December 21, 2013
Happynya bila dapat call dari opah aka cikgu siti....
Ingatkan dah tak nak datang lagi...rupanya busy...takpala..tapi yang paling happy bila cikgu siti call bagitau yang adik d dah ada improvement....wah happy sangat..selama ni datang nangis nangis ada jugak progress dari adik d......
Huu tapi dah xdpt jumpa lagi...sebab taun depan dah tukar tempat lain.nie la bab yang paling tak suka bila kene tukar area lain...
Huu tadi sorang parent ada cakap..mesti kanak kanak akn rindu kamu nanti..huh...
Ntahla dorang rindu ke tak..tapi saya mesti rindu dorang......huuuuu
Area baru. Neuro rehab.tough! Mesti rasa sgt stress nanti..huuuuu
Ingatkan dah tak nak datang lagi...rupanya busy...takpala..tapi yang paling happy bila cikgu siti call bagitau yang adik d dah ada improvement....wah happy sangat..selama ni datang nangis nangis ada jugak progress dari adik d......
Huu tapi dah xdpt jumpa lagi...sebab taun depan dah tukar tempat lain.nie la bab yang paling tak suka bila kene tukar area lain...
Huu tadi sorang parent ada cakap..mesti kanak kanak akn rindu kamu nanti..huh...
Ntahla dorang rindu ke tak..tapi saya mesti rindu dorang......huuuuu
Area baru. Neuro rehab.tough! Mesti rasa sgt stress nanti..huuuuu
December 13, 2013
December 11, 2013
Kata kata dorongan dan semangat adalah sangat penting pada ketika ini.
Berila kata kata yang positive daripada menyalahkan balik kelemahan kita. Janganlah jadikan keadaan lebih rumit dengan membuat diri terus kecewa dan berputus asa...
Tolonglah bantu.. Dari mental dan fizikal......
Janganlah jadikan diri orang lain mengikut diri sendiri..tak sama... Perasaan kita berbeza...mungkin ada yang keras dan ada yang lembut...
Jangan dipaksa perasaan.
Tetapi berila sedikit kekuatan disebalik kelemahan dan kekecewaan......... Janganlah biar keazaman menjadi kekecewaan....
Fahamilah...walau seketika.....kerana akan datang akan berpanjangan.
Berila kata kata yang positive daripada menyalahkan balik kelemahan kita. Janganlah jadikan keadaan lebih rumit dengan membuat diri terus kecewa dan berputus asa...
Tolonglah bantu.. Dari mental dan fizikal......
Janganlah jadikan diri orang lain mengikut diri sendiri..tak sama... Perasaan kita berbeza...mungkin ada yang keras dan ada yang lembut...
Jangan dipaksa perasaan.
Tetapi berila sedikit kekuatan disebalik kelemahan dan kekecewaan......... Janganlah biar keazaman menjadi kekecewaan....
Fahamilah...walau seketika.....kerana akan datang akan berpanjangan.
Hold on
December 2013... Please slow down. Dont rush.
Cepatnya nak 2014. Alah can we repeat 2013 again or just hold on to 2013.
Thought i was the only one yang nak hold onto 2013 rupanya the other friends also wanted too....
2014- is more challenging. Working and studying and might be marrying.
Huhu.......... So scared facing the future.
Seriously sangat tak nak lepaskan 2013 even this year faced a lot of nightmares. Instead of feeling2 bad...urgh.....but still i want to hold onto 2013......
Boleh tak????? What say you?
Hopefully next year wont be that bad as i imagine now.....perhaps it would be a better than what i expected......
Cepatnya nak 2014. Alah can we repeat 2013 again or just hold on to 2013.
Thought i was the only one yang nak hold onto 2013 rupanya the other friends also wanted too....
2014- is more challenging. Working and studying and might be marrying.
Huhu.......... So scared facing the future.
Seriously sangat tak nak lepaskan 2013 even this year faced a lot of nightmares. Instead of feeling2 bad...urgh.....but still i want to hold onto 2013......
Boleh tak????? What say you?
Hopefully next year wont be that bad as i imagine now.....perhaps it would be a better than what i expected......
December 5, 2013
Tak sempurna
Never expect everyone perfect.
Never thing myself was perfect.
Never deny,
I always want perfection..
Never get any,
Always make everything live together in a way of perfection.
Perlu ke sempurna!
Mati ke kalau tak sempurna!
Merana ke hidup jika tidak sempurna!
Bahagia ke hidup kalau terlalu sempurna!
Ada ke manusia yang sempurna!
To any of us, tak berniat untuk merujuk kpd sesiapa
But to be reminder,
Janganlah terlalu menilai kesempurnaan orang lain sehingga lupa kesederhanaan diri sendiri
Manusia tak pernah sempurna tak pernah selalunya tidak bermasalah.
Dia telah jadikan kita semua untuk saling bergantungan dan memerlukan sesama kita.
Never thing myself was perfect.
Never deny,
I always want perfection..
Never get any,
Always make everything live together in a way of perfection.
Perlu ke sempurna!
Mati ke kalau tak sempurna!
Merana ke hidup jika tidak sempurna!
Bahagia ke hidup kalau terlalu sempurna!
Ada ke manusia yang sempurna!
