have some info that I can share with my friends...And the page must not bring me to the bored and have loads of ideas or any stories that is make me feel like I want to know more and Why I dont know this??? when i'm reading it..

I do view some political issue's blog...It is not because I'm interested in politic, its only I want to know how the politic issue in our country and what is happening and who is the people in the politic...Thats it!!!I dont really jump much into the issue...It just for fun and I need some info so that if people talk about it especially when my mom and dad talk with my uncles and my aunt, so I got clue what they are talking about and I'll not be blurrr....Its really hard to follow all the political issue because everyday its going to new and new and i'm not a good follower on that stories...Since I'm getting 22 years old soon this year, I can vote for the Pilihan Raya..But I dont register my name in SPR..huhuhuhhu..Its only waiting for my mom to register me..hahahhahha..see, again my mom do it for me!!!!

Okay, back to the celebrities page..or celebrities website..This is what I always do..hahaha..Viewing the page and reading the storiea and then tell my friends and I'll become MINAH GOSSIP..hhahahah..whatever...I used to it cos my sister also is KAKI GOSSIP..but we dont tell them the stories without prove..We tell them the true stories with the pictures and all come from the page..But normally we just read for fun and just wanna find a news...That's it..

People always get wrong with people who like gossiping..Its actually a story for you and not like ngumpat2 or bad talk toward someone...If is not true then let it be in page but if it so right just tell them its right but I'm not the bad girl who telling everyone the stories about the person...It just a topic for one conversation when I gathered with my friends when we have lunch or dinner..And even in Mamak stall..We used to talk about current issue..that's all..We dont jump much to the kutuk2 orang...

Gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted. Actually there are a few purposed why people do gossip..Its either for positive or negative..Its depends on you how you bring the stories...Just read a few ideas about gossip from wikipedia based on Gossip in Christianity, Gossip in Islam and Gossip in Judaism..Its have a different thought from it..Just click and spend your time into it.

I still remember my friends told me that I was MINAH GOSSIP...Everyday when they open the office door they will see me in front lappy and reading in khusyuk...Then, sitting next to me checking out what news I'm reading it...hahahahha...
To all my friends, gossip it just for fun, you read and make it as info...And have fun..Thats it...And since I'm leaving you guys to Sabah I just drop you a few page that you can view since I'm no longer your gossiper but if you do miss me just buzz me and I entertained you..

This only a few page..I'll update soon..GTG!!Need to do my work...
PS/ spending my time in gossip only for fun and avoid bored the rest is spending with the books of knowledges and my purposeful activity..'Jangan Berfikkiran Salah Tentang Saya'

November 9, 2010

Why people hate Dangdut??

Breakfast in Sri Siakap with my best buddies tikah and dear kak dila...We are having good meals lontong and entertained by Mas Idayu Cintaku 100% in Sinar...hahahhaha..
Its really chill to have that song as our background music and remind me on my day at house when weekend. I used to choose dangdut genre to be my karaoke song..Its pretty good hah rather than you choose siti nurhaliza or ella or misha omar or rihanna to sing it at loud need lots of energy and need to get the feel and get good voice and prepare for the high note...I dont like it since I dont really have a good voice and dont have energy to sing the songs with the full note and good vocal...

Some of my friends said why do you like dangdut? What do you see in dangdut and dangdut looks like ergh```Seem like dangdut was Kuno and kolot and people who like dangdut like kampung2 style~~~I dont know that, it was their opinion and some of them have their on opinion which is more to negative thinking about dangdut..Is that because dangdut is usually related to the gelek and people who sing the song must be sexy and show their body once they gelek....Like Inul???

Honestly for me, dangdut is not the gelek and it should not be diperlekehkan..Its a music and its universal..And even you see the lyrics its sound good,have beauty, meaningful and easy to understand because there is no metaphore or Bunga-bunga that you need to understand..Its straight to the point...The music is so calm cos its not too loud and sloww..It just nice and you will never fall asleep when listen to the song.

