July 17, 2011

First love never end

I love you!!!
People always said love never end..
Is it for true?

Everyone falls in love.. Indeed! Its either ending with a good ends or a frustrated ends and even disappointment. Doesn't matter how we end the love story, I still believe the love still remain and its always be loved even we find the replacement for the one who deserved more than before.

I don't know how much love left but its never gone. One thing that I noticed, when we find someone else who can give me better than what I had before, its still not same as I ever had with the first one. But hey! Its already end! Got to move and live in a better future.

I always read and heard.. 'do not compared between them'. You not gonna get through on it cos the past haunt you and you are confusing in choosing both. Wake up!

Although you know your first love was everything but hey there are always a second chance for you. Go and try on it! But please be ready to go through so you won't break your heart..


I choose to stay! Stay till I can leave the past and ready to make a move for others Or an excuses for waiting to be back! But if there still a chance to be back together. At this moment, i don't see any clues of coming back but I believe doa and tawakal is the guidance. If we are meant to be, Its always be!

Love always here, It just we are not finding it! So I choose to love Allah rather than whining the disappointment.

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