To any of us, tak berniat untuk merujuk kpd sesiapa
But to be reminder,
Janganlah terlalu menilai kesempurnaan orang lain sehingga lupa kesederhanaan diri sendiri
Manusia tak pernah sempurna tak pernah selalunya tidak bermasalah.
Dia telah jadikan kita semua untuk saling bergantungan dan memerlukan sesama kita.
December 4, 2013
Apakah perasaan bila kita dicemburui oleh kawan kita, setiap saat??
Maafla kawan. Tak berniat pun walau sesaat atau terdetik kat hati ni nak buat diri dicemburui.
Tolonglah jaga persahabatan kita.
Tolonglah fahami erti kasih sayang kita ini.
Semakin kita dewasa, semakin kita melepaskan nilai persahabatan, semakin kita lupa kasih sayang antara kita, semakin kita jauh sesama kita, semakin kita pendam perasaan kita...
Kita hilang ukhwah yang kita bina. Kita hilang kepercayaan sesama kita......
Maaf kawan.
Maafla kawan. Tak berniat pun walau sesaat atau terdetik kat hati ni nak buat diri dicemburui.
Tolonglah jaga persahabatan kita.
Tolonglah fahami erti kasih sayang kita ini.
Semakin kita dewasa, semakin kita melepaskan nilai persahabatan, semakin kita lupa kasih sayang antara kita, semakin kita jauh sesama kita, semakin kita pendam perasaan kita...
Kita hilang ukhwah yang kita bina. Kita hilang kepercayaan sesama kita......
Maaf kawan.
Dunia will never last
I had read a quote from one author where i couldn't remember the name.
Mendalam sangat maksud.
To live in dunia like raja or live in syurga?
Which one you choose?
DUNIA... Where lies everywhere.
DUNIA... Where money is everything.
DUNIA... Where *darjat* is the killer.
DUNIA... All the penyakit in mind and health and destroy our iman.
Where DUNIA will last?
Tell me if you find one!
Tell me if DUNIA never let you pain!
DUNIA...make us blind, tamak and a loser.
DUNIA can make us drop.
DUNIA is a troublemaker.
* if you chose the wrong path, if only you go astray*
DUNIA can serve us bahagia. If iman never lompat lompat (bahasa rojak).
You can survive in dunia to get jannah. If only you had IMAN. insyaallah ;)
Mendalam sangat maksud.
To live in dunia like raja or live in syurga?
Which one you choose?
DUNIA... Where lies everywhere.
DUNIA... Where money is everything.
DUNIA... Where *darjat* is the killer.
DUNIA... All the penyakit in mind and health and destroy our iman.
Where DUNIA will last?
Tell me if you find one!
Tell me if DUNIA never let you pain!
DUNIA...make us blind, tamak and a loser.
DUNIA can make us drop.
DUNIA is a troublemaker.
* if you chose the wrong path, if only you go astray*
DUNIA can serve us bahagia. If iman never lompat lompat (bahasa rojak).
You can survive in dunia to get jannah. If only you had IMAN. insyaallah ;)
November 29, 2013
November 28, 2013
New placement
Think that it is time to say goodbye to peadiatric and welcome neuro.
Huh. Today, boss had announce our new placement for 2014. Seriously, i dont know the feeling. Wether i satisfied for the placement that i chose and given to me or i regret for voting them. Arggggghh
Tough! Yes...indeed the area was tough! Eapecially working with doctors and prof. Does it kill me! Nak tukar boleh tak bos? Huhuhu.......
Neuro was a challenge area but the environment working witg people was something that i would never like. Macam mana ni. Tinggal sebulan lagi before leave to new area.
Peadiatric. Once i had complaint to leave at begun but later after 10 months working here seems that i dont want to let it go. Sayang dengan kanak-kanak ni. Especially seeing them grown up with my effort and help and they independent well. Rindunya kat anak anak ni nanti.
Like a mother leaving the child. No wonderla ramai parents out there yang sanggup berhenti kerja just to look after them.
Hopefully this new area will be much better than before. Not like . Insyaallah ;)
Huh. Today, boss had announce our new placement for 2014. Seriously, i dont know the feeling. Wether i satisfied for the placement that i chose and given to me or i regret for voting them. Arggggghh
Tough! Yes...indeed the area was tough! Eapecially working with doctors and prof. Does it kill me! Nak tukar boleh tak bos? Huhuhu.......
Neuro was a challenge area but the environment working witg people was something that i would never like. Macam mana ni. Tinggal sebulan lagi before leave to new area.
Peadiatric. Once i had complaint to leave at begun but later after 10 months working here seems that i dont want to let it go. Sayang dengan kanak-kanak ni. Especially seeing them grown up with my effort and help and they independent well. Rindunya kat anak anak ni nanti.
Like a mother leaving the child. No wonderla ramai parents out there yang sanggup berhenti kerja just to look after them.
Hopefully this new area will be much better than before. Not like . Insyaallah ;)
November 17, 2013
Diet oh diet
Pernah tak kita terfikir untuk diet.
Pernah tak kita diet.
Tipula kalau orang perempuan ni takde istilah diet kan.
Hurm. Cakap pasal diet nie biarla diet tu betul dan berkesan bukannya diet yang melampau.
Alkisahnya, beberapa bulan tahun ni, i am on diet! Diet nasi, diet protein, diet gula...everything was diet. Huh
Then, i got sick!
