August 31, 2011

Mencari Kesempurnaan

Syukran... I still celebrate Raya this year with my lovely family and friends... Seriously miss them so much since we finish our school and everyone choose their own way further their study and some chose to work.

Today, we gather as usual for every year in Raya. Okay, lets forget a minute about Raya. There something pop out in my mind and sudden run of my fingers on this mouse clicking the page of someone. The girl I've been knowing about last year but truly, I didn't really know her... I'm just like a stalker who just checking her routine towards her wall.. Oh serious its so bad!!!!!

Well, I'm not mess around her, just curiosity about thing! Is it bad to do that? well, I'm not disturb anyone. I'm not trouble her. I'm not doing bad thing to her. I'm just viewing and reading for thing that I could say spying. HUH!!!!

I know this is stupid but I can't stop from doing so, It just like something important for me. every time I surf net, I usually view her page and look through her activities and sudden feel come and I could describe as a negative thought from my head. Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Why should I? Am I jealous? Am I a girl who wanna be as perfect as her? Ooooooh!!

Why her? why don't others. Why she was the chosen one among thousands... I had the answer! The answer that would hurt me a lot. A lot and a lot...... Cos she was a girl who was stealing the one heart. And it never return.

Guess? never guess who is that *one*. You may know as you read the wordsssss....

Honestly, I don't know what brought me to this feeling... What actually I looking for form the page? What did I got from being a stalker? Did it satisfied me? Did it make me happy?

I don't know! I don't know! i don't have answer for those... All I know I'm just a girl who are weak and trying to figure something to weaken me by doing so!!!!

August 28, 2011

Spend a lil time

Uarghhhh!!! Sleepy plus tired and footsore... Nah.. this is because non stop walking around KL for shop and looking for badly hidden store selling macaroons... Huh! seriously do damn tired!!!!!

Finally, got myself macaroons for Raya...Yeay!! even though its quite expensive.. rm4 per piece but what to do if the temptation stronger than needs.... hehehehhehe... But I just wanna get a try some since its too popular among us at this time...

The colour and smell attract me more than the sweetness of the taste... see see, nampak sangat terpengaruh... :p Well that we called nafsu...ehhehehehehe... Once in a time kan...

Actually this post about something but because of being too excited speak about macaroons I forgot the real track.. Oh ampun!!!!

Well, since everyone in Raya mood, so my wall fill in Raya wish and not too forget the pictures of cookies...aduh!

well well well, i still can't remember what the post i got a go and need to go to bed right now...tomorrow will be a long trip to home....yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... balik kampung

Hopefully everything go well and smooth...Insayaallah.. I'll be safe tomorrow... ameen :)

August 27, 2011

Been Forgotten

I'm in raya mood!!!!!



There something pull out the mood. Die hard miss U so much... Don't know where on earth he is now....

Did he already back surround Malaysia or somewhere that too far to describe on map... HUH!!!!

No mail, no text, no call, no news..... More than a month no news about U... Seriously I'm worried!!!! Did you still remember me? Or I've been forgotten..... :(

Please don't!!!!!!!! Friend never forget friend.....

Please do contact me if U around and if U have any signals to connect with me, please do.. Cos I am so badly miss U.....

The Preparation

Guess what? We getting near to Aidilfitri right.. Seriously its too fast, seems like I just wake up for sahur in the first Ramadhan... And its malam Lailatul Qadar... and its malam yang ditunggu tunggu....

Alhamdulillah Ramadhan for this year be my Ramadhan and its come to the end.. I'm gonna miss Ramadhan so much. Indeed! its seems to be so short of Ramadhan.. I just wake up for sahur, going to work and breaking my fast and then come back to the same routine and when wake up from sleep, I open my eyes and look at my phone wow its 27 and we near to Raya... Seriously time go so fast.

