December 26, 2011


Home where my heart can be bloom.
I miss my mama's smile
I miss my abah's laugh
I miss quarrel with the sisters
I miss home so badly

The bond we had this whole life never break apart though we were distance away from each other and left the day busy with marrying work and commitment.
one thing i realized was, this distance make our love more stronger than ever.

Tonight I am here lush and warm on bed. my own bed. the bed where I grown up with tears and full of nostalgic. I miss this room.

yesterday, when I am home, mom was the one who really happy to see me. She cook everything on my favourite and dad was the busier one who finding my needs even i don't really desperate to have it at that time.

how lucky I am to have them in my life.

when I am home, mom told me she had cake for my birthday. Oh! MY BELATED BIRTHDAY! she still wanna celebrate the day with me though it's been a week. Mom always make me feel guilt!

That is why I love them so much! this is my love. 
my endless love

December 25, 2011


I'm freaking out!

when he didn't reply me any email for the whole day after telling me he got sick! seriously i am so worried!

Huh! you make my heart skip a beat!

you finally sent me back, but you still hold the pain. I pray you, i pray your health and safe.

May Allah watch over you. ameen

December 20, 2011

Jika kau.

I am very doubtful!

Once in my life time, I am upset with myself. I didn’t have any intention to hurt anyone and I am not too cruel to break any heart. I know this is such a silly matter for people out there. Some of you used to this but for me, I was the one who feel guilt.

I am sorry for you for not taking you back in my heart. I have one I love most and it never changes till He said ‘he is not for me”.

Percayalah pada jodoh, jika Dia kata kaulah jodoh aku, maka tak perlulah kau ragu!

December 18, 2011

On options

Last time when my friend told she felt terrible and sobbing in heart I had been told by soul to pray her for released and hope she meet her way to reach the peace and ‘redha’. Insya’Allah. May Allah with her like she always with Him.

Once, I think why He gave us this kind of feeling and put us in the confused stage to choose and dumb thinking the way to make things go right. Subhanallah. He had His reason by doing so! I read a lot about redha (acceptance) and tawakal (trusts) and I asked myself “did I personally sincere with this redha and tawakal?” or I only His slave who just wait without an effort to change to a better way. Perhaps I know I have no power to change anything that He plans for me but at least I should know that pray and tawakal its not the only way without bring an effort of corrected the situation. He loves people to work for truth and sincere because the ‘nawaitu’ (intention) is for Him. Then, accept the Qada’ and Qadar’ from what He had wrote earlier for us. Believe in Him! What had been written was our fate and redha is glorious from Him.

Forget of blaming self if we stuck in thousand problems. No No No! he won’t let us give up and burden us with those problems but look into positive side and ask self “why He give me this kind of trials?” and stop saying “why I am the chosen one?” and fade this from mind “am I too bad to be this worse?”. Instead, try to get self calm and come back to Him, read His words of Al-Quran and recite the Doa in every ‘solat’ (pray) and He will light you with a guidance that you need but if you don’t, never stop and give up cos He want to know how patience and determine you on pray to Him or He wanted you to get more closer to Him as we had neglect Him before for the ‘duniawi’ (worldly).

Or, this is for a mental test on how you use wisely your mind in choosing way by never put Him aside.

You may use the power of one two jus!
Or you may also throw a dice!

Anything! As long as based on His rules and it won’t trouble you. You able to chose because He always give you the options you need but you the only one who decide which one to take.

Remember! Like you had options in travel, you may ‘solat’ in two jamak (taqdim or takhir). But why we still leave the ‘solat’ though we had so many options. We broke the leg, we said “I am not going to solat because I cannot stand” why this kind of words pop out from mind while we able to solat in sitting. Anyway, everything comes from heart and ‘nawaitu’ (intention). If you think is all about being with Him so you will never give an excuses!
Yesterday, trouble comes and we totally lost! We believe that there is no way to go, no solution for the problems and no any other things can help. We frown sad and cry sobbing on these. Why this happen?