Demam, selsema, nausea, headache and almost get faint.
Ini semua diet tak berkesan.
Susu tinggal, sayur tinggal, protein tinggal, buah buahan tinggal. Harapkan pada suppliment je.... Tak cukup!
Sebab tu tiap tiap bulan demam and selsema. Last, tersedar dari kesilaapn diet ni bila my mom called and heard that my voice was different and knowing that i fell sick. Marah sungguh dia.
Makan tu limit sangat... Tak payah nak diet diet....makan makanan yang berkhasiat, jangan makan roti jeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....uhuks!
Akhirnya, tersedar jugak la dari kesilapan diet ni... Bukan apa. Boleh je nak diet sihat, but then masa yang terhad untuk masak and keluar beli makanan yang sihat.
Mana taknya. Balik keje dah penat and letih, beli jela makanan yang ada. Nak kuar jauh jauh tak larat. Jalan jem......huh. Nak masak??? Setakat sorang je.. Malas laaaaaa. Kalau weekend rajinla masak itupun kalau xde kelas....kalau tak...... Beli!
Thats the terrible diet that you guys out there should never try. Kalau nak diet plan betul betul.
Sekarang susah nak outdoor exercise sebab hujan je.... Gym? Kat department nie belambak bilik exercise, cuma bila balik keje tak singgahla sebab kejae bas nak balik kalau lambat pukul 6.30 la baru bas datang. Plus, keje keje umah pun taot tergendala.....
Ish alasan!!!!
Tapi rindu tahap dewa betul nak main badminton...boleh maintain berat badan...huh...
Apa apa pun kawan kawan...... Kalau nak diet biarla diet yang betul. Jangan sampai sakit ea!
Pernah tak kita diet.
Tipula kalau orang perempuan ni takde istilah diet kan.
Hurm. Cakap pasal diet nie biarla diet tu betul dan berkesan bukannya diet yang melampau.
Alkisahnya, beberapa bulan tahun ni, i am on diet! Diet nasi, diet protein, diet gula...everything was diet. Huh
Then, i got sick!
Demam, selsema, nausea, headache and almost get faint.
Ini semua diet tak berkesan.
Susu tinggal, sayur tinggal, protein tinggal, buah buahan tinggal. Harapkan pada suppliment je.... Tak cukup!
Sebab tu tiap tiap bulan demam and selsema. Last, tersedar dari kesilaapn diet ni bila my mom called and heard that my voice was different and knowing that i fell sick. Marah sungguh dia.
Makan tu limit sangat... Tak payah nak diet diet....makan makanan yang berkhasiat, jangan makan roti jeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....uhuks!
Akhirnya, tersedar jugak la dari kesilapan diet ni... Bukan apa. Boleh je nak diet sihat, but then masa yang terhad untuk masak and keluar beli makanan yang sihat.
Mana taknya. Balik keje dah penat and letih, beli jela makanan yang ada. Nak kuar jauh jauh tak larat. Jalan jem......huh. Nak masak??? Setakat sorang je.. Malas laaaaaa. Kalau weekend rajinla masak itupun kalau xde kelas....kalau tak...... Beli!
Thats the terrible diet that you guys out there should never try. Kalau nak diet plan betul betul.
Sekarang susah nak outdoor exercise sebab hujan je.... Gym? Kat department nie belambak bilik exercise, cuma bila balik keje tak singgahla sebab kejae bas nak balik kalau lambat pukul 6.30 la baru bas datang. Plus, keje keje umah pun taot tergendala.....
Ish alasan!!!!
Tapi rindu tahap dewa betul nak main badminton...boleh maintain berat badan...huh...
Apa apa pun kawan kawan...... Kalau nak diet biarla diet yang betul. Jangan sampai sakit ea!
November 1, 2013
October 30, 2013
Wahai muslimah
Duhai muslimahku, wajah yang paling cantik ialah wajah yang sentiasa tunduk sujud kepada Allah . Air matanya yang menitis kerana takutkan azab Allah ialah eye-shadow terbaik, cahaya yang terpantul di wajahnya dek lama membaca Al-Quran ialah blusher yang terbaik . Aurat yang dijaga rapi di sebalik tudung & pakaian yang sempurna menggilap lagi mahkota dirinya.
Inilah muslimah solehah yang tidak terpedaya dengan tipuan solekan untuk mencatikkan wajahnya di hadapan lelaki ajnabi & mengharap pujian manusia :)
Inilah muslimah solehah yang tidak terpedaya dengan tipuan solekan untuk mencatikkan wajahnya di hadapan lelaki ajnabi & mengharap pujian manusia :)
October 20, 2013
October 19, 2013
Random thought 2
October in the midst...
Rasanya macam baru semalam tengok 1.1.13... But thwn today... Its october!
Two and half months left. Then we will meet 2014. Cepatnya masa but still the wish and plan never meet the end. But still in progress.
Work; as usual, every year we have to change area.. Tapi tak tahu nak tukar area apa. Rasa macam sume area tak nak..nak jadi bos boleh tak. Huhu... Tapi jadi bos pun susah. Tak sume orang suka. Baik pun susah kalo jahat lagila susah. Aduh. Bak kata kawan kat sabah.. Syukurla nak.. At least ada keje jugak daripada takda langsung kan.
