What the #%%^^ hahahhahaha......
I'm so bored!!!!!Just finish my dinner and its not really good dinner as the taste is 'lembik' n not tasty....hhuhuhuhuhuhu...the bad char kuey teow i ever eat.....I bought at stall around office and keep the char kuey teow for an hour...hahahhahahhaha.....busy meh~~~~~

~i'm looking as good as this~
Right now i was crave to have pulut panggang, murtabak, tepung pelita, kochi n i miss all the food...I was vvv good in food and i'm an eater...hahhahhahahha...I like to eat and it absolutely rite and i'm not denied it....Its one of the graceful of world~~Those who are choosy and skip the dish let me tell you that you are in loss.....
Lets viewing a few dishes that i really crave to~

~yummy yummy~
Oh no, sudden I miss my mom's cooked....Almost 2 months I didn't eat mom's cooked and i miss it......
I like Kampung style and western are the last from my list and fast food is one of my favorite...hhahahhahahha..no wonder i'm full of fat....hehhehehehhe....
~does it heaven???~

I like petai...I know some of you doesn't especially gurl cos its smelly and bitter and its not cool and look kampung and kolot...what the....I don't care...i like it and i wanna it!!!!!!I still remember when my Tok Wan came to my house and brought berpapan2 petai...There i can see my Abah face look very happy ang smiling cos he likes petai so much.....hurmmm since like so many many petai in the ktchen so i decided to cook the petai...and guess what, i actually don't know how to cook it!!!brilliant hah~~~~so make it try and error in the mom's kitchen, alone and preparing for the dish....Start cooking the dish with very hard ting tong and cincai and full of mess...Keep adding salt and sugar plus water cos the sambal was dried on pans....At last,taraaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!my sambal petai done!!!!its so delicious and my parents like it...yeaaaaaaaayyyyyy finally i can cook....
And since that day i'm a super and iron chef...hahhahahhahha....i'm still learning...I like cooking and eating......Hope one day i will be like chef wan,jamie oliver,nigella who is very good and versatile.....hahhaha..again i'm a dreamer~~~~
I already made my home made dish......The one that is memorable to my friends and my students is......
~My kek batik~

~just making it by reading the recipe and mom's guidance~
I'll make a list to my mom soon before i'm home....hahhahahhaha.....
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