Because we forget to seek His protection!
Because we only concentrate for our heart! (Without refer to Allah)
Because we never try to push self to make effort!
Because we put our self joined deep to the matter and reluctant to leave (because maybe person who participate is ours)

Make a move on. Leave things that should be leave and make a new chapter of book. You will be able to write a better story in a book. Same with the trouble, let go and beat the trouble and create a better situation! Pray to Him for your protection and ‘petunjuk’ (guidance) then He will help you!

Firman Allah Taala: (Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 195) Ertinya:
Dan belanjakan ( apa yang ada pada kamu ) kerana ( menegakkan ) Agama Allah. Dan janganlah kamu sengaja mencampakkan diri ke dalam bahaya kebinasaan (dengan sikap bakhil) dan perbaikilah ( dengan sebaik-baiknya segala usaha dan ) perbuatan kamu, kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berusaha supaya baik amalannya.

The last thing before I end, I believe in any matter that happen to me is must be something good will comes in future. It just His trials to every His slave because He wants us to know how to be Syukur and Taubat! And put this in your mind “Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNya dengan ujian yang tidak dapat dia hadapi tetapi segala ujian yang Dia berikan adalah untuk menguatkan lagi hambaNya dan mendekatkan hambaNya yang leka kepadaNya. Wallahualam.”

To my friend Atikah, start to wipe your tears and keep strong! Allah sayang pada hambaNya yang sentiasa kuat dan redha pada ujian Nya dan tawakallah dengan Nya. Sesungguhnya He is Glorious! He Almighty!


p/s: sincere from heart… dieba

December 17, 2011

Before another two weeks

I realized this few weeks I had no time to update so much entry since bounding with assignment and few test. Seriously, i am mentally tired combined with work and report. Every day I died on bed after come back from work. And the best part was I had to stay up till 2 am finish my test and wake up in the morning at 6am while head spinning and black eyes gift for the next day.

Almost complete this semester before i face the final exam and i am pretty sure i was doubt and not ready to go through for the papers. Seriously! sigh...

but, i still had strength which is parents and love who always encourage me in their doa. also, friends who always support at my back no matter how stress i am in the midst of finishing the assignment and struggling for the test. its amazing, when i was down and about to give up,thing go change as i got the brave to fight this bad feeling. Maybe He is the One who helps since He knows my determination and He said "its not your time to give up" and He give me the way and make everything easier.

Now, we getting to the end of December. its mean another 2 weeks before we leave 2011. How fast time flies! I have been in this blog for about one and half year and I had wrote a lot. about the feeling, life, happiness and sharing! Again, I waiting to welcome 2012.

2011 was the year I feel reluctant to leave. so much things happen within this period. bad and good was here and i take good and leave bad behind. this year taught me a lot and I learnt to be a traveler of life. I travel a lot this year and I am travelling alone. Seriously! I am not as brave as I could. I am just a spoiled girl who always depending to parents and now become an independent girl try to survive at a strange place that i never been. and I able to survive. Like I said, when it come to responsible, nothing can deny it! its because of work, i travel a lot and when the time i feel give up on my job, the thing in mind was thinking of quit and go back hometown. but, I chose Him by make a doa, and soon He reply me with news from the place that I really wanted to go. and alhamdulillah.

Dec 7, date I was born 23 years back. Friends was wishing me from a message to a post. some forget my birthday, but i don't mind, it is because nothing more important to my birthday rather than their business. I understood! And what most important MOM and sisters always remember and doa for me! and I thank Him for giving me another day to breath!

today, I went to a picnic with friends. I still able to swim and i still able to laugh and stay alive with friends. I thank Him for give me another chance.

tomorrow, next day and further, i pray Him for my life and keep alive cos i had a lot more plan as He is the One who will give the way.

another 2 weeks, it's before leave 2011, I wish and wish, there is a happy moment that I wait for long ago. and hope if its the best for me, and that was His plan, I am redha (accepted).

December 12, 2011


hatiku merajuk!
Tuhan tenangkanlah aku
berilah aku redha Mu
bawalah aku dengan petunjuk Mu
ciptakan senyuman dalam jiwaku
bukalah haluan pada nuraniku
peliharalah imanku
tetapkanlah hatiku
pada Mu Tuhanku

December 5, 2011

Perasaan itu...


