i spoke to a few friends who told me their love story and some of them asked for the opinion and advice. i could give them some but i still doubt myself for giving them the real and clear explanation since i am not really a doctor love, or i can say that i am not good in handling this kind of love matter. don't get me wrong by judging me for ignoring your complaint but take it as my flaws cos i really not so perfect in this field! but I still can try to be a motivator whenever you need me to listen to yours.
Here, when someone knows love, will they understand what this love for? what this love meant? have you ever asked yourself? beep .....~~speak to your heart~~ you know better than what people might say!
its a gift! its Him who gave this gift for every of His slaves. but;
first; we misused this feeling.
second; we forgot the purpose of this gift.
third; we blind for every happy moment we had.
.....; we strayed from niat 'nawaitu'
....; we almost far from love but play in 'nafsu' (lust)
....; we lost the love but we won the stain.
don't look others but refer to own self what have we reach in this love. being capable with everything without a limitation and based on hakikat semakin kita hampir pada cinta, semakin kita lupa anugerah dari Allah. when lust take place the niat sink. making a mistake is not the end of everything but turn back with taubat and doa and make returning to Him is a best way!
don't think of romeo and juliet, don't think of uda dan dara. they were from a different kind of love which is a role play for some entertainment and that was a typical love story to make people understood the worldly love it is!
back to basic; remember when we in primary school, ustazah selalu cerita tentang kisah-kisah nabi. make a our love as cinta Nabi Muhammad kepada Siti Khodijah.
this is what He want us to appreciate His anugerah. everybody deserves this anugerah and He never lock any of His slaves' heart from putting it inside but it is us who put it high in a wrong place.
those failed find love there is no regrets but istiqamah cos He said 'I have a better plan' and He want to give a perfect love perhaps. kerana Dia telah menjadikan setiap dari kita berpasang-pasangan. don't blame Him but closed to Him.
take this as renungan;
mungkin kita lupa untuk melakukan suruhanNya dan tidak meninggalkan laranganNya.
Mungkin kita sentiasa jauh pada petunjuk dan hidayahNya
maybe we never love Him but we still beg for His anugerah! nauzubillah
maybe! maybe! maybe! -bertanya pada diri sendiri, how many amal ibadah had we done sepanjang kita hidup. how many syukur kita pohon. its all in your head!
Love is a gift. Love is priceless! Love is indah! Love is perfect!
so, follow His way and you will find the true love. Love of iman and taqwa, love of redha and syukur, love of ikhlas (sincere).
find Him, you will find love... insyaallah