Once upon time, dangdut music gaining popularity among the Indonesian people and non Indonesians alike,like us in Malaysia.. We also have a few dangdut's singer like Amalina, Mas Idayu, Sheeda, Iwan and a more of them..Dangdut happy rhythm of real life getting more and more popular among kids, teenagers, adults, men and women, that means everyone of all ages. Many consider the Dangdut music to be the country's most popular music of Indonesia, where you can hear Dangdut in the unforgettable streets of the Capital Jakarta.But now in Malaysia it was not popular yet been annoyed by some people who think dangdut is kolot..This might be because we got lots of music coming from west and have new genre brought by Hollywood singer which is more to our teen taste and more to their needs...

I dont know, I do listen to Rihanna, Pitbull, Usher, Bruno mars, Lady gaga, Florida, Eminem and all the english songs and even I'm downloading all the latest english songs and got lots of the collection in my lappy...But I still listen and sing to dangdut and never see dangdut is kolot or whatever people called it in bad words....

Maybe people will think that I'm kind of obsess to dangdut..Nope!!It just I like dangdut and I just kind of weird and wonder when people keep look at me when I sing dangdut...Is it wrong..I like it!!! So who care....Everyone have their taste and thats mine...It might be kolot..I dont mind, didnt bother any of you...But for those who really hate dangdut you better try listen once and you gonna make it twice, and more and more..Do trust me....If people said I'm singing the song of dangdut and I will gelek they wrong cos it doesnt mean you need to gelek for 360 degree...It just you need to move a bit your body and get some rhythm and tap your leg on floor..Thats it!!!Its enough for you to have fun..

People....Do try it!!!!You gonna have fun and you never be tired~~~~~~


Still on bed, playing frontierville and reading blog...OMG!!!Please go away lazy mode..
I am full too and getting sleepy (even it just 8pm) but need to finish my work that been delay about 3 weeks..hahahahha..."pemalas' betul...

Still havent packing my bag..Lots of stuff to bring and got headache pulak..This must be because rainy day tadi and I was playing in rain..actually need to redah the rain to get back to office after 2 hours lunch...hehehehhe...Wanted to get some pills but later lah still working on my Microsoft word or I will just sleep after finish it....

I still try to find the mood..How I'm going to do the minutes if I was stuck and such a lazy to type and doesnt have any input to conclude in the minutes..Oh God please help me~~~~~Or I just take nap and wake up at midnight continue my work..Did I????For really sure I didnt!!!!!

Hurm just take another 30 minutes and I will force myself to finish and email it to my boss asap....And my headache please go away~~~~~~~

Gtg...The mood is coming... Oh yes!!!!!Got to finish it!!!!Chaiyok~~~~~~~~~~~

November 8, 2010

Disaat Aku Mencintaimu

Hayati lagu ini...
Sesungguhnya sayangilah orang yang menyayangi kita sebelum kita menyesal akan kehilangannya.


Its Monday!!!!

Working day after 4 days day off... Rutin Harian biasa bila mula bekerja...Got really busy with work but actually tak pun..Just stay in front lappy reading blog, post something in status, comment people, viewing some pictures, reading news and not to forget latest gossip...hahhahahha...

Cheer my day....Hope today wearing me~~~~ I want laugh at loud, forget the past, throw the sadness, dry my face with tears..I will!!! and all come from Allah...

Insya Allah....

November 7, 2010

I am getting the phase of superwomen...

Getting better now..I'm calm since yesterday I got horrible feeling in my chest.
Got lot of advises and thanks to all the motivators who always give me support and company me in any time..Also much thanks for understanding me and give me some space to cry and 'meratapi' the sadness...HUH!!3 days spending my time on bed crying every night, leaving my meals, forget my work, mess the room and ignoring the phone but yet still surfing the net to avoid the frustration.

Dear friends,
thanks for all the advise and such good words for me...when i need you, you are here...thanks my dear tikah and kak dhiah...You never leave me yet still give motivation for me to continue my life...

and not to forget my best eva students for their concern syidi and guys give me lot of support though you just know it a lil and didnt have any idea of what i'm facing at this moment.But you guys cheers my day with the joke and stories..I do appreciate it and love you guys..