But, there are a lot of things that still not been prepared. I knew a lot of you outside there was having a super duper perfect preparation for your raya. The cookies, the cake, the baju raya, the curtain and a lot more especially regarding the house right. Seriously I have nothing in the preparation of raya.. everything mom did to me... Its not because I'm running from those things but I'm actually running out of time since the moved out thing to new place make me a busy one and forgot to do a preparation like other people.

But hey, I still have a simple preparation for me and family. Just bought them clothes and scarf... Good enough right rather than nothing! And cookies, I could not buy any cookies for mom... sob2...

Huh! Whatever it is, I think its better than come home with free handed... hee

Okay no matter how much preparation you make or no matter how much you spend for raya, we should syukur for things that left to us now.. still alive, back to raya, and make a perfect ibadah puasa.....

So SELAMAT HARI RAYA people!!!!!

Pesta Pantun

Special for you guys....

credit by here

August 24, 2011

Suka suka

Something put my eyes at the screen and make me wanna try something... This posted by my friend on his wall in Facebook page... Seriously guys try this out, you will laugh for the result just like me.....


A= ka, B= tu, C= mi, D= te, E= ku, F = lu, g = ji, H = ri, I = ki, J = zu, K = me, L = ta, M = rin, N = to, O = mo, P = no, Q = ke, R = shi, S = ari, T = chi, U = do, V = ru, W = mei, X = na, Y = fu, Z = zi

AND MY RESULT WAS = todoshi katekitukari

seriously, kari la pulak kan.... hahahahhaha try this for urs.... ;)

August 23, 2011

The House

Since moved in this house, I got myself rarely updating my blog and I could say I was abundant my lappy. Seriously, this is not because busy or tired, it just lazy to grab lappy and online as usual as I always do before.

I remember, long time back I was the one who very addicted in surfing the net but now, at this moment I was the lazy one who just keep the lappy in the bag and having a chit chat and making a long conversation till fall asleep! Seriously, life getting change now. I think a lot more than before...

That was about my routine. The other thing was the house rules. Not too rules to say but good enough to say the atmosphere raised by these people. Its so gloomy somehow. Oh yes! not somehow but it is! Tell you what, even though I knew them for being my friend but the other side of them was a lot of changes. I never expect this will be so obvious than before. Hurm...

Well, just like what we heard "people always change" and Indeed it is happen now! So, this is what grown up process did to us. People achieved their maturity, people had own business to take care, people won't care much bout each other, people become far from unite.. I don't know, maybe the good word is "independent'.. Everyone seems to be independent on their own so they never need help anymore...

Or maybe, they had practice these before I came to the house. It just I am the one who still in the stage of together just like what I did with my sayang sayang... Huh!

But these all not affecting anything to me.. its more to share my feeling toward my situation. I am so be able to cope with this matter and very well accepting the situation.. It just I need a luahan rasa about what had been hidden inside...

Hah! This is my new house now... I'll make it it harmony, suitable and peace to all the residents inside so that I can call "RUMAHKU SYURGAKU" ;)

August 21, 2011

After all...

Hye guys! Phew.. Now I had chance to have blog new update. Seriously life getting busy with job and double extra with hanging out with friends... Yeah since got new friends kan! eh eh not too new but good enough to said spend a lil bit time to mingle with..

Seriously, i'm running for time, i'm escaping from commitment but I still trap in the middle... Well this is we called life.. If there is a chance to stay free then grab it but when it turn to be very busy I just go through it.. I don't say I stuck with these all matters but I prefer to say I am going this well with patience!

So, alhamdulillah everything goes well and honestly there is a lot of things waiting further... So I need to prepare for any inconvenience but I pray that it is not hard as I can handle it..

Well just wanna make my job fun and waiting for one to come back and have a better relation with him...


August 10, 2011

Di sebalik...

Walaupun dalam kedukaan, Allah masih kurniakan kebahagiaan

August 8, 2011


bad news is kene lapor diri 17 Ogos 2011..sedangkan setuju hari tue 5 Sept 2011....
habisla cuti raya nie!!!!!