Study; two years to go...argh... Tak sabar nak habis study. Penatla dah study 7 years... Macam study doktor pulak. Kalo doktor nie tak taula..lagilaa penat. Rehab ni pun letih belajar woooooo.... *Mengeluh aje*
Family; alhamdulillah. Both parents well in pink. So takla risau sangat bit still pray for them.
Huh...rasanya dah tak boleh nak taip panjang panjang n tak bleh dah nak selalu tulis blog.maklumla alasan biasa. Takde masa n penat...
Rasanya macam baru semalam tengok 1.1.13... But thwn today... Its october!
Two and half months left. Then we will meet 2014. Cepatnya masa but still the wish and plan never meet the end. But still in progress.
Work; as usual, every year we have to change area.. Tapi tak tahu nak tukar area apa. Rasa macam sume area tak nak..nak jadi bos boleh tak. Huhu... Tapi jadi bos pun susah. Tak sume orang suka. Baik pun susah kalo jahat lagila susah. Aduh. Bak kata kawan kat sabah.. Syukurla nak.. At least ada keje jugak daripada takda langsung kan.
Study; two years to go...argh... Tak sabar nak habis study. Penatla dah study 7 years... Macam study doktor pulak. Kalo doktor nie tak taula..lagilaa penat. Rehab ni pun letih belajar woooooo.... *Mengeluh aje*
Family; alhamdulillah. Both parents well in pink. So takla risau sangat bit still pray for them.
Huh...rasanya dah tak boleh nak taip panjang panjang n tak bleh dah nak selalu tulis blog.maklumla alasan biasa. Takde masa n penat...
I'll stand by you,
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Its Him to decide
And for me to pray
May it end well and happiness till Jannah. Ameen
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Its Him to decide
And for me to pray
May it end well and happiness till Jannah. Ameen
September 21, 2013
first day school
another new semester....
kelas pertama after 2 months break....yeah...dalam tak semangat nak ke kelas, we finally reached school...
see how happy we in first day school... cos we having friends surround...we got lot of stories to talk.....we got lot of gossip to share with...
thats make us feel great having school on weekend...yeah!!!!
ayat poyo je....

kelas pertama after 2 months break....yeah...dalam tak semangat nak ke kelas, we finally reached school...
see how happy we in first day school... cos we having friends surround...we got lot of stories to talk.....we got lot of gossip to share with...
thats make us feel great having school on weekend...yeah!!!!
ayat poyo je....

September 14, 2013
pray hard
2 in the morning..still awake...
heard mom was kelam kabut from outside..did not expect anything but my heart did tell me that something is wrong. still make self quiet in the room...
long silent..
am out of the room and find that no body outside...i was look outside from our window what hapend... then my sister came iut from her room told me that mom and dad went to hospital...
for a moment. my heart beat fast.
tok was bleeding...heavy! mom sent her to hospital....that terrified me! my head start thinking out of the think i supposed to. huhu
at this time, i still dont know the condition..
i cant sleep....
may He safe her from any trouble.. please bless her Allah... to her, my tok.. you are strong person. i pray for your safety....
heard mom was kelam kabut from outside..did not expect anything but my heart did tell me that something is wrong. still make self quiet in the room...
long silent..
am out of the room and find that no body outside...i was look outside from our window what hapend... then my sister came iut from her room told me that mom and dad went to hospital...
for a moment. my heart beat fast.
tok was bleeding...heavy! mom sent her to hospital....that terrified me! my head start thinking out of the think i supposed to. huhu
at this time, i still dont know the condition..
i cant sleep....
may He safe her from any trouble.. please bless her Allah... to her, my tok.. you are strong person. i pray for your safety....
September 11, 2013
vacation, please!
i miss my backpack travel day...
seriously!! almost two years stop doing this. bonding to work, study and limited annual leave...huuu
actually, i can really do travel but i prefer to allocate my leave to kampung to visit my family since dad not feeling well abd missess mom so much...-anak manja-
well, this year should plan back all this travel matter...miss the track lol....
and i felt jelous towarda my bestie dila....she went to korea by herself..all alone...crazy hah.....i bet you my mum will never allow me to do that....
i miss sabah!
i miss sabah!
dont know why my heart is scream to go sabah again....haish
hope to get there again. i miss all the moment when i was in sabah....
i need backpack day!!!!!
seriously!! almost two years stop doing this. bonding to work, study and limited annual leave...huuu
actually, i can really do travel but i prefer to allocate my leave to kampung to visit my family since dad not feeling well abd missess mom so much...-anak manja-
well, this year should plan back all this travel matter...miss the track lol....
and i felt jelous towarda my bestie dila....she went to korea by herself..all alone...crazy hah.....i bet you my mum will never allow me to do that....
i miss sabah!
i miss sabah!
dont know why my heart is scream to go sabah again....haish
hope to get there again. i miss all the moment when i was in sabah....
i need backpack day!!!!!
long mute.....
kerja yang terlalu banyak dan kepenatan yang amat sangat lepas pulang keje memang membuatkan blog nie terbiar...
sejak keje area paeds ni...huh banyak betol tenaga yang perlu di kerah eapecially bila satu hari tu appt sume pt aktif aktif...comfirm tunggang langgang balik keje....balik umah terus nampak tilam yang empuk... and sejak SI group yang di ubah kepada setiap minggu ni..lagila letih.....
