December 26, 2011


Home where my heart can be bloom.
I miss my mama's smile
I miss my abah's laugh
I miss quarrel with the sisters
I miss home so badly

The bond we had this whole life never break apart though we were distance away from each other and left the day busy with marrying work and commitment.
one thing i realized was, this distance make our love more stronger than ever.

Tonight I am here lush and warm on bed. my own bed. the bed where I grown up with tears and full of nostalgic. I miss this room.

yesterday, when I am home, mom was the one who really happy to see me. She cook everything on my favourite and dad was the busier one who finding my needs even i don't really desperate to have it at that time.

how lucky I am to have them in my life.

when I am home, mom told me she had cake for my birthday. Oh! MY BELATED BIRTHDAY! she still wanna celebrate the day with me though it's been a week. Mom always make me feel guilt!

That is why I love them so much! this is my love. 
my endless love

1 comment:

  1. sweet...i wanna go home too...T__T
    don't want to share ur cake wt me???
