Just finish my Asar and clear all my clothes on my bed...It supposed yesterday that I should to fold but cos of the lazy sunday mood so I just let on my bed...hahahahaha....Lazy girl!!!!But I'm clear it up now...
I missed Chinta...I follow all the episodes but today i cant watch the series...Its all because the husband...eh eh not mind la but my housemate's husband.He came last night and stay here for 2 days...So I need to get in to my crib....hahahahhaha...Cos he stays outside and watch tv...I hate that!!!Once again there is no freedom...And I'm hungry now.......
Oh no please go away!!!!!!!
Hurm hope today is not the last episode so that I still can watch it.....I like Fasha Sandha in acting...Wow!!!!I don't care if people hate her...She still human being what...still make mistake...
I didn't say I love her...I just like her acting Thats it!!!Whatever she do is her personal life...I don't know her well..I never talk to her and never see her face to face. So why should I hate her....As long as she can acted as good its fine for me...Just because of the gossip so you can judge her...Come on!!!!!!!!We don't know the truth...Maybe someone trying to drop her down...Who knows....So don't listen to the gossip...Or the best thing is don't hate people...Just care about yourself and your life...daaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~
While waiting the Chinta done I just posted my status on my fb~~~~
"I'm hungry and I guess I'll starving the whole nite~~~~~huhuhuhuhuhu.....
And suddenly my housemate read it and reply on chat 'kesian lapar ea' tak pe2, akak nak kuar jap g, nanti makanla akak ade masak kan nasi and lauk orang berpantang' hahahhahahhahahha......
She knew it!!!!OMG...malunyer~~~~~~~~~~~~But its Ok..At least she knows my situation..huhuhuhuhuhu.....
Ok GTG....need to do my magrib first......Its almost 8pm...Isyak will coming plak nanti~~~~~~~~`
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