February 6, 2012

Kawan baru

hee... i got new friend.. err err blum lagi.. still asking to be friend with her.. the approval still pending! the other blogger.. at this time, its kind of different cos she is sharing me same feel but not like the rest of my friends... huu

don't worry friends, you still in my heart... 'angkat tangan dua2.. PROMISE"

so Nur Najihah... can we be friend? err... bleh la bleh la... please.... 'bajet dia dengarla kan' heee.....
anyway, selamat berkawan :) 'senyum mengharap'.....................

1 comment:

  1. wah dah ade kwn yek...hehehe...epy 4 u...hope u dpt brkongsi dgn kwn u tu :)