nasib baik sekarang cuti sem.and bdw bila bukak sem nanti pun takdela heavy sangat since subjek subjek killer sume dah lepas..
walaupun dah cuti dua minggu masa raya hari tu..still tak cukup... nak rileks rileks lagi...... :(
kerja yang terlalu banyak dan kepenatan yang amat sangat lepas pulang keje memang membuatkan blog nie terbiar...
sejak keje area paeds ni...huh banyak betol tenaga yang perlu di kerah eapecially bila satu hari tu appt sume pt aktif aktif...comfirm tunggang langgang balik keje....balik umah terus nampak tilam yang empuk... and sejak SI group yang di ubah kepada setiap minggu ni..lagila letih.....
nasib baik sekarang cuti sem.and bdw bila bukak sem nanti pun takdela heavy sangat since subjek subjek killer sume dah lepas..
walaupun dah cuti dua minggu masa raya hari tu..still tak cukup... nak rileks rileks lagi...... :(
random II
ada masanya kita berada di atas dan ada masanya kita berada di bawah.
ada masa kita terlalu gembira dan
ada masa kita terlalu sedih
ada masa kita diberi kesihatan yang baik dan
ada masa kita diserang penyakit
kita sedar, ujian yang menimpa nimpa dan
kita sedar, kita seharusnya sentiasa bersyukur
ada masanya kita berada di atas dan ada masanya kita berada di bawah.
ada masa kita terlalu gembira dan
ada masa kita terlalu sedih
ada masa kita diberi kesihatan yang baik dan
ada masa kita diserang penyakit
kita sedar, ujian yang menimpa nimpa dan
kita sedar, kita seharusnya sentiasa bersyukur
August 14, 2013
this is tough...
to keep inside while your heart was crying.
to whom to hear..
to whom to care..
to whom to understand..
maybe Him, the One i obey.
to keep inside while your heart was crying.
to whom to hear..
to whom to care..
to whom to understand..
maybe Him, the One i obey.
August 12, 2013
diberi kesempatan untuk merasa sedikit kesakitan.
walaubagaimanapun, berharap agar sebentar..
masih berdoa supaya keadaan kembali pulih seperti biasa untuk menikmati rezekiNya...
walaubagaimanapun, berharap agar sebentar..
masih berdoa supaya keadaan kembali pulih seperti biasa untuk menikmati rezekiNya...
July 26, 2013
while everyone in this house was dreaming and snoring.i was in the midst of messing the mind in writing this blog.
what a mess!
think that my head had ache since work here...too much to think. too much to settle down.
work with people are much more difficult compare working with machine. i bet you that its true.
treating people to make them improve was the hardest things.
well. i love the job actually. when you see the person you treated show a lot of improvement, come to thanks and appreciate you.. its much more pleasure than nothing.
no matter how hard the job is..that is my rezeki. that is my sedekah. that is my responsible.
i, sometimes make complaint toward these but think back to other people who suffer from getting job. i think i should syukur....
because that what we called rezeki.
what a mess!
think that my head had ache since work here...too much to think. too much to settle down.
work with people are much more difficult compare working with machine. i bet you that its true.
treating people to make them improve was the hardest things.
well. i love the job actually. when you see the person you treated show a lot of improvement, come to thanks and appreciate you.. its much more pleasure than nothing.
no matter how hard the job is..that is my rezeki. that is my sedekah. that is my responsible.
i, sometimes make complaint toward these but think back to other people who suffer from getting job. i think i should syukur....
because that what we called rezeki.
July 25, 2013
that moment
the day i enter the place....and i saw you, my heart cried....trying so hard not to drop my tears...i hold your hand and i started pray.
we never been so closed. but we ever been work together. whenever my help for you and whenever i need you.
keep strong and fight...
your babies need you...
get up well soon you could hold your newborn with your smile and i wait you to let us know your stories like you did when your first birth..
i know the place was cold. alone. machine here and there...
we pray for you dear..
we never been so closed. but we ever been work together. whenever my help for you and whenever i need you.
keep strong and fight...
your babies need you...
get up well soon you could hold your newborn with your smile and i wait you to let us know your stories like you did when your first birth..
i know the place was cold. alone. machine here and there...
we pray for you dear..
have a bless
is so lazy to update any post...
anyway, another half way ramadhan....have a bless peeps...
its time to strengthen our faith, ukhwah and get closes to our One...
may we get the bless...insyaallah...
selamat beribadah ;)
anyway, another half way ramadhan....have a bless peeps...
its time to strengthen our faith, ukhwah and get closes to our One...
may we get the bless...insyaallah...
selamat beribadah ;)
July 7, 2013
April 27, 2013
bukan dia tapi aku
Berulang kali kau menyakiti
Berulang kali kau khianati
Sakit ini coba pahami
Ku punya hati bukan tuk di sakiti
Ku akui sungguh beratnya
Meninggalkanmu yang dulu pernah ada
Namun harus aku lakukan
Kar'na ku tahu ini yang terbaik
Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
Ku akui sungguh beratnya
Meninggalkanmu yang dulu pernah ada
Namun harus aku lakukan
Kar'na ku tahu ini yang terbaik
Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
Cintaku lebih besar dari cintanya
Mestinya kau sadar itu
Bukan dia, bukan dia, tapi aku
Begitu beratkah ini...
