olla....happy happy holiday...its another 3 days before 2010 end...everything is getting new...new year, new day, new class, new wish and very new new new one......so do my sister...she's going to start a new school day. just now, i was companies her to school to buy a book. since she is alone so i went to school with her plus just wanna see my school after 5 years left the high school time..... it getting much changes around school but still keep in mind all the memories during high school with friends and teachers.
still can imagine how i sit at the place with friends, how teachers taught us and people walk at the sidewalk...so much things come back in mind....i miss that moment!!miss where the nerd girl holding a few techs books with carry a heavy bag..... act i'm not really nerd at all, just a smart girl pretend to be cool but act not cos she is messed with much homework and thinking of successful but still have a good time with friends and time for her leisure........
as my sister finish bought her books we just walk around and taking a few pictures to keep in my folder so it will be remain and will be memories for me. its was a really mean school for me. kisah suka duka bersama rakan rakan tercinta. ada yang masih kekal berkawan till now and ada yang separated. its also the place yang banyak beri ruang kehidupan baru sehingga mencapai kejayaan.. yes it is!!!

~ walkway to class, does it look peace??kalau musim bunga lagi best sebab pokok tu akan mengeluarkan bunga kaler purple..cam pokok sakura..memang cantik~

~tempat assembly dulu...ingat lagi kalau lambat kene denda kat atas stage tu....luckily i never late~

~bilik kaunselor temapt selalu aku lepak bukan sebab masalah disiplin ea, tapi sebab nak tip2 tuk berjaya~

~kantin sekolah. tempat menjadi perbincangan kitorang sebelum membeli makanan~

~kolam ikan kat taman herba, tempat kitorang ponteng extra kelas matematik tambahan & kelas ustaz..hehehehhe~

~pondok untuk study group, since dari PMR sampai SPM, niela port study group kitorang..still same like 5 years ago~

~dewan peperiksaan masa PMR and SPM~

~taman herba, tempat usha2 abang abang kejuruteraan masa rehat..hehehhehe...tapi rasenya dorang sume dah kawin kot~

~its so truth..~
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