October 15, 2011

When come to these matters so please take note....

Hye there..

Firstly i had closed my FB account for temporary till the end of this month.
to give time for study and revision but will come back after settle down.
don't worry i'll be back as i can admit i'm FB lover and i am so into it. hee

okay, let's put FB aside.

this is a list i made myself for quite sometimes about me that make you annoyed me from the perspective of personality and the attitude of mine. I know it sounds daa 'who you think you are?' but the true is i just wanna let you know so you do not misunderstood me but you will know me better than you make an assumption. wink!

i don't like:

1- people stare at me for a long period 'just like i'm an a prisoner'

2- people checking on my stuff and not even touch it without my permission

3- people who very often borrow my thing. err unless too desperate
4- people step on my bed or lying on my bed though i said 'its okay' but its act in opposite meaning. this is so meant!

5- people mess my stuff or mess after i make the house clean

6- people put their stuff or anything at my place ' i won't say but i will stare the object till it been remove or if too long i will hardly ask who stuff belong too'

7- sharing same glass, cup, bottle or straw in a drink. seriously i would rather give it all to them even i never touch the drink. err

8- same like 7 but replace to food that need a bite like burger

9- people raise up their voice to me especially when in public 'automatically i'm not gonna respect them anymore'

10- people scold me in a scream out loud voice cos the truth my parents never scold me in that way!

11- people talk bad at my back. watch out! if i found that you just put your name in my list.
12- people who busy body to know my personal.. daa, i never been that busy body towards others. so please keep away from me.

13- anyone laughing like a mad when i made mistake rather than you corrected with smile and gentle!

14-people that too sombong. when i smile to them and they are not giving me any response. it will increase my level of bad perception towards them.

15- anyone who remove my stuff without any noticed! i would probably crazy look out for it. grrr

16- people speak things without any content.. 'hey you just wasting my time'

17- people pretend that they are right while they are wrong

well, these are part of the list. I had a long typical list on my own. i won't put all in this entry cos i know its a lil bit nasty.

i'm sorry guys for the entry that will cos you annoyed me! but hey i have a right for my own and even you too... so make yourself satisfied in life for at least you not keeping the resentment towards others.....

Happy weekend all ;)

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