December 4, 2011

a thousand years

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
Watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

In a while... please turn back!

its already 1am. Sunday morning, but I still awake and at this time they are having a beautiful night huh! suddenly think of past!

I miss my childhood life!
I miss my early teenage life!
I miss my nerd student life!
I miss being a little girl!
I miss everything in my past!

If I can turn back time to all the best moment huh! Impossible. But anyway I still thank Him for letting me alive.

Dear December, the last month over 2011. You are everything in this period of month!and for all special day are on my list! Soon, you gonna make us leave 2011 for a happy and sad moment to left behind.. Too fast too leave but too excited to welcome 2012.

Hurm.. hope 2012 will be better than what I had in 2011. InsyaAllah....


December 2, 2011

A reminder through words

Just have a chance to write a new post. Actually I have been so tired since 'Family Day' in Langkawi a few days back. So the energy to build an idea and fingers to move rested for a while.

Okay, I just view some of the comments left by the visitors. Thanks to them for reading my blog and even understood what I'm trying to convey to others. Its part of sharing towards people on life and my experienced.

So, I have point my eyes to one of the comments that told me to promote my blog so I won't stand on my own world or in the other words called "syok sendiri". emmm

Its quite difficult to tell you guys why I am not doing that! Honestly, I ever thought to do the same like the visitor told me, but I can't and every time I try to do so, I was like, why should I? It just a post about my thought, my life, my day, my misery and my mistakes! Should public know? and maybe why should I posted all this? emmmm -garu kepala-

I have no answer! I just like to write cos I don't know to express my thought and feeling to others especially when come to the heart feeling! So here I am! to be a writer for my day.

All the entries was part of what I felt and to share with others is a pleasure from me! Any post that I wrote to remind me about Life, Him and Acceptance! for those who find my blog and read very clearly, you bring me to a pleasure to share together and take it as information which is maybe you find it as a better sight. Perhaps!

Another one, my writing not so good to let people read! I still need something to make all clear and better so people will feel happy to visit here.

This is my story! the words I wrote to remind me about Him, Life and Death! At this moment, lets the blog to be mine and for a lucky visitor who read and feel it inside after reading! :)

anyway, dear visitor, thanks for the comment! appreciate you most and hope you will visit again.

November 19, 2011


Tonight I'm gonna be an *ulat buku*
Good luck for test and presentation tomorrow!
berdebar-debar sebab dah lama tak present nie..
Duh duh duh!

Darjat is not Perfection!

nobody born to be disabling
but it doesn't mean everybody perfect!
but He is the one who set us to be what we should be
and the gift from Him
much much more appreciable

and the question is.
do we syukur (thank) for His anugerah (gift)?
do we redha (accept) for His dugaan (trials)?
do we still obey to Him?
do we only get back to Him when trouble comes?
hey, we should look back and check ourselves whether we have answer these questions right or feel guilt and doubt!

He gave us the wealth
not all of us because some living in the deprived circumstances
but have we ever thought
why He choose them to be in that circumstance?
while we enjoying the happiness and prosperity
hurmm.. Because He Almighty!
He is entitled to make decision for His creature

greatness in the life of the world
sometimes caused us to forget our own roots
and forget to syukur (thank) and sujud (bow down) Him
and make us to be as proud as arrogant to life
finally, we be hated by words and attitude

we only the weak one
He lent this world and luxury for a time He say
*I want all of this back*
sudden plunder!
we fell to earth, cry and struggling look for Him
ask for doa and taubat (returning) but we blind about agama (faith),
till we learn and we got the way,
but, He is already has His plan
He take our breath!

Allah never choose His creature from Darjat but He choose for amal and soleh.

Pada masa hayat rasulullah s.a.w, pernah terjadi pula peristiwa yang hampir sama. Seorang yang bernama Abu Zar Al-Giffari yang sedang berbincang dengan orang negro

di hadapan Rasulullah. Perbicaraan antara keduanya, rupanya semakin panas sehingga Abu Zar mengeluarkan kata-kata ‘ ya-bna-saudaa,’ yang bermaksud; Hai anak keturunan kulit hitam..