August 7, 2011

Malam Minggu

entry nie takde kene mengena dengan aktiviti pada malam minggu ini. cuma ia ditulis pada malam minggu sahaja.....

act takde pe yang penting untuk dikongsi cuma terasa nak tulis:...

1. rindu nak balik kg
2. rindu family
3. rindu sayang sayang
4. rindu kawan kawan masa kat uitm n sekolah
5. rindu kamu
6. perasaan berbelah bahagi
7. banyak barang yang nak di pack *mood: malas*
8. takde mood n semangat nak bekerja
9. belum bersedia untuk ke tempat baru
10. rasa sangat2 rindu pada kamu (again!)

August 6, 2011


Khas Puisi Untukmu Pelayar Cinta

Ini adalah bait kata kata yang aku kirimkan melalui jiwaku yang dipenuhi kesedihan kepada sebuah jiwa yang lain.

Sesungguhnya kau telah berjaya mencuri kotak hatiku dan menemukan cinta dalam jiwaku.

Kau ibarat pencuri yang meraikan kejayaan setelah berhasil mendapatkan kunci untuk membuka kotak hatiku.

Sungguhpun kau ibarat awan yang datangnya di siang hari dan hilangnya di langit malam. Namun, di sebalik langit gelap yang kau selindungi, kau masih memerhati dan bila tiba masanya kau datang kembali.

Rindumu padaku bagai bintang yang menghiasi malam-malam terindahmu. Hanya pada langit mendung dan malam terpilih bisa kau pancarkan cahaya rindumu.

Cintaku buatmu ibarat burung burung yang terbang menhiasi langit
Cintaku buatmu ibarat awan yang tidak akan terpisah pada langitnya
Cintaku buatmu ibarat air yang mengalir di lautan
Cintaku buatmu ibarat doa yang tidak pernah putus pada Tuhanku
Cintaku buatmu ibarat puisi bersama baitnya
Cintaku buatmu seluas dunia yang tidak mampu aku jejaki

Cintamu adalah cinta hakiki
Cintamu membutakan nafsuku
Cintamu mendekatkan aku pada Tuhanku
Cintamu membawaku pada sujudku
Cintamu melihatkan aku pada kelemahanku
Cintamu meletakkan aku disisi Maha Esa
Cintamu menghidupkan jiwaku

Namun, jalan cinta sejati hanya dapat ditempuhi oleh mereka yang bersiap sedia melupakan diri mereka.
Demi cinta, kesetiaan harus dibayar dengan darah dari jantung kita,
Dari ketenangan jiwa kita.

Jika tidak, cinta kita tidak bererti apa apa.
Maka, biarkanlah cinta kita menjadi pelindung rahsia rahsia kita.
Biarkan kesengsaraan yang dibawa oleh cinta membelah jiwa.

Marilah kita berjalan menuju kepada Nya
Mengadap dan bersujud.
Memalingkan wajah kepada Nya
Memberikan segala jiwa kepada Nya
Dengan membawa cinta sejati yang tidak akan pernah mati.
Kerana cinta buatNya
Kekal Abadi.

Salam dari,
Perindu Setia

(inspirasi dari KITAB CINTA- puisi ini adalah gubahan dari puisi dalam KITAB CINTA)

Taubat Seorang Hamba HD

August 3, 2011

Taubat Seorang Hamba

Hati hiba mengenangkan dosa2 yg ku lakukan,
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa,
Terima taubat hamba berdosa...

Ku akui kelemahan diri,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah Terimalh terimalah.....
Taubatku ini.....

Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan,
Kerana hilang dari jalan menuju redhaMu ya Tuhan.
[ Lyrics from: ]
Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah terimalah terimalah...
Taubatku ini...

Di hamparan ini ku meminta moga taubatku diterima...

Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah terimalah terimalah....
Taubatku ini...

Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah terimalah terimalah..
Taubatku ini...

- Irsyadee ft Hafiz