Tomorrow is the last day I work in the hospital. Finally, after 3 months its time to wave hand and say goodbye to KK. I'm coming home :) welcome back to KL... weet weet :D alhamdulillah
There so much thing I learned and met during my stay, good or bad, all I received with fully pleased and delighted. Syukur! nothing bad and unwanted things happen during my stay. Besides, I always be in healthy and safe. It just maybe I'll be thinking of the moment in KK when I get home soon. I'm gonna miss the moment. :|
Huh :( ! Now, I fell as reluctant to leave KK. I think I've been more compatible with KK after a few months stay but I realize something, I should know this is not the place where i belong to. Insya allah, if my fortune to come back and stay here, it'll be my pleasure to stay. But I much prefer to be a tourist than work. Hahaha... Its enough with tons of work in KL and I need some rest here.
Another day to stay and say bye to KK... Bad sad to leave everyone at work tomorrow!
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