Hingga ku harus mengalah...
Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
Cintaku lebih besar dari benciku
Cukup aku yang rasakan
Jangan dia, jangan dia, cukup aku
Jangan dia, jangan dia, cukup aku
Jangan dia
Berulang kali kau khianati
Sakit ini coba pahami
Ku punya hati bukan tuk di sakiti
Ku akui sungguh beratnya
Meninggalkanmu yang dulu pernah ada
Namun harus aku lakukan
Kar'na ku tahu ini yang terbaik
Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
Ku akui sungguh beratnya
Meninggalkanmu yang dulu pernah ada
Namun harus aku lakukan
Kar'na ku tahu ini yang terbaik
Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
Cintaku lebih besar dari cintanya
Mestinya kau sadar itu
Bukan dia, bukan dia, tapi aku
Begitu beratkah ini...
Hingga ku harus mengalah...
Ku harus pergi meninggalkan kamu
Yang telah hancurkan aku
Sakitnya, sakitnya, oh sakitnya
Cintaku lebih besar dari benciku
Cukup aku yang rasakan
Jangan dia, jangan dia, cukup aku
Jangan dia, jangan dia, cukup aku
Jangan dia
a song to listen
April 23, 2013
School is perfect!
School is place that i hate to go when i was 7 years old.
School is place that i wanted to be there now.!
Its been 4th semester. Cant really wait to finish another 4 semester. Sound kinda of very long way to go. Huh!
School: how do we describe?
Got bundle of assignments, got unfinised tasks, got a challenges test, describe to the multiple attempt test that been crush due to internet problem or could be the system itself, got long day direct classes that make us lost the attention, energy and get self very bored and sleepy.
Got multiple confusing assignment..again assignment!
Got many types of assingment...need to do acting, need to work on poster, need to get into group, need our creativity...oh everything about assignment!!!
Got some of us headache when back home after severely attending non stop lecture and got some of friends complaining towards the lecturer who gave the bees sound *laju gila2* lecture.
Its crazy sometimes.
Its tough somehow.
Its stress us!
Its test the patience!
Its make us drop sometimes.
Its killing the effort though.
But we never give up ....
Because we hold into these:
1. Responsible
2. Friendssssssss
3. Prayer
Think of the responsible we hold and hope from both of parents. They make us strong enough to get through this journey.
Friends are the most people we need. Advise each other, guide the wrong, help the trouble and laugh together. Been in school without them was a lonely day.
Friends are people that always support one another. No matter you drown you can be save. No way to go wrong when you walk along with the right people. And they are friends.
Prayer always with us. We pray one another. We never miss to say good luck for each other.
This is how i love school.
May our friendship last long with sincere and we improving our ukhwah. With blessed from Allah.
School is place that i wanted to be there now.!
Its been 4th semester. Cant really wait to finish another 4 semester. Sound kinda of very long way to go. Huh!
School: how do we describe?
Got bundle of assignments, got unfinised tasks, got a challenges test, describe to the multiple attempt test that been crush due to internet problem or could be the system itself, got long day direct classes that make us lost the attention, energy and get self very bored and sleepy.
Got multiple confusing assignment..again assignment!
Got many types of assingment...need to do acting, need to work on poster, need to get into group, need our creativity...oh everything about assignment!!!
Got some of us headache when back home after severely attending non stop lecture and got some of friends complaining towards the lecturer who gave the bees sound *laju gila2* lecture.
Its crazy sometimes.
Its tough somehow.
Its stress us!
Its test the patience!
Its make us drop sometimes.
Its killing the effort though.
But we never give up ....
Because we hold into these:
1. Responsible
2. Friendssssssss
3. Prayer
Think of the responsible we hold and hope from both of parents. They make us strong enough to get through this journey.
Friends are the most people we need. Advise each other, guide the wrong, help the trouble and laugh together. Been in school without them was a lonely day.
Friends are people that always support one another. No matter you drown you can be save. No way to go wrong when you walk along with the right people. And they are friends.
Prayer always with us. We pray one another. We never miss to say good luck for each other.
This is how i love school.
May our friendship last long with sincere and we improving our ukhwah. With blessed from Allah.
Its all about life
When life give me hundred time to smile..i should thank.
When life give me a beautiful moment. I have been blessed.
When life thought me a lesson..
I should not be regret.
When life offer me a thousand chances. I shouldn't miss it!
When life caught me into trouble. I shouldn't blame.
When life got me in sick. I should pray to clear the sins.
When life give me people i love. I should appreciate.
When life took things i love. I should redha.
When life give me an oppurtunity to bow to Him. I should do it in tawaduk and ikhlas.
When life is only to keep me satisfied. I should turn back to the rigt path.
When life giving me a lot of things that i need from what i wanted. I should realized that He is the Almighty One who gave me.
May He with me..
May His love guide me...
May He strengthen my faith..
May He listen to my prayer..
May He blessed me...
When life give me a beautiful moment. I have been blessed.
When life thought me a lesson..
I should not be regret.
When life offer me a thousand chances. I shouldn't miss it!
When life caught me into trouble. I shouldn't blame.
When life got me in sick. I should pray to clear the sins.
When life give me people i love. I should appreciate.
