Breakfast in Sri Siakap with my best buddies tikah and dear kak dila...We are having good meals lontong and entertained by Mas Idayu Cintaku 100% in Sinar...hahahhaha..
Its really chill to have that song as our background music and remind me on my day at house when weekend. I used to choose dangdut genre to be my karaoke song..Its pretty good hah rather than you choose siti nurhaliza or ella or misha omar or rihanna to sing it at loud need lots of energy and need to get the feel and get good voice and prepare for the high note...I dont like it since I dont really have a good voice and dont have energy to sing the songs with the full note and good vocal...
Some of my friends said why do you like dangdut? What do you see in dangdut and dangdut looks like ergh```Seem like dangdut was Kuno and kolot and people who like dangdut like kampung2 style~~~I dont know that, it was their opinion and some of them have their on opinion which is more to negative thinking about dangdut..Is that because dangdut is usually related to the gelek and people who sing the song must be sexy and show their body once they gelek....Like Inul???
Honestly for me, dangdut is not the gelek and it should not be diperlekehkan..Its a music and its universal..And even you see the lyrics its sound good,have beauty, meaningful and easy to understand because there is no metaphore or Bunga-bunga that you need to understand..Its straight to the point...The music is so calm cos its not too loud and sloww..It just nice and you will never fall asleep when listen to the song.
Once upon time, dangdut music gaining popularity among the Indonesian people and non Indonesians alike,like us in Malaysia.. We also have a few dangdut's singer like Amalina, Mas Idayu, Sheeda, Iwan and a more of them..Dangdut happy rhythm of real life getting more and more popular among kids, teenagers, adults, men and women, that means everyone of all ages. Many consider the Dangdut music to be the country's most popular music of Indonesia, where you can hear Dangdut in the unforgettable streets of the Capital Jakarta.But now in Malaysia it was not popular yet been annoyed by some people who think dangdut is kolot..This might be because we got lots of music coming from west and have new genre brought by Hollywood singer which is more to our teen taste and more to their needs...
I dont know, I do listen to Rihanna, Pitbull, Usher, Bruno mars, Lady gaga, Florida, Eminem and all the english songs and even I'm downloading all the latest english songs and got lots of the collection in my lappy...But I still listen and sing to dangdut and never see dangdut is kolot or whatever people called it in bad words....
Maybe people will think that I'm kind of obsess to dangdut..Nope!!It just I like dangdut and I just kind of weird and wonder when people keep look at me when I sing dangdut...Is it wrong..I like it!!! So who care....Everyone have their taste and thats mine...It might be kolot..I dont mind, didnt bother any of you...But for those who really hate dangdut you better try listen once and you gonna make it twice, and more and more..Do trust me....If people said I'm singing the song of dangdut and I will gelek they wrong cos it doesnt mean you need to gelek for 360 degree...It just you need to move a bit your body and get some rhythm and tap your leg on floor..Thats it!!!Its enough for you to have fun..
People....Do try it!!!!You gonna have fun and you never be tired~~~~~~
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