June 28, 2011

I don't want to grow up!

Alhamdulillah..I'm having a great work at the same time a wonderful holiday at home... Really really heaven!!! Seems like it flashing back on a few years back at the time I was studying at secondary school.... Mom woke up early about 5.00am, prepared for breakfast, knocked our door wake us up to get bath and *solat*... Preparing for our *bekal* and a bit nagging to us to catch up time to avoid traffic... Oh I miss all the moment and it happen again!!!! Seriously, I miss my teenagers life!

Although I'm not that old and still in group of *remaja* but the memories of sweet sweet time during school had been left quite long.... 6 years I think.. Oh my!!!! See see, how quick time right? Tak sedar kita telah meninggalkan masa yang sangat berharga!!!!!!!!!! In fact, that was the best moment ever.. Having friends around, teachers never scolded you for hoping you as the best among others... Never think about money cos your parents will give you whatever you need, never worried about food cos your parents will feed you every favorite that you like... Everything is so perfect...

But, its all left behind.... We all grown older, many things happen and we are moving to a new life that there are more challenges and independent needed!!!!! No more mom around, no more dad pampered... no best friend in laugh... Its all about being yourself!!!!

And, when time we had surround them, we should appreciate most!! Not only the time but the people themselves... I miss them a lot!!! I miss the moment where I grown up!!! I miss all of the things in my life.... Those memories was so priceless and I thank God for giving me a good health and a strong memory to keep in tight!!!

I realized that future is more adventure, more challenging...I don't know what waiting in future but how if past still the best thing that I couldn't let it go.... Then I remembered what dad always told me... "We are not forget the past! We don't have to let the past go! Just look forward and make your past as your best teacher and you still had both"

The words still in my mind.. and I knew, no matter how I grow, I still a child of mom and dad.... LOVE you BOTH MOM and DAD....

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