When life took things i love. I should redha.
When life give me an oppurtunity to bow to Him. I should do it in tawaduk and ikhlas.
When life is only to keep me satisfied. I should turn back to the rigt path.
When life giving me a lot of things that i need from what i wanted. I should realized that He is the Almighty One who gave me.
May He with me..
May His love guide me...
May He strengthen my faith..
May He listen to my prayer..
May He blessed me...
April 17, 2013
laman muka buku
How time flies....again ayat yang sama.....menggambarkan betapa cepatnya masa berlalu dan betapa bertambahnya umur kita... *refer to diri sendiri*.
Since internet so slow, so nak update blog sering tertunda.perhaps since keje yang bertambah tambah ni, kemalasan untuk update blog berganda ganda. So terpinggirlah blog nie.
Sedang asyik belek belek laman muka buku, and reading all the post i posted from the time i sign up for fb. Aduh....zaman remaja yang sangat penuh pancaroba dan mencabar..rasa macam malunya tengok status fb diri ini. How unmatured i am on that time....huh
Anyway, i learnt from it and it is improving. Di kala tahap remaja melewati usianya, semakin matanglah status fb and think that positive aura from friends who commented better than benda benda mengarut yg di update sebelum ini..
Well this is my flaws..making things from emotion and influence.tue yang menyebabkan berlakunya status yg mengarut but i took all the mistakes as my weakness and take a step to correct back. Well sometimes we didnt realize how teruja we are updating status in attract others on what we have posted.
But anyway, that was past...present, i make it better...experience is the beat teacher.indeed!
Whoever out there, reading my careful with your words..kinda regret once you read back for 2 years ahead. Whatever it is..take this in positive side.
Salam ;)
Since internet so slow, so nak update blog sering tertunda.perhaps since keje yang bertambah tambah ni, kemalasan untuk update blog berganda ganda. So terpinggirlah blog nie.
Sedang asyik belek belek laman muka buku, and reading all the post i posted from the time i sign up for fb. Aduh....zaman remaja yang sangat penuh pancaroba dan mencabar..rasa macam malunya tengok status fb diri ini. How unmatured i am on that time....huh
Anyway, i learnt from it and it is improving. Di kala tahap remaja melewati usianya, semakin matanglah status fb and think that positive aura from friends who commented better than benda benda mengarut yg di update sebelum ini..
Well this is my flaws..making things from emotion and influence.tue yang menyebabkan berlakunya status yg mengarut but i took all the mistakes as my weakness and take a step to correct back. Well sometimes we didnt realize how teruja we are updating status in attract others on what we have posted.
But anyway, that was past...present, i make it better...experience is the beat teacher.indeed!
Whoever out there, reading my careful with your words..kinda regret once you read back for 2 years ahead. Whatever it is..take this in positive side.
Salam ;)
April 13, 2013
A letter
Should i write the same letter like i wrote 3 years back?
Tak perlulah....
Lets past be the teacher for future!
Tak perlulah....
Lets past be the teacher for future!
March 15, 2013
A place to remember
Its a place that i always been alone!
Its a place that i get closer to my Creator!
Its a place that i learnt most!Life,Love and Survive.and Faith!
Its a place that i know how much i should love my family!
Its a place that my heart feel calm!
Its a place that i could never be scared of no matter how the danger i faced.
Its a place that i miss a lot!
Its a place that i wanted to go!
Its a place that i will never forget!
Its a place that i get closer to my Creator!
Its a place that i learnt most!Life,Love and Survive.and Faith!
Its a place that i know how much i should love my family!
Its a place that my heart feel calm!
Its a place that i could never be scared of no matter how the danger i faced.
Its a place that i miss a lot!
Its a place that i wanted to go!
Its a place that i will never forget!
March 1, 2013
Not such a place
I miss my sayang sayang....
Kak dhiah, kak erina, kak rini, tika, kak wani, um....
Seriously, i miss the moment yg dulu.......cant find here!!!
Kak dhiah, kak erina, kak rini, tika, kak wani, um....
Seriously, i miss the moment yg dulu.......cant find here!!!
My best
Its hard to satisfy people..yes indeed!
What they want, what they need!!!
Honestly i cant!
But, i can try to do my best...yes my best!!!!"
What they want, what they need!!!
Honestly i cant!
But, i can try to do my best...yes my best!!!!"
The other side
There is a time when you feel so lack and you need someone to be there but you cant find anybody to listen. Upset!
There is a time when you feel so lack and you need a hug but there is no one to hold you. Sobber!
There is a time when you feel so weak and you need someone to motivate you but there is no other people who understand the pain you keep. Poor!
There is a time when you need to calm but there is one ruin it. Sad!
There is a time when you are sick but there is no one to be there to heal you but make you feel worse. Bad!
There is a time when you feel you can never handle all the pain and frustration but in the other side there is always a hope and help. Him!
There is a time when you feel so lack and you need a hug but there is no one to hold you. Sobber!
There is a time when you feel so weak and you need someone to motivate you but there is no other people who understand the pain you keep. Poor!
There is a time when you need to calm but there is one ruin it. Sad!
There is a time when you are sick but there is no one to be there to heal you but make you feel worse. Bad!
There is a time when you feel you can never handle all the pain and frustration but in the other side there is always a hope and help. Him!
