Lama dah tak update blog!! hee baru beberapa hari je tapi cam lama plak kan...
not to tell bout heart feeling or any kind of love stories but something enjoy and fun happen within this few days....
Its my best friend wedding MADAM farra johari... well, dear got to call you madam since you are married hee....
You know what? I remember the day that you told me "hey, I wanna get engaged"
and I just so dumb and smile at you, then I was "serious?, are you joking or what? that fast?"
Oh there were hundred of questions shut you.. did you remember??
but you are just so cool and calmed me with your smile telling "yeah I am ready to go for the next level of life.. but I don't know whether this is the right thing or not"
and we were discussing about it, not to deep but we were advising each other and giving you support before you make it it...
Then, a few months back... Hey my wedding on July 9th? You should be coming!
and I was so surprised that you are going to get married so soon... Seriously dear...
The day you told me about the wedding date, I noted in my scheduled and I remember till the Your Day....
Finally, you are married! Congratulations and I pray you for you happiness till your last breath with him ;)
There you go..the picture with us...

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