I just review my old folder in my pendrive...Wow got lot of pictures during my study in UiTM and my practical in hospitals.....All the pictures remind me to all the memories during clinical posting....There is a lot of happiness, sadness, memorable, unforgettable, and yet its still playing in mind when I start thinking bout it...
Then i realized here that I never been with the same person on my clinical posting. Each my clinical posting is with different people in my class....I don't know why, did I don't have any Good friends???Or I been hated by people??? Hurmmm....Nope!!!!Actually I'm choosing not to be with the same person on each of my clinical posting....wonder why??I don't know...Maybe I wanted to be With different people to be with or I am kind of bored with same person...ahhahahhhah...Joke!!!!
It just i need new and fresh environment with the different characters so that its not annoyed me and i'm not been annoyed to others....
~Kangar practical...do I look like 14 years old~
I still remember my first practical was in Kangar Hospital which is same hospital with my mom and dad work at....i choose to stay at Kangar cos i want to be closed with them cos I was homesick!!!!Yela that was my first time rite......There is not much interesting in the hospital...it just I couldn't forgot the new therapist came to the hospital and I was bullied him yet I admirer him...hahahahhahha.....Just forget about it...It just for fun.Well when we are in the place that bring a lot of stress all you need is this..hehehehehhe..(gelak gatal) to encourage you to never give up till the end and make you survive at any situation you are....
My second practical was in Malacca hospital...All I can say is Hell!!!!!!I hate this place....Friends is good, work,appointment,patients they all nice......The only one is the therapist....She is a Demon hahahhahahhahahah......I hate her till the end of my life (hope God open my heart to forgive her)...She didn't teach, she didn'et treat, she is not occupied, she is useless, she's bad!!!!!!All she do when she came to hospital is just gossiping and have chat, scolded people and just acted like she is pretty....OMG!!!!!!how much I hate her and I almost said that one day something bad deserved for you...How bad I am....I don't care, because she almost makes me failed in my practical..She makes me cried all night thinking of tomorrow...She makes my life in sorrow...She makes my heart hurt.....I hate her till I telling all my friend that she is th bad person ever in this world......Go to hell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Raya celebration in hosp...That was fun~
Then I been posted in HUKM...for my psychiatric area.....This is the best practical so far.....Lots of fun and happiness....Got my best buddies Aida n fatime...They are so fun!!!cheers, sexy and stylish...They taught me about fashion, about make up, about up to date and brand....hahhahhahaha.......and I miss the moment....And they are the people who share my stories, my happiness, my sadness, we laugh, we cried all together...There is no distance...Cos we need each other...I still remember me and Aida was practicing our Aerobic preparing for morning exercise with my patients in ward....I cant forget that!!!!!I can saw the patient during the aerobic...some are dancing, some was kung fu, some was been dreaming and some was rounding around....its really fun!!!!but yet its tired!!!hahhahahhaha.....
~With HTAR therapist..last day...lovely~
Lastly is my 3 months practical was in HTAR(hosp tengku ampuan rahimah) klang....it was very unforgettable....A lot of things happend and lots of memories that teach me bout life...hurm...first that I never forget is I was admiring by someone....she follow me all the way I go..omg!!!and even in the department...she is my psy patient...she was 31years old...she diagnosed as Bipolar Mood Disorder...hurm...she so sweet,pretty and have a good eyes...She said she likes me...She said she falling with me...crazy ar.....follow me everywhere I go and one I never forget is when in the cafe she was wearing sunglasses, shawl and coat, and the belt was open..hahahhaha ....and that time all the people was watching at us....Its really embarrassing me!!!!Oh no......then one day somebody calls me and wanted to talk but then I realized that was her and I just lying and said you got a wrong person...Start from that I just ignore her call and text...But she still keep smsing and calling me...I was wonder where did she got my number....Its in my book on the table...Oh my careless....till now she still send me sms and further mms...whatever...I just ignore her....
Then the memorable was when i was in commuter with my best buddies Aida and Um....There is someone was staring at me...Its Indian boy....He keep staring me when we at first station in Midvalley and last station in Klang....I am afraid!!!Did I did something wrong to him or do I look something wrong???Hurm when i'm out from the commuter, i was waiting my friends at the counter ticket then suddenly the guy come to me..oh No!!!what he want to do...did he wants to slap me???Did he wants to shoot me???and finally he said "mata you cantikla" I was blur and speechless...and sudden i'm dumb...till in the taxi we keep staring each other....hahahahhaha.....that was r eally unforgettable....
Dinner with the guy as a doctor was really memorable..He is a good friend..He is the person can share everything...His name is Dr Faris....but he is married....He really good when spoke...Ok break it!!!!!
Last but not least is the first and last day I met my friend Wafi....We did plan to have holiday together but since we got fight it just disappear....whatever!!!!I just pray for happiness and I never hope that we will be friend....
That was a year ago....Now I have a new life, new environment, new friends, new click....and the most important thing I got new someone that I need to care about....Hope my life now will be better than before....
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