I LOVE My sayang sayang so much, without them my life is so empty, lonely and I think I'm not alive....huhuhuhuhuhu..They are people who always stay still whenever I need them. They are really concern, humor, kind hearted and everything that I can describe in good words....
People who I could share my story with, my happiness, my sadness, my laugh, my tears, my successful or I can say everything....
THEY ARE PRECIOUS and I couldnt find in others:-
She is the girl who always be my side whenever I feel...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu..Almost 4 years knowing her since we are studying in UiTM...Sometimes we do argue but never fight..There some feeling of no satisfaction on each other but we never feel of hating each other... We do LOVE each other....
~my dear Um@Umaira@Yat~
She is cool and kind of brutal tapi dalam hati ada taman cos between us she is more homesick and she easily get cry and I'm kind of strong..hahhahahaha...She always walk fast and always ignoring me when I was gedik2..hahahaha..But she loves me that I know...hahhahaha...
She is the girl who always company me for movie date...Miss that moment~
~my dear kak wani~
She older a year than me..I know her since we are in UiTM and we had been same house during study where we are renting the expensive house and so many things happen during that time which is teach us how to be more careful next time..She always treat me as kanak2 ribena..hahahaha..Cos I always ask her many questions and she never bored to answer me and always smiling at me...I still remember when I asked her like a 5 years old girl asking her mama.. "kenapa kita kena solat?', "apa akan jadi kalau kita tak solat?","apa itu dosa?", kenapa kita tak boleh buat macam ni?", "ada apa dengan ini?"...ahahhaha..All she do is answer with patience and never away from smiling...I love her~~
~my dear Kak Dhiah..Does she look perempuan melayu terakhir???ehhehe~
She is my room mate and like my sister...Always be my good listener, my joke, my lie, my stories, my gossip and always remind me about my solat.... She also be my victim to my non stop questions..hehehhehehe..and she always answer my questions and never forget the advices..She always make a very delicious meals when I feel lazy to cook..And I miss it!!!!!
She is cool and kind of brutal tapi dalam hati ada taman cos between us she is more homesick and she easily get cry and I'm kind of strong..hahhahahaha...She always walk fast and always ignoring me when I was gedik2..hahahaha..But she loves me that I know...hahhahaha...
She is the girl who always company me for movie date...Miss that moment~
She older a year than me..I know her since we are in UiTM and we had been same house during study where we are renting the expensive house and so many things happen during that time which is teach us how to be more careful next time..She always treat me as kanak2 ribena..hahahaha..Cos I always ask her many questions and she never bored to answer me and always smiling at me...I still remember when I asked her like a 5 years old girl asking her mama.. "kenapa kita kena solat?', "apa akan jadi kalau kita tak solat?","apa itu dosa?", kenapa kita tak boleh buat macam ni?", "ada apa dengan ini?"...ahahhaha..All she do is answer with patience and never away from smiling...I love her~~
She is my room mate and like my sister...Always be my good listener, my joke, my lie, my stories, my gossip and always remind me about my solat.... She also be my victim to my non stop questions..hehehhehehe..and she always answer my questions and never forget the advices..She always make a very delicious meals when I feel lazy to cook..And I miss it!!!!!
They are my sayang sayang and I love them so much...HUHUHUHUHUHUHU...
its so sad when leaving them to KK...I miss them a lot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
its so sad when leaving them to KK...I miss them a lot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
aish..pic i yg ngade ala2 mnje ni ak yg jd plihn u ye..haha nway, we miss u too~~~ ^__^
ReplyDeleteahhahaha...sweet tau!!!
ReplyDeletemiss u too~~~~~