Maka ketika itu juga Rasulullah memandang Abu Zar sambil berkata ;

طف الصاع! طف الصاع! ليس لابن البيضاء علي ابن السؤداء فضلا الا بعمل صالح

Ertinya;’ keterlaluan, keterlaluan..tidak ada kelebihan kulit putih atas keturunan kulit hitam kecuali dengan amal yang soleh.’’

Firman Allah:

يايها الناس اناس انا حلقنكم من ذكر وانثي وجعلنكم شعوبا وقبا ئل لتعارفواج ان اكرمكم عند الله اتقكمج ان لله عليم حبير ﴿31﴾

Ertinya: wahai manusia, sesungguhnya kami jadikan kamu dari lelaki dan wanita, dan kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku, supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia dalam pandangan Allah ialah mereka yang paling takwa diantara kamu (Al-Hujurat;13)

November 15, 2011


Here something I wanna share with you guys. A blogger had posted this in her entry which I am really so into every her stories and always waiting for her post. This entry much more meant for me as I read it just now after back from work. so, lets you guys out there read to hers.

strengthening our keyakinan (assurance) in His Plans.
strengthening our tawakkal (trust) in His Plans.
strengthening our iman,
for it's the only thing we're bringing back with us in the Afterlife.

when i feel down and low, or when i feel lost at times for the things that i'm doing, my Abah+Mama kept on reminding me that i should keep doing my job; which is to put my best effort forward; in anything that i do. and the truth is, the only thing that we can measure relatively is just our efforts. and the rest? it is for Him to decide. all the endpoints are in His Hands. all the stories of how our life will proceed are all in His Plans. trust Him, i think that's what He wanted most from us.

untuk awak,
jangan sedih. Allah is actually giving you something that you need. it may not be exactly something that you want for your medical degree, but something that you need for your Afterlife degree. when on That Day, you were given a scroll to enter His Jannah; for your patience, for your effort, for your trust in Him while facing this small ordeal. ameen :)

at 17, i once faced some similar ordeal. when i didn't get something that i really want. but He Gave me something that i need first; which is my trust in Him. and once it was all over, when i even decided to let go of the thing that i want, He suddenly gave it to me. sweet tak? looking back, alhamdulillah is all i can say. He gave me what i need first before giving me what i want. :)

so trust Him, He has His ways of doing things. insyaAllah.

or u may go through her blog above with title *fix you*

November 13, 2011

I called them the Geri's .

A week back when I treated one of my patient, there is something that remind me on her till now and I smile remembering that moment.

Before, I am in charge for a Geriatric ward! So, hey its kind of a big challenge for me as I need a lot of patience to be in the elderly life! But, at the same time, its a huge chance for me to know what life meant.

As I could see from their life not so details but a tiny tiny sight, some of them get a happy moment but some of them are really suffer in the last breath cos they were in lonely moment, in a pain, in a breathless and anxious for no one to company.

Truth! You should see most of them left by their children and stay in a terrible conditions without anyone come to pamper them, to calm them, to hold their hands, to give a smile, to talk to them, to look for their pain! No one! not even a child out of 10 of them!

I remember one of patient, a Chinese grams. She was so thin, bed bound, lying all the time, not even a single move, very not viable. She was alone. All the time. She's been referred to me for an exercise! Hey, I couldn't do much since her conditions not allowed me to do more than I could do towards other patient.

But, I still come to her every day, give her a massage, hold her hand and talk to her though i know she won't be able to reply me. But that day, I saw, I saw she's cried! I don't know, was it because of pain or what? Then, I came to her the next day, I just hold her hand and talk to her. Again, she's crying! Now I know, she miss one who holding her hand. Then, I kept visiting her till she was discharged!

and, this is a story about other Geri's who make me laugh and I think its a good joke from her without I realized that was so meant and klise.

