wow incredible!!! If only I am a millionaire like Dato' Siti kan??? Day dreaming je... But yes! I was craving to get shopping now. Almost 3 months I did not go shopping and I'm getting to miss and really really wanna spend the money for the things I should spend to. Basically, I'll spend once a month time to go shopping for my consumer goods and some groceries. If either I buy some clothes or just window shopping, depends on my desire and the most important is financial situation at that time.
Actually shopping or window shopping is a good therapy, for my point of view la. when I was in a state of stress and need a little calm and relax, shopping is always cross in mind as an idea for a leisure, however the first thing that come up when stress dominate self is not to forget to pray to Allah.
women are normally known to love shopping so much! its like a garden of life compared to man who prefer not to spend much time at mall and walk along to look out for their outfit and stuff. whatever that man saw in the first time of something he likes, he will definitely grab it and straight to the cashier without think how much the price is! its opposite to women who is totally different, women always come to this way. walk one to another shop to view a few items and if they like something they will just hold on and walk out to another shop, they might be thinking that must be better stuff or a good sale that more cheap and reasonable at other shop for a same stuff before. it will be more worth it if that happen!
I'll do it the same. I don't mind walk along the mall searching for something that good and better stuff with reasonable price. tiring is nothing for me as long as I got satisfaction on my stuff. so, I wont regret from buying the things that is worth for me!
Honestly, I'm kind of spendthrift! I don't deny cos it is true. In fact mom always nagging to me on this kind of habit. Hurm.. mom was right, but sometimes when we saw something beautiful, attractive, elegant, exclusive with soft texture, the lovely colour, a suit cutting on our body, your eyes will never stop looking, your eyelid never blinking, your heart beating fast, the passion to own controlling you. how would you manage the feeling? Tell me how to stop that. If only I'm strong enough to control the desire. Ah my wish!
what did I bought during shopping? Nothing more to say... It just same like the rest. what I think suits me, I grab it... good to say that its not too expensive and not ***** (murah murahla)... ~dont misunderstood on **** takde idea perkataan apa sebenarnya..hee~
One thing that I noticed about me, I dont like shopping with people. I prefer to go alone. Why? Cos I'm free to go any shops that I want without abandon my friend. Plus, I hate waiting people especially in fitting room, I hate look at one stuff for 10 minutes and at the end you decided not to buy it! How annoy it right?
I got friend when I'm studying. She loves shopping so much and I'll be the one who companies her in any shops that she likes. One day, we went to Mid Valley and we came across to the boutique. after walk around the shop, suddenly her eyes stuck to a pair of shoes. She seems to like the shoes and quickly she put on her feet. Look nice and she wanted to buy it! Unfortunately, she out of money! so we went down to ATM, after withdraw money, we went back to the shop and again she put on the shoes. After several minutes thinking, she decided not to buy the shoes. Its okay then we leave the shop. After half way walking, she said she wanted the shoes. Again we went to the shop. As we arrived the door she said never mind, i'll look for another. OMG!! PISSED OFF with her. You know why right?? After the incident, I'll never out with her anymore. wasting time, energy and feel ashamed with the salesgirl cos we are back to back to the shop without taking the shoes.
I love shopping so much! But its under control, I dont want to be shopaholic!!!! I wasn't drained or crabby about choosing. I am simple! I always stand for the word 'ukur baju di badan sendiri'.... Shopping it's a good therapy but its not to waste money! Shop with something worth for you and wisely manage the money. Remember priority come first!!!!!!
Selamat bershopping!!!!!!