Alhamdulillah everything is settle down, cuma tunggu seminggu lagi untuk pulang ke KL. Hah, lega rasanya bila dapat selesaikan semua kerja dengan baik dan sempurna. eh eh takla sempurna tapi sebaik yang boleh. InsyaAllah....
Ingat lagi tiga bulan yang lepas, duduk atas katil memikirkan kehidupan aku kat Sabah berseorangan dan berjauhan dari family, kawan kawan dan sayang sayang. could i survive? sounds impossible for me cos I never been this far from people that i love. crying all the night like a baby...huu tapi selepas menempuh tiga bulan yang mencabar ni, I still alive and I survive. Syukur! Mungkin berkat doa dari mama and abah, dan tak lupa juga niat aku yang betul untuk ke sini.
Jujur aku katakan, tak mudah berada di tempat orang apatah lagi bekerja dengan orang luar. walaupun takla luar sangat cuma berbeza dari segi agama dan adat serta pandangan. however, i did it well! not to be proud but good enough if i said that i do my best.
Surviving me here at the first month was really suffering. I’m quite lost actually at the beginning. But I’ve learned and try to make it better and it’s totally work and glad to say that I’m happy to be here. Perhaps, all that is happening is wisdom from Allah. I was wondering why I should be here. Can believe this is my fate to stay a distance away from my home. But then, I realized that Allah gave me a gift that is worth over me here. Its faith! Oh Praise be to Allah.
I hope I will stay with my faith till the end of my breath. I hope when I return to KL I will learn to become a better person than who I am. A perfect Muslim! My pray...
Betulkan niat
Tetapkan Iman
Berdoa & Bersyukur
Tetapkan Iman
Berdoa & Bersyukur
Another week to say goodbye to Sabah and I’m counting it. And time to say welcome back to KL.
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