May 15, 2011


Tak sangka! Its already at midst of May! How quick time left us without we realized how much time we waste. Hurm... Okey forget it! past is past and now is time for catching up! Ulala... I think May was my busy life I ever had! hah stop being so dramatic! hee but its so true.. :D

Almost a month I'm marrying with job, spending most of the time on road traveling *utara-selatan*, meeting a new people, trying myself comfort with new place, packing my stuff and carrying bag one to one place. Hah! imagine how tired I am facing these kind of work and doing all this alone. Oh only God knows.

Finally, I almost done this traveling stuff! Hah feel so released!! cant wait to stay home and goyang kaki a bit in office and stop thinking a while about students and all thing about work. Oh I need a vacation.. wink ;)

Speak about May, too much dates are to be remind!
1st May was my second time celebrating *Labour day* since i'm! unbelievable i'm working more than a year... :) and this was my first job! syukur alhamdulillah

8th May was Mother's day.. Love to celebrate the day. Wishing my mom *Happy Mother's Day* was the thing I shouldn't missed. I love my mom so much..... :)

16 May will be coming was Teacher's Day. Great! everyone loves to celebrate the day. Me either cos I think I was part of pendidik even not too much but I still did the same like my teacher did. I still remember all my teachers who taught me from kinder garden till graduated. I remember them all my life for taught me to be as good as useful person to be.

31st May. This will be third time wishing Happy Birthday to the one I love most. He will always be my best friend no matter how much we fight and we hate each other. I pray that one day God open your heart and start to forgive everything. Insyaallah :)

Last, May gonna be awesome and will be a start of a good thing for me :)

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