I called her grams and one day when we do some table activity, there was a one guy who was the physiotherapist ask her.

Mr. P: you look so beautiful even you in 90's.. is there any secrets? is it ulam ke, jamu ke?
Grams: haha.. thank you. but nothing secret. Just amal ibadah! (deeds)

Daa.. don't you think its funny cos she was make a sarcasm! But for me she was not meant too. she was saying the right thing! hah! That was a good answer from grams to the young man who still make a journey in the life called world!

Actually, a lot of best moment during my work. it just some of them. I tell you guys, I'm getting to like this place.

Its not only about people but the experienced especially when come to a death! Its remind me every day you could die at any time as He decide for us!


Not much things to update!
bored bored! as usual post on every Sunday!


everyone go out and have fun but I just sitting here in front lappy finishing the assignment, again!
but yet it never done..

so continue with lifetime movie. guess what? I'm taking a whole day to finish one movie. duh...hahaha seriously, continuously pause and play.. shuuh!!

hee... then continue the assignment and stop for a while as I continue cooking then makan2...

then, getting bored with movie shifted to the book I bought a few months ago, *House Rules*. It was at the best part of the novel as I am busy to finish up the work. OH Noe! seriously bad!

ookay, got a go..

happy weekend all.. wink wink..

Believe in you

things in head stuck
searching for a way out
the options to flee
but seems never appear

hand shaking and eyes watering
the heart beat go faster
as it try to spit out
and the ears was deaf

trying to escape from a bitter bitter harder
the tears come out
quiet and dumb

a voice from anywhere that couldn't be recognize
told to be stronger than you could be
ask to raise hand
and remember your Higher

hands up and make a doa
and the soul calmed..
stand with own feet and fight back
what stuck inside was been erase

by heart and help from him
and believe in you
in any matter you are
cos you the only one can survive yourself

just like,
the thought:
thought today will be a beautiful sunshine
till sunset end the day
but He gave us a bless rain
with a peace wind in the air
and we still breath and alive

> He will help us as we try to help our self. Believe in you, Believe in Him!

November 12, 2011

Wish you were here

I can be tough, I can be strongBut with you, it's not like that at allThere's a girl that gives a shitBehind this wall, you just walk through it
And I remember all those crazy things you saidYou left them running though my headYou're always there, you're everywhereBut right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we didDidn't think about it, just went with itYou're always there, you're everywhereBut right now I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you here, here, hereI wish you were hereDamn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you near, near, nearI wish you were here
I love the way you areIt's who I am, don't have to try hardWe always say, say it like it isAnd the truth is that I really miss
All those crazy things you saidYou left them running though my headYou're always there, you're everywhereBut right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we didDidn't think about it, just went with itYou're always there, you're everywhereBut right now I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you here, here, hereI wish you were hereDamn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you near, near, nearI wish you were here
No, I don't wanna let go, I just wanna let you knowThat I never wanna let go, let go, oh, ohNo, I don't wanna let go, I just wanna let you knowThat I never wanna let go, let go, let go, let goLet go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let goLet go, let go, let go
Damn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you here, here, hereI wish you were hereDamn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you near, near, nearI wish you were here
Damn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you here, here, hereI wish you were hereDamn, damn, damnWhat I'd do to have you near, near, nearI wish you were hereavril lavigne

Aspie's Dream

Forget the socialization,
forget the fun,
forget the entertainment,
forget the therapy

I'm isolated from others
become a social withdrawal
I'm a lonely

I need I need
to be alone

cos I'm in the midst of settle down
a bundle of assignment!

November 10, 2011

Menanti Sebuah Jawaban

Aku tak bisa luluhkan hatimu
Dan aku tak bisa menyentuh cintamu
Seiring jejak kakiku bergetar
Aku tlah terpaku oleh cintamu
Menelusup hariku dengan harapan
Namun kau masih terdiam membisu
[ Lyrics/ ]
Sepenuhnya aku...ingin memelukmu
Mendekap penuh harapan...tuk mencintaimu
Setulusnya aku...akan terus menunggu
Menanti sebuah jawaban tuk memilikimu

Betapa pilunya rindu menusuk jiwaku
Semoga kau tau isi hatiku...
Dan seiring waktu yang terus berputar
Aku masih terhanyut dalam mimpiku

Aku tak bisa luluhkan hatimu
Dan aku tak bisa menyentuh cintamu


November 7, 2011


Separuh hatiku cinta
Separuh lagi hatiku rindu
Seluruh jiwaku Kamu

November 4, 2011


will be on sleep mode for quite some times to get focus on bundle of assignment. will be update the post soon... very soon... happy raya korban all...