Oh still in list my chat friend, and i never know your name...Thanks for sharing the stories with me..Really do need someone to talk too...Hope you dont mind it....

Huh, now i promise to never let myself cry again and keep strong and live my life in happy and peace...When time turn to give me the sadness I just hope its not about guy or love or whatever that related to heart feeling...Cos heart broken is so hard to cure and the scar is never heal..

its time to raise my hand and keep 'doa' to God to keep me in peace and give your 'nur keimanan' and 'keasabaran'....

November 6, 2010


I feel so bad today..headache, flu, fever, diarrhea, period pain and heart broken...
Need some rest..I did but I just couldnt sleep well..Need pills to have a good sleep..

Hope soon when I wake up I will have a good day and leave the pain...All the pain~~~

Good Night..Sleep tight~~~

November 5, 2010

Betulkan yang Salah

I smsing you this morning just couldn't stand the silent. I hope it will be good news but its opposite when it turn back. I dont know whether should you said that to me cos its really hurt.

I wanted to explain you something. I just keep this....
Really hope to see you...And I owe you an explained~~~~

November 4, 2010

A letter for....

Dear U,

This is I used to called you 'U' when we call each other. I dont know how to change the name to Ismail or mail or whatever people called you. I'm taking time to write you the letter because I was trouble in sad, frustration, heart broken with you since I know that you have been in relationship with somebody else last night. To let you know how much I'm surprised and feel so down, just like the world come to the end...You dont know how much I feel in my heart..Its hurt and painful like a knife stabs trough deep into my heart. Its bleeding and bleeding and the tears drop onto my face,and I try to stop the tears from come out from my eyes but I cant and I keep crying remember you the whole night. I didnt sleep well..Every seconds I keep thinking bout you and what happen to me....

I try to accept all this because its really too fast..We just met, we just talk but suddenly this happen..I know I should expecting this early just like you said before. It just not now and not at this time..I was happy with you but this come up with the end..Maybe this is the fate that I should take or in other words we are not meant to be...

Dear U,

There are a few things that I wanna you to know but its too late, then I need to keep it as my wishes...

I wanna you know that i am very comfortable and very secure when we are together. I dont need to think of danger or anything cos I really trust you. I really happy when we are together till I am speechless and live in silent..I wont keep my eyes out from you and every time you send me home I feel so sad and I always said why time go so fast...I want to spend my time with you..doesnt matter how long it will take as long as you closed to me...

I wanna meet you every day,I want to see your face cos I never bored to keep my eyes on you. I have been planned to bring you out and spend time with me..and it full fill and thank you for the moment that you spent with me even though its not that long and really not the dream date...

I wanna share my stories with you. my sadness and happiness..My joke and my laugh but you wont listen to it..I'm bored for you. Thats what i'm thinking now..I have a lot of stories to share with sometimes I just want to call you or smsing you but I just dont have a brave to do that since you are not answering my call and didnt replying my text.
You are avoiding me every time I need somebody. But when you need me I always be there cos you the only one i care about....

I wanna share you my songs..I dont know how to express the feelings towards you and my songs the only way that I had..I have give you a before and I wanna give it more...

Last, I have to remove you from my account and I've been delete your phone number, your messages, your pictures and soon I want to erase you from my mind and let you go from my heart..Its hard to do but I need to keep strong...This is vvv hard cos I hard die love you. If you know how much I love you....I just hope you find your happiness and whatever your wish.I just dont want to disturb you anymore cos I want we go with our own way. And I pray to God everyday after my solat to take back your love from my heart and lock it good till I find the right man.
The only thing that I cant promise you is I wont stop loving you....~~~~~~~~~~~

November 3, 2010

Pissed off

Again!!!!Pissed off~~~~~~~~`I'm pissed off with her, somebody that I ever mention before in my blog.....She did again...This time is really really bad and in easy word damn stupid!!!!!!
I started my day with full of peace and smiling in face, laughing till i forget my sadness, joking like I'm not stressing with my work but suddenly it change drastically because of the stupidest person and irresponsible girl who only came to work for the salary without doing anything....

