Last time when my friend told she felt terrible and sobbing in heart I had been told by soul to pray her for released and hope she meet her way to reach the peace and ‘redha’. Insya’Allah. May Allah with her like she always with Him.
Once, I think why He gave us this kind of feeling and put us in the confused stage to choose and dumb thinking the way to make things go right. Subhanallah. He had His reason by doing so! I read a lot about redha (acceptance) and tawakal (trusts) and I asked myself “did I personally sincere with this redha and tawakal?” or I only His slave who just wait without an effort to change to a better way. Perhaps I know I have no power to change anything that He plans for me but at least I should know that pray and tawakal its not the only way without bring an effort of corrected the situation. He loves people to work for truth and sincere because the ‘nawaitu’ (intention) is for Him. Then, accept the Qada’ and Qadar’ from what He had wrote earlier for us. Believe in Him! What had been written was our fate and redha is glorious from Him.
Forget of blaming self if we stuck in thousand problems. No No No! he won’t let us give up and burden us with those problems but look into positive side and ask self “why He give me this kind of trials?” and stop saying “why I am the chosen one?” and fade this from mind “am I too bad to be this worse?”. Instead, try to get self calm and come back to Him, read His words of Al-Quran and recite the Doa in every ‘solat’ (pray) and He will light you with a guidance that you need but if you don’t, never stop and give up cos He want to know how patience and determine you on pray to Him or He wanted you to get more closer to Him as we had neglect Him before for the ‘duniawi’ (worldly).
Or, this is for a mental test on how you use wisely your mind in choosing way by never put Him aside.
You may use the power of one two jus!
Or you may also throw a dice!
Anything! As long as based on His rules and it won’t trouble you. You able to chose because He always give you the options you need but you the only one who decide which one to take.
Remember! Like you had options in travel, you may ‘solat’ in two jamak (taqdim or takhir). But why we still leave the ‘solat’ though we had so many options. We broke the leg, we said “I am not going to solat because I cannot stand” why this kind of words pop out from mind while we able to solat in sitting. Anyway, everything comes from heart and ‘nawaitu’ (intention). If you think is all about being with Him so you will never give an excuses!
Yesterday, trouble comes and we totally lost! We believe that there is no way to go, no solution for the problems and no any other things can help. We frown sad and cry sobbing on these. Why this happen?
Because we forget to seek His protection!
Because we only concentrate for our heart! (Without refer to Allah)
Because we never try to push self to make effort!
Because we put our self joined deep to the matter and reluctant to leave (because maybe person who participate is ours)
Make a move on. Leave things that should be leave and make a new chapter of book. You will be able to write a better story in a book. Same with the trouble, let go and beat the trouble and create a better situation! Pray to Him for your protection and ‘petunjuk’ (guidance) then He will help you!
Firman Allah Taala: (Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 195) Ertinya:
Dan belanjakan ( apa yang ada pada kamu ) kerana ( menegakkan ) Agama Allah. Dan janganlah kamu sengaja mencampakkan diri ke dalam bahaya kebinasaan (dengan sikap bakhil) dan perbaikilah ( dengan sebaik-baiknya segala usaha dan ) perbuatan kamu, kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berusaha supaya baik amalannya.
The last thing before I end, I believe in any matter that happen to me is must be something good will comes in future. It just His trials to every His slave because He wants us to know how to be Syukur and Taubat! And put this in your mind “Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNya dengan ujian yang tidak dapat dia hadapi tetapi segala ujian yang Dia berikan adalah untuk menguatkan lagi hambaNya dan mendekatkan hambaNya yang leka kepadaNya. Wallahualam.”
To my friend Atikah, start to wipe your tears and keep strong! Allah sayang pada hambaNya yang sentiasa kuat dan redha pada ujian Nya dan tawakallah dengan Nya. Sesungguhnya He is Glorious! He Almighty!
p/s: sincere from heart… dieba
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