Kisses From Daddy's Little Girl

There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's
daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes and
I thank god for all the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all
For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
sticking little white flowers all up in her
hair; "Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."
In all that I've done wrong I know I must
have done something right to deserve a hug
every morning and butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.

But I remember
Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer; sticking
little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy, But if you
don't mind I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time."
With all that I've done wrong I must have done
something right to deserve her love every morning
and butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking and I said "I'm not
sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."
She leaned over...gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there,
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk my down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry!"

Oh, with all that I've done wrong I must have
done something right.
To deserve your love every morning and butterfly
kisses-I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.

I know I gotta let her go, but I'll always remember
every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses.

- butterfly kisses, bob carlisle -

November 3, 2011

Right Speech

Crying not a weakness
Crying was a process to get back the smile

November 2, 2011

The ears

please lend me your ears so I could tell you what I felt inside!

sob sob

October 28, 2011

Fly away

Lets start this entry with pray and bless.

Today I'm going to fly!
Just hope everything go smooth and peace
Done pack my bag, Done submit my online test which is the result was not so good.

Well I still thank Allah for letting me answer the question and just hope I'll do much better after this.

This morning, I cried for listen to a song by Bob Carlistle *Butterfly Kisses*
I touched!
Its very value song to me.
Guys, you should listen to the song!
You Must!
Then you will appreciate one most who is always pray for your life!
and I miss him a lot.

Just now, mom called me and I totally miss her so much!
we gonna lost contact for this 4 days I'm leaving.
i still pray for you both mom and dad from far there...
Okay that's enough!
Just hope everything goes well today till I'm back home and updating the next entry...


October 26, 2011

much much more

The excitement

~happy deepavali~

Today was an exhausted day! Seriously, got a lot of thing still delay.
Today should have a gather with friends before we depart to Bandung this Friday but they couldn't make it since every one had their business.
Well, what can I say. still tak tukar duit lagi, no discussion about hotel, no idea what we gonna face! totally out of mood!

Huh! Okay don't dieba don't!!!
lets start with the preparation, tonight i'm gonna choose clothes... kene pilih yang vogue2 sket so bleh pose comel2...hee tak kisah la yang penting pakai baju! n tak teroverload plak beg...

Then, kene buat list tempat2 yg perlu di pergi! repeat-- perlu di pegi bukan tempat yang nak pegi ea...yela since time is limit! 4 ari je mane cukup nak keliling semua tempat..

List done!

Then, barang2 n harga juga perlu di list! act tak tau harga barang kat sana dengan tepat, just from reading people's blog so boleh la tau sket2... Bukan ape, this is for budget so i'm not gonna spend much for something yang tak diperlukan!
and and, from reading their experienced so bolehla take note tentang safety jugak! yela kat tempat orang manela kita tau kan.. Hope di jauhkan segala yang buruk..huu

baju tak packing lagi...xpe2 mungkin lepas balik keje esok boleh sumabt sket dlm beg...
just bring a bagpack! malas nak bawak banyak2...

dah siap 2 minggu lepas lagi...hee nie yang paling penting sekali. tak de nie tak gerakla ke Bandung!

waktu solat!
dah search and take note waktu solat kat Bandung n Jakarta...
Serious awal gilerrrr.... so takdela termiss solat nanti..
bak kata Kak Dhiah. jalan jalan jugak, Dia jangan lupa ea...
Yela sebab Dia jugak la kita boleh ke sana ke mari...

Done checking just now!

