everybody update their fb status regarding *mother day*. syukran.. we still have one that love and care us more than what we can give back.
alhamdulillah, i spent time with mom for a while though everybody was busy and i am having problem to have leave to see mom. but, with Allah will. we still met.
for me; today is mother day but perhaps i wont leave father alone so make it as parents day which i celebrated them for sacrifice a lot in their life and their time to raise us. and i thank Allah for giving health for my both parents. my prayer always with them.
i appreciate them *mama n abah*. so much! been in geriatric ward, seeing a lot of elderly abondant by their children make my heart sober.
but, they the elderly never let the sorrow haunt them but they pray onr day their children would come and give them a kiss though they know they wont.
just give a minute and pray for our both parents.
pray for them till jannah. ameen

alhamdulillah, i spent time with mom for a while though everybody was busy and i am having problem to have leave to see mom. but, with Allah will. we still met.
for me; today is mother day but perhaps i wont leave father alone so make it as parents day which i celebrated them for sacrifice a lot in their life and their time to raise us. and i thank Allah for giving health for my both parents. my prayer always with them.
i appreciate them *mama n abah*. so much! been in geriatric ward, seeing a lot of elderly abondant by their children make my heart sober.
but, they the elderly never let the sorrow haunt them but they pray onr day their children would come and give them a kiss though they know they wont.
just give a minute and pray for our both parents.
pray for them till jannah. ameen

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