July 22, 2011

Good Friday

Disebabkan waktu rehat yang panjang hari nie... So we went to Ampang Point... WE???? erk Kak Su Jing and Hasnah... Lovely Friday with kung krang kung krang stomach sound... Hungry meh since breakfast only took toseii....

So we just cuci mata look around since this my first time to ampang Point. Seriously, first time even though it just less than 30km from my house... cett...

Okay2.. just wanna tell you guys that I fall to one outlet called *Brands outlet*. Seriously, the dress and jeans and all thing was so cantik and cheap. really fall to the colour and pictures...

cantik kan?? Serious suka sangat baju baju kat sini.... ape lagi nak set shopping date ngan my sayang sayang la pasnie hee... ;)

then continue makan makan at Korea Restoran. First time makan kat sana sebab kak Su jing and hasnah yang ajak cuba... Sedap tau! First time makan kimchi.... heee

This is mine... Kimchi, fried fish n potato with carrot... Nice! the fish is really in good cook and tak de bau pelik ea...and kimchi wasn't so spice.. Just nice.. seriously macam nak pegi lagi...

Kak Sue Jing

Hasnah.. Sorry la dapat pix tepi je...hee

Seriously, they both the good sista eva la............. ;)


  1. So saya ni bukan a good sista laa.. sobs..


  2. hahaha...u also the best one la my dear sista....
