Again!!!!Pissed off~~~~~~~~`I'm pissed off with her, somebody that I ever mention before in my blog.....She did again...This time is really really bad and in easy word damn stupid!!!!!!
I started my day with full of peace and smiling in face, laughing till i forget my sadness, joking like I'm not stressing with my work but suddenly it change drastically because of the stupidest person and irresponsible girl who only came to work for the salary without doing anything....
Came early in the morning, she having her breakfast, and start gossiping and turn on her laptop and start log in her facebook, viewing people's blog and reading a novel....Then she started to typing words from keyboard and its continue and continue till 4.30pm....OMG~~~~
I have loads work waiting on my table..Preparing student's letter before they out for posting..I need to typing and printing..First of all, I got to print out the marking scheme to provide in each envelope.First its fine if I'm doing it alone cos I used to it...Then after finish all the printed I sending it to APM to signed it and there was a mistake where I'm not changing the date and suddenly she said "ish2...apela"..Oh my...I really pissed off!!!!!Who care????APM didnt say anything and why you need to kecoh~~~~I just ignore her!!!Did you help me???Did you come for asking me did I need help??did you care???Did you know what to do with these letter???So shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I finish my printed I'm leaving the lecturer room and went to clinic cos i got patient to look...During the session I was back to be calm and forget the things that happens just now...
Next patient is Cerebral Palsy patient which I need to work with her, we need to treat the patient together..She just sitting a side and wait until I start treating the patient...My guess!!!
doesn't matter, but the things that make me really really really really pissed off is when she said why you do this, and why dont you do like this....BLAHLA~~~~~~~~~~````
If you think you are good and you have a better skill come and do it...Dont just sit watch and said~~~~~~~~~~~BODOH!!!!!I really PISSED OFF~~~~~~~~~~~
after finish I go upstairs and continue my work...I corrected the letter and suddenly she came...And take the letter from my table and write it..Oh senang2 je suke hati dia nak amik keje yang senang!!!!!!!!!You just do something that almost done~~~~~~~~~gth.....
Then I just quiet and didnt talk to her..........
Then continue my work with finding the hospital's address, luckily MJ help me but still need to find a few....I started typing at the PC far from her and she asking me dah dapat ke alamat, alamat ape yang tak dapat lagi...while she still stay in front of her laptop and typing and keep the eyes on screen....How stupid it is...Then she came to me...Think she wants to help but hampeh!!!
Bila nak pegi makan???Dah lapar??If you want to have lunch go ahead...I'm not leaving my work like you did...If you want it going fast so help me out....But you just get back to your place and started facebooking~~~~~~~~~~~~whatever
Then when I'm cutting the paper, preparing the letters I was showing my protest by throwing the scissor, tears the papers but you didnt realize till I finish all the works....Girl I dont need you to help me but please be responsible with your work because this is your job..If you not appreciate it there is no chance waiting..You think people don't know..They watching but just silent..They talk at the back...you just dont know~~~Please help yourself~~~~~~
~I hope I didnt write about her anymore~
I'm sick of it!!!!
I'm sick of it!!!!
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