Came early in the morning, she having her breakfast, and start gossiping and turn on her laptop and start log in her facebook, viewing people's blog and reading a novel....Then she started to typing words from keyboard and its continue and continue till 4.30pm....OMG~~~~

I have loads work waiting on my table..Preparing student's letter before they out for posting..I need to typing and printing..First of all, I got to print out the marking scheme to provide in each envelope.First its fine if I'm doing it alone cos I used to it...Then after finish all the printed I sending it to APM to signed it and there was a mistake where I'm not changing the date and suddenly she said "ish2...apela"..Oh my...I really pissed off!!!!!Who care????APM didnt say anything and why you need to kecoh~~~~I just ignore her!!!Did you help me???Did you come for asking me did I need help??did you care???Did you know what to do with these letter???So shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I finish my printed I'm leaving the lecturer room and went to clinic cos i got patient to look...During the session I was back to be calm and forget the things that happens just now...
Next patient is Cerebral Palsy patient which I need to work with her, we need to treat the patient together..She just sitting a side and wait until I start treating the patient...My guess!!!
doesn't matter, but the things that make me really really really really pissed off is when she said why you do this, and why dont you do like this....BLAHLA~~~~~~~~~~````
If you think you are good and you have a better skill come and do it...Dont just sit watch and said~~~~~~~~~~~BODOH!!!!!I really PISSED OFF~~~~~~~~~~~
after finish I go upstairs and continue my work...I corrected the letter and suddenly she came...And take the letter from my table and write it..Oh senang2 je suke hati dia nak amik keje yang senang!!!!!!!!!You just do something that almost done~~~~~~~~~gth.....
Then I just quiet and didnt talk to her..........

Then continue my work with finding the hospital's address, luckily MJ help me but still need to find a few....I started typing at the PC far from her and she asking me dah dapat ke alamat, alamat ape yang tak dapat lagi...while she still stay in front of her laptop and typing and keep the eyes on screen....How stupid it is...Then she came to me...Think she wants to help but hampeh!!!
Bila nak pegi makan???Dah lapar??If you want to have lunch go ahead...I'm not leaving my work like you did...If you want it going fast so help me out....But you just get back to your place and started facebooking~~~~~~~~~~~~whatever

Then when I'm cutting the paper, preparing the letters I was showing my protest by throwing the scissor, tears the papers but you didnt realize till I finish all the works....Girl I dont need you to help me but please be responsible with your work because this is your job..If you not appreciate it there is no chance waiting..You think people don't know..They watching but just silent..They talk at the just dont know~~~Please help yourself~~~~~~

~I hope I didnt write about her anymore~
I'm sick of it!!!!

November 1, 2010

Just The Way You Are

Welcome November...The month that I'll be waiting...hahahhahaha.....Just counting the days before I'm leaving to Sabah.OMG!!!!!!!its closed but I still didn't prepare anything yet I'm not packing my stuff...I really out of this heart...huhuhuhuhu....Okey break this topic, I don't wanna keep myself in misery....

Its been a few days I haven't write in my blog...Got to do my work and again marrying with job and date with anatomy books...Hate that!!!!!Need to review all the topics, studying bones,muscles and nerve....Its hard meh to remember all the names...Its so 'belit2'....Could I just say it in Malay...hahhahaha..If only it have rite!!!!!Today its continue with the condition...Hopefully I didn't fall asleep tonight.... hehehheehehehe....

What did you guys doing when you study????
Some people might listen to the music or taking snack???Or day dreaming..hahhahaha....for me it doesn't matter what you do while you study as long as you can catch up and take it its fine.....but me,,,listening to mp3 its better than silent...Cos I might be sleepy and yet get day dreaming....hek~~~~~~~

And the best thing I would do is keep listening to the same song from morning to night...The whole day and I never get bored,,,, could I????Then suddenly my room mate will tease its bored!!!!hahhahahahha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~