February 24, 2013
Rasa malas yg menebal menyebabkan blog ni terpinggir.. Kesian!
Alhamdulillah 2013 berjalan dgn baik.result exam pun semakin baik, suasana keje bersama kanak2 pun is getting improve...well since dah lama tgalkan peads mula mula agak kelam kabut tp bila tgk telatah budak nie yg lucu...rasa smgt balik and its actually a good therapy..
Semester baru soon...get myself busy balik.seriously tak sabar sgt nak hbis blaja...boleh spend weekend dgn penuh bermakna tp dlm hati masih nak smbung lagi smpai insyaallahlaaaa...
Parents....since daddy fall sick, i have been so mess.hari hari rasa nak blik kg....huuu sebab nak jaga abah......but after heard that he get better....syukur sgt.......
Friends.i have bestie!!!they are very kind people...syukur sebab dorangla yg sama sama membimbing diri nie........yeeeee love never away from Him....Allah...
Jodoh.sampai seru nanti adalah ;)
Alhamdulillah 2013 berjalan dgn baik.result exam pun semakin baik, suasana keje bersama kanak2 pun is getting improve...well since dah lama tgalkan peads mula mula agak kelam kabut tp bila tgk telatah budak nie yg lucu...rasa smgt balik and its actually a good therapy..
Semester baru soon...get myself busy balik.seriously tak sabar sgt nak hbis blaja...boleh spend weekend dgn penuh bermakna tp dlm hati masih nak smbung lagi smpai insyaallahlaaaa...
Parents....since daddy fall sick, i have been so mess.hari hari rasa nak blik kg....huuu sebab nak jaga abah......but after heard that he get better....syukur sgt.......
Friends.i have bestie!!!they are very kind people...syukur sebab dorangla yg sama sama membimbing diri nie........yeeeee love never away from Him....Allah...
Jodoh.sampai seru nanti adalah ;)
Bayang bayang
Think that something would haunt me this year and ahead.
Keep the promise or just leave it cos i havent seen any of changes within this period.
Should i give more time to let the promise come through.
Believe in fate, believe with Him!
Keep the promise or just leave it cos i havent seen any of changes within this period.
Should i give more time to let the promise come through.
Believe in fate, believe with Him!
January 6, 2013
langkah pertama 2013
selamat tahun baru.
not too late to wish you happy new year.
seriously, hidup sekarang sangat bz..super duper bz.
alhamdulillah satu telah selesai. -----> refer to research proposal. selepas berhempas pulas menyiapkan research selama dua minggu dan akhirnya got severe pain at wrist akibat terlalu banyak sangat menaip dan menulis....tapi akhirnya dah selamat sampai ke bilik lecturer....
exam is still on.
so tak boleh nak happy sangat since banyak lagi yang kena study. huh tak sabar nak habis exam and nak rest nak enjoy..hehe...
ok just pray for me...semoga jawapan jawapan dalam exam nanti betol la ea...
2013... area baru untuk tahun ini.... pediatric aka kanak kanak...
oh serius memang mencabar!
paling best is daripada orang tua terus tukar kepada kanak kanak. memang satu perubahan yang sangat drastik tapi tetap kene teruskan..
minggu pertama di pediatric. serius sangat2 blur... apa nak buat dengan kanak-kanak ni especially yang tak reti nak dengar cakap and manipulative. aduh! geramsssss rasa nak cubit cubit je...
tapi nasib baikla anak orang kan..
tapi kalo anak sendiri pun takdelah macam tue...hehehhe
saje hiperbola je..
alhamdulillah so far tak jumpa lagi yang style tendang tendang, ludah ludah and yang paling tak tahan yang suka menangis meraung-raung...
oh itu memang tak tahan..
bayangkanlah dalam satu jam treatment takkan nak dengar nangis je..
boleh bengkak telinga...
tu baru sorang kalo 6 orang yang datang aritu sumenya camtue...
bidang baru yang masih perlu diexplore....
banyak n sangat banyak..
pediatric bukan je deal ngan kanak kanak tapi ngan mak n ayah dorang jugak..
ada yang baik, ada yang ntah......tak tau nak describe...
hopefully perjalanan kat peads nie berjalan baik la.
harap harapla i will enjoy my day.
okla, gtg....nak sambung study...
one time
pernah tak ada ketika you feel so lack.
whatever you did you feel it wrong.
whenever you think, you think yourself feel so blame.
whoever you meet you couldn't say 'hey they were my friends' but in fact you prefer yourself to be alone.
pernah tak ada ketika you feel so doubt.
whatever you did you feel it wrong.
whenever you make decision you can't actually decide.
whoever you meet, friends, fellow, oh whoever! you can't really trust them.
pernah tak ada ketika you feel so mess.
whatever you did you feel it wrong.
whenever you want to do something, it stop you.
whoever you talk too, you feel so annoying not because of what they said but for yourself who can't concentrate on the converse.
pernah tak ada ketika you feel so upset.
whatever you did you feel it wrong.
whenever you wanna calm the wave shake the peace.
whoever come to chill you, it can't really heal it.
pernah tak ada ketika you feel so grateful.
whatever the disappointing you face, you never cry.
whenever you feel so down, there are people come to persuade you.
whoever they are, I pray Allah to protect from trouble.
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