Huh.. okay that's all for tonight.. will update more tomorrow or soon after back from Bandung...
Pray for my safety... ameen

October 21, 2011


urm since sekarang adalah trend pakai skirt. so i just view some of the pages and types of the skirt.. so view2 then terjumpa one blog online shop nie..memang heaven betul kalo beli kat cnie cos everything is gorgeous...

see tau.... so u guys can also view at this website k...view tau memang best.. the pop

Serious! best... act lepas tengok gambar si cantik manis Diana Amir nie la yang buatkan suke sangat kat skirt2 nie even tak bape suke pakai skirt sangat......heee

so maybe i will find some time to buy those beautiful skirt.... ;)

October 19, 2011


forgive me for not reply you guys any messages or commenting you on Facebook or response you in chat.

I really busy at this moment. marrying with work, struggling with assignment and striving complete the revision for my test.
seriously, life get so stuck with those schedules.

and my hand getting worse this few days.
its really hurt me till I cried every night before I fall asleep
I'm sorry for not be able to press the key pad on the phone
i'm sorry for not running my fingers on key board for chat with you..

I haven't take any pain killers to shut the pain. huu
rest might be help
am I able to have a rest?

I still need to go to work
carrying the heavy bag on my hand
stretch for my patient
write on my report
do some housework back home

am i having my rest?
sob sob...

October 16, 2011


Give me the potion!

Sunday oh Sunday!
Err.. what act i'm going to write.

Just having my lunch with lovely housemate and the best thing is we cook together...
Yeah! finally.

Since stomach already full, the eyes seems to be close and the bed is calling to lying on...

But still got a lot of things need to settle down.
I need to finish the assignment and the outline for BELL presentation.
still got a lot more to finish!
But I have no mood to start those work... huh! bad bad, totally bad!

Oh please give some potion to wake me
please let me move and do some study..
argh! totally malas!!

malas oh malas
you pergi jauh jauh please!!!!!

October 15, 2011

When come to these matters so please take note....

Hye there..

Firstly i had closed my FB account for temporary till the end of this month.
to give time for study and revision but will come back after settle down.
don't worry i'll be back as i can admit i'm FB lover and i am so into it. hee

okay, let's put FB aside.

this is a list i made myself for quite sometimes about me that make you annoyed me from the perspective of personality and the attitude of mine. I know it sounds daa 'who you think you are?' but the true is i just wanna let you know so you do not misunderstood me but you will know me better than you make an assumption. wink!

i don't like:

1- people stare at me for a long period 'just like i'm an a prisoner'

2- people checking on my stuff and not even touch it without my permission

3- people who very often borrow my thing. err unless too desperate
4- people step on my bed or lying on my bed though i said 'its okay' but its act in opposite meaning. this is so meant!

5- people mess my stuff or mess after i make the house clean

6- people put their stuff or anything at my place ' i won't say but i will stare the object till it been remove or if too long i will hardly ask who stuff belong too'

7- sharing same glass, cup, bottle or straw in a drink. seriously i would rather give it all to them even i never touch the drink. err

8- same like 7 but replace to food that need a bite like burger

9- people raise up their voice to me especially when in public 'automatically i'm not gonna respect them anymore'

10- people scold me in a scream out loud voice cos the truth my parents never scold me in that way!

11- people talk bad at my back. watch out! if i found that you just put your name in my list.
12- people who busy body to know my personal.. daa, i never been that busy body towards others. so please keep away from me.

13- anyone laughing like a mad when i made mistake rather than you corrected with smile and gentle!

14-people that too sombong. when i smile to them and they are not giving me any response. it will increase my level of bad perception towards them.

15- anyone who remove my stuff without any noticed! i would probably crazy look out for it. grrr

16- people speak things without any content.. 'hey you just wasting my time'

17- people pretend that they are right while they are wrong

well, these are part of the list. I had a long typical list on my own. i won't put all in this entry cos i know its a lil bit nasty.

i'm sorry guys for the entry that will cos you annoyed me! but hey i have a right for my own and even you too... so make yourself satisfied in life for at least you not keeping the resentment towards others.....

Happy weekend all ;)