October 6, 2011


Dari Tuhan kita hidup dan kepadaNya kita kembali.

Alhamdulillah thank Allah to give me another day to stay alive to be able to smile, to talk and most important I still kneel You for Taubat and Doa... Syukran n syukur.

Lately, I had some swing mood.. an emotional feeling and a shoot thing in heart. I knew its quite bored to read most of the post about heart feeling. Then today lets forget those the sadness and the disappointment. Lets get some smooth feeling inside and get a lil fun in the soul. Lets bring a beautiful melody in mind.

This weekend will be my first test after a long rest from study. Oh a lil pressure to complete revision plus a bit nervous if I'm not be able to answer question since mentally fatigue. huuu Hopefully I could use some magic to refresh my head and I could find a better way to study. huh!

Then, a story of my excitement to Bandung. Its close to the date and I haven't prepared anything and I still not taking any leaves. Seriously its totally in rush and so huru hara. Huh the last minute people <--------- refer to me. Just worried about the approval of the leave since the boss not so baik to let me taking leave. Shuuuuh!!! Whatever it is I wish I could go without any trouble and because of going to Bandung I had cancel my MUET examination. Hah/! bad on me.....guuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr....... Wish I could go... ameen

Have you guys ever heard about my job description? Definitely no right. Honestly I am not so into my job! Honestly from my heart. but I still can cope with the job and the task. Sometimes I could say I'm happy with the work and believe me that I never say I giving up in my job. Nope! It just when a thing goes to stress I would be like pusing and stuck. So I'm started thinking a bad thing. Huh.

But I am lucky cos I had a very good clicks in the workplace. They are so cool and extremely crazy about life. Hah I mean they are so appreciate people and make life alive. :) Even though I was youngest among them but they never treat me like a little girl who always been bullied but they are my sisters and brothers to me. Every day cheer me with greets, make fun till i laugh and bullied till I drop but still cover up with jokes. Hee but they never annoyed me. Honestly I love them! :) :) and its remind me to my sayang sayang Kak Dhiah, Tikah, Um, Kak wani, kak erina and farra.. Seriously I miss the moment when we are together. Everyday when I see the pictures of us I wish that i could turn back time so I could be in those sweet time together... isk isk isk...

Enough enough....if i stay longer i will write a long entry. Got lot of thing in head..hee.. Okay got go... need to do some revision. Guys please pray for my test and I will try my best for the test... insyaallah... and hope I'll get a better mark afterward. ameen

Good night friends, good night readers, good night love :)

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