February 24, 2013


Rasa malas yg menebal menyebabkan blog ni terpinggir.. Kesian!

Alhamdulillah 2013 berjalan dgn baik.result exam pun semakin baik, suasana keje bersama kanak2 pun is getting improve...well since dah lama tgalkan peads area.so mula mula agak kelam kabut tp bila tgk telatah budak nie yg lucu...rasa smgt balik and its actually a good therapy..

Semester baru soon...get myself busy balik.seriously tak sabar sgt nak hbis blaja...boleh spend weekend dgn penuh bermakna tp dlm hati masih nak smbung lagi smpai master..tp insyaallahlaaaa...

Parents....since daddy fall sick, i have been so mess.hari hari rasa nak blik kg....huuu sebab nak jaga abah......but after heard that he get better....syukur sgt.......

Friends.i have bestie!!!they are very kind people...syukur sebab dorangla yg sama sama membimbing diri nie........yeeeee

Love.......my love never away from Him....Allah...

Jodoh.sampai seru nanti adalah ;)


Bayang bayang

Think that something would haunt me this year and ahead.

Keep the promise or just leave it cos i havent seen any of changes within this period.


Should i give more time to let the promise come through.

Believe in fate, believe with Him!