A word as the opposite of joy and happiness. It is expressing feeling of pain and hurt to the heart. There was a sorrow and sadness inside where no one knows how suffer it is till its killing the soul.
Cry! Ain't it obviously to happen? I am! I am! I am! and I don't know how to stop. I can't find way to smile. I am definitely in weeping and wailing to the tragic history of love.
Again! its breaking it as it called *broken heart*
I rather stay behind and keep crying than telling you how I felt now. I hate to be like this!
Stay alone and away from support and motivation are really hard. :(
Give me the *Strong Me* back! I wanna it back!!!!
I'm thinking! Allah hates people who always give up and didn't accept Qada' and Qadr... Why are you forget Him? Why are you crying? You shouldn't be... Ain't you think that?
Make a doa. He will listen and help out no matter how trouble you. Just make a doa! Trust Him for all your heart and soul! Tawakal and Redha was the peace of your heart.
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