nobody born to be disabling
but it doesn't mean everybody perfect!
but He is the one who set us to be what we should be
and the gift from Him
much much more appreciable
and the question is.
do we syukur (thank) for His anugerah (gift)?
do we redha (accept) for His dugaan (trials)?
do we still obey to Him?
do we only get back to Him when trouble comes?
hey, we should look back and check ourselves whether we have answer these questions right or feel guilt and doubt!
He gave us the wealth
not all of us because some living in the deprived circumstances
but have we ever thought
why He choose them to be in that circumstance?
while we enjoying the happiness and prosperity
hurmm.. Because He Almighty!
He is entitled to make decision for His creature
greatness in the life of the world
sometimes caused us to forget our own roots
and forget to syukur (thank) and sujud (bow down) Him
and make us to be as proud as arrogant to life
finally, we be hated by words and attitude
we only the weak one
He lent this world and luxury for a time He say
*I want all of this back*
sudden plunder!
we fell to earth, cry and struggling look for Him
ask for doa and taubat (returning) but we blind about agama (faith),
till we learn and we got the way,
but, He is already has His plan
He take our breath!
Allah never choose His creature from Darjat but He choose for amal and soleh.
Pada masa hayat rasulullah s.a.w, pernah terjadi pula peristiwa yang hampir sama. Seorang yang bernama Abu Zar Al-Giffari yang sedang berbincang dengan orang negro
di hadapan Rasulullah. Perbicaraan antara keduanya, rupanya semakin panas sehingga Abu Zar mengeluarkan kata-kata ‘ ya-bna-saudaa,’ yang bermaksud; Hai anak keturunan kulit hitam..
Maka ketika itu juga Rasulullah memandang Abu Zar sambil berkata ;
طف الصاع! طف الصاع! ليس لابن البيضاء علي ابن السؤداء فضلا الا بعمل صالح
Ertinya; ‘’ keterlaluan, keterlaluan..tidak ada kelebihan kulit putih atas keturunan kulit hitam kecuali dengan amal yang soleh.’’
Firman Allah:
يايها الناس اناس انا حلقنكم من ذكر وانثي وجعلنكم شعوبا وقبا ئل لتعارفواج ان اكرمكم عند الله اتقكمج ان لله عليم حبير ﴿31﴾
Ertinya: wahai manusia, sesungguhnya kami jadikan kamu dari lelaki dan wanita, dan kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku, supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia dalam pandangan Allah ialah mereka yang paling takwa diantara kamu (Al-Hujurat;13)
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