Subahanallah... just reading a newspaper last night and view my fb account? so many walls that posted Selamatkan pelajar dan rakyat Malaysia di Mesir and as normal i just ignore it maybe it just a little news or just something that not important for me to know. God my bad! i was wrong till i read a newspaper and watched news at tv3 Buletin Utama. MasyaAllah. what is actually happend?? there is a riot in Mesir? How about Cairo and Alexandria? place that mostly our students are there...Oh the place and people is in danger. God, panic suddenly came. and in sudden i pray God to help them and protect them from all inconvenience.
Huh!! as i know there is nothing i can help them from here but the only thing that i can do is just pray for their safety and hope everything will be going to fine and calm. insyaallah....
Last Sunday, my sayang Tikah did text me and told me that she is worried about her sister in Mesir but she didnt tell me what is actually happen and i was guess that it just a family matter but i was fall behind without know the news. hah my bad again!!! last night i text her and asked her again about her sister. how she's going? did she fine? My sayang said, her sister did text her on Sunday and that was the last message from her sister and she cannot reach her till now. Ya Allah, how she feel?? she must be really worry right. Oh no!!!!
As we know, all the communication have been cut, plus the internet have been blocked and all the food supply is really hard to get... oh how trouble they are? and the place is really scary and was in chaos. The bad thing is when the prisoners are everywhere and without police to preserve over the people and the worse is our siswi in there is in so much dangerous when i was reading that one of our siswi have been rape...Oh is it for true? Ya Allah please keep them away from trouble.
As i read also, there is a gunshot everywhere its really scary and they are need to stay at home and stay quiet to avoid from the prisoner to come.
and i have read that the evacuation is in action. even though there is still a problem with evacuating the students but they still trying too. Huh!!! :( praying that everything goes well and nobody left out. Those who are already come back alhamdulillah and now its time to pray for the rest.
Dear readers and malaysian, lets raise our hands together and recite a doa, hope God permudhakan segala urusan in Cairo and protect them and give a safety for all the people in mesir. Even there is no our relatives or fellow in there but please spread the words and pray for them cos they are part of us as Malaysian and Muslim. Insyaallah Allah is watching them.
Let us together cos our life it just not about you......