What people do when bored???Some might be going out, hang out with friends and playing PS2 or watching movie or the best thing is sleep...huhuhuhuu...Me, as usual surfing the net and view a few blogs, reading news and blogging....
what is the interest reading people's blog? I dont know, some might said, it just for fun, some said wanna know what people do or just wanna spend time with it...Its from the opinion by my friends...But for me, I'm not viewing the personal blog but I prepared to view some celebrities' blog, gossip or other website which have the latest stories of celebrities and any website that have some info that I can share with my friends...And the page must not bring me to the bored and have loads of ideas or any stories that is make me feel like I want to know more and Why I dont know this??? when i'm reading it..
I do view some political issue's blog...It is not because I'm interested in politic, its only I want to know how the politic issue in our country and what is happening and who is the people in the politic...Thats it!!!I dont really jump much into the issue...It just for fun and I need some info so that if people talk about it especially when my mom and dad talk with my uncles and my aunt, so I got clue what they are talking about and I'll not be blurrr....Its really hard to follow all the political issue because everyday its going to new and new and i'm not a good follower on that stories...Since I'm getting 22 years old soon this year, I can vote for the Pilihan Raya..But I dont register my name in SPR..huhuhuhhu..Its only waiting for my mom to register me..hahahhahha..see, again my mom do it for me!!!!
Okay, back to the celebrities page..or celebrities website..This is what I always do..hahaha..Viewing the page and reading the storiea and then tell my friends and I'll become MINAH GOSSIP..hhahahah..whatever...I used to it cos my sister also is KAKI GOSSIP..but we dont tell them the stories without prove..We tell them the true stories with the pictures and all come from the page..But normally we just read for fun and just wanna find a news...That's it..
People always get wrong with people who like gossiping..Its actually a story for you and not like ngumpat2 or bad talk toward someone...If is not true then let it be in page but if it so right just tell them its right but I'm not the bad girl who telling everyone the stories about the person...It just a topic for one conversation when I gathered with my friends when we have lunch or dinner..And even in Mamak stall..We used to talk about current issue..that's all..We dont jump much to the kutuk2 orang...
Gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted. Actually there are a few purposed why people do gossip..Its either for positive or negative..Its depends on you how you bring the stories...Just read a few ideas about gossip from wikipedia based on Gossip in Christianity, Gossip in Islam and Gossip in Judaism..Its have a different thought from it..Just click and spend your time into it.
I still remember my friends told me that I was MINAH GOSSIP...Everyday when they open the office door they will see me in front lappy and reading in khusyuk...Then, sitting next to me checking out what news I'm reading it...hahahahha...
To all my friends, gossip it just for fun, you read and make it as info...And have fun..Thats it...And since I'm leaving you guys to Sabah I just drop you a few page that you can view since I'm no longer your gossiper but if you do miss me just buzz me and I entertained you..
This only a few page..I'll update soon..GTG!!Need to do my work...
PS/ spending my time in gossip only for fun and avoid bored the rest is spending with the books of knowledges and my purposeful activity..'Jangan Berfikkiran Salah Tentang Saya'
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