October 27, 2010

Anger Vs Patience

I don't know what should I feel right now.Just wanna to scream loud,slap people, hit the wall and I just wanna cry...Oh God, I pray for you for my strength to face all this. I just couldn't take all this at this moment...I need You to calm me in my doa' in every time in my solat......

I hate today!!!!Its full of anger,hating people,blaming each other,selfishness....I just don't know how to describe it in words...Its too horrible...DISASTER...People yelling at each other, blaming one to one, never think of others, hate on another~~~~and I just can watch all this drama....hurmmmmmmm....

Started my day with full of anger towards someone...Oh God, i really don't wanna have this feeling...I know you want me to help and i'm willing to do that with all of my heart...and you appreciate me..That was very nice manners...I love that!!!But the thing that make me really angry is when I'm doing my work in rush, and so 'kelam kabut n huru-hara' and you just sitting in front of me and ask me what did you do???fine~~i just answer that but did you come to me and give your help..I didn't ask but you should know because its your work too.....And I just ignore you...Then I ask you if you have pendrive so i can borrow it...You say no!!!Okey fine but could you please help me to find it...Please girl open your eyes...I need you!!!!!Don't just sit in front of your laptop and just ask me what did you do???and why you do???Come on, I don't have time to answer you and I'm not in examination to answer all your question..Its better for you to help me here rather than you keep asking me the same question that I won't answer it....Okey next when I'm getting the pendrive, I wanted to print it out...Okey I can do it myself...Just print it out and suddenly the machine was jam...And I come to you girl ask for your help...and you just go lah print out....Gurl I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!I want you to help me...I don't know how the machine works...and you just ignoring me and stay with your fb....Did you see my face that I was introuble....Did you????Of course you didn't......Okey since you not helping me, I just ask the other gurl at the other site o help me...and yes, they are very helpful and kind to me..I like them....When I'm printing it out, you still keep asking me.."okeh ke okeh ke"...gth la....If you really concern please come here and give your hand and help me don't just say it in words....You not helping me at all.....After all the work done. I wanna to send the paper and you wanna come along..I feel like...please go away~~~~~~~Then you asking me "when the salary???I need the salary now",,,I just ignore it....Did you do your work good to get your salary???Did you deserve it....
Okey just break all this....You lucky gurl cos I able to control my anger..I didn't shout you, I didn't scold you, and even i'm smiling at you and still can talk nicely.....
I don't know if you read this or not, if you do, just take this as advice and don't get into your heart and please don't ask me why again..This is for your good dear...Honestly, I didn't hate you..You are my friend and I want the best for you...Full stop...

The other girls in the office was fighting about the dinner...huhuhuhu...I don't want to talk bout this but because of this matter I realize that not everyone can be closed with and don't be to kind to others or else you will be step on your head....huhuhu..
This is happend when one of us is a bossy...Give an order and just you have to do this. and do that...Oh please....you should participate...Giving an idea is not enough than acting...I hate that....Luckily we have good girl to solve this and I salute her...Then when the day come to busy and the surround fill with people noise...somebody was yelling to the good girl..Oh my...I just quiet and try not to interrupt...huuhuhu....Its seem the war has begin....Whatever....And next I don't know what is going on...but I know it was a horrible day in the office cos of selfishness and uncooperative between them...

I just don't wanna to write it for too long...I'm tired to type yet I don't have mood to tell it here...
Just wait till tomorrow and see how it goes....
GTG...I need to get to bed early...Need to invigilate student in examination....daaaaaaaa~~~~

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