October 22, 2010

Frustration~Movie Date

Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak 2~ its just a 2 star movie for me...not really interesting, just created hard joke from the actors, not that much fun,the plot is bored!!!!! the ending was ntah ape-ape.....for me JPBC1 is much better and more fun...maybe because the other characters in 1st movie did not show up in the 2nd movie makes the movie so 'suram n xmeriah'....perhaps!!!it just from my opinion....the character that really strong is bring up by Samzy.....and Dina n others...That's much helping actually to light up the grace of the movie......
i don't know...maybe it is because i was tired during watching the movie...i fall asleep in a few action....because it keeps long for one chapter...plus, the atmosphere of the cinema....guess what????the air conditioner was vvvv cool n i'm freezing like it was snowing in the cinema....it's really2 uncomfortable and i was keep 'menguap'...omg!!!kind of waste...but i cant help it~~~~
its really crazy sleepy ma~~~~~~~~~~~~

~the ticket date with him,prove that i'm watching the movie so that i could criticizes..hahhahahahaha ~

I was really frustrated with him....huhuhuhuhu...first of all, i really thank him for agree and company me for the date...i'm really appreciate him...he is willing to drive from PJ to Tower, then pick me up then find the Mines location...Even though we are lost for a while before we get back our direction using your GPS!!!!You really cool and cheer me i guess..Then we park the car and finding the tgv...As we enter the Mines, he is searching for the cinema but i just walk straight like i know the place and suddently i said i think i don't knowla..hehehehe...and he started nagging..hahahhaha..if you don't know just say it so that we can find through the map....oooowwwooowww.....seems like somebody was getting mad....he just cool and just bring me to the right place...
At last we found it...yeayyyy...he's my hero....i think if i lost in the island with him...i still could survive...hehehehhehe...i was very embarrassed with him because of my bodoh sombong...huhuhuhuhu..lucky he just quiet....After got the ticket we got 30minutes to enter the room....hurmmm its so bored...we just standing aside and a lil talk...hurm...just asking him a lil bit questions...actually i really wanna ask him a lot of question but i don't know when we are face to face..i'm speechless...i lost my words...huhuhuhuhu...
Hurm then i was asking him to on his Bluetooth cos i wanna sending him a song that i really like...
But he did't get it...huhuhuhuhu..the i was teaching him how to send free text to others....wow i'm like a teacher who teaching my students in an extra class...hehehhehhehe...
Then we just get in to the room and started watching it....its so empty room!!!just a few people are watching it...but yet, its still cool......
My frustration with him is...started from he took me at tower until he sent me to tower was he is non stop smsing with someone...and it just not for one phone but both of it!!!i really keen to know who he is smsing with...if i can directly ask who is your smsing with???? huhuhuhu but i cant because it's your personal so i cant interrupt it...but its really make me mad and out of mood...all the movie is on, i was thinking about who he is smsing with because he still smsing even the movie still on.....hurmmm whatever!!!!!!
Till the end of the movie i feel this is not a good day and it might be a horrible day for me...Cos i need to feel sad,frustrated, been cheating and stupid!!!!!I just hope this is the first and last for us.....Maybe i should think further about this relation...Though I know that I really love him so much and neway, i couldn't live without him...Or I should take another 10 years to fade him away from my mind and kick him out from my heart~~~~~~~~~``But deep inside, I hope everything is change and give it time to heal all and make every seconds is precious and meaningful for us.....That I pray to God....
If i could do that..I'm happy like I did before..Even its hurt but its cure and there is no bitter heart and the scar is gone......

~~~I just wanna stop all my disappointment and wanna a happy ending in my life~~~

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