I know most of us had our social page or dalam erti kata mudah facebook, twitter, my space, friendster, and etc..well think that much more than what i had listed but there are the only page i own. Friends here and there..added and increase, exciting knowing people though we have no idea who are those people we approved to list..
After 3 years own those pages, i could say there are pro and cons.. I bet you guys out there agree with me.. When my mother advised me to be very careful with these pages i was the one said its nothing to be worried but then after quite long hold the words i realized that mother was right... Not to say that i have been cheated or what, it just wasting a lot of time and even money...
Tell me if these wrong? I myself experienced those. Cheated? Dont say it never happen..it is all the time and we ever heard about it.. Didn't you? Well nothing to debate here but just telling you what i had faced and heard so that we could remind each other...inshaallah..
I dont close my page...i still actively using my pages though i am the one here merungut sana sini... Well this is what i want to share with you that how much difficult myself to stop being addicted to these...
Instead of wasting or whatever about being addicted to social pages there is one thing annoyed me from people i have read their status. Emm dont tell me you never felt the same like i feel... Its crazy sometimes when i have to annoy my friend for what they have stated on their page..tell you this is bad...
So, i also being so overacted long time ago...expressed the anger, mushy around about heart feeling, seek for attention, dreaming alone...well that is what when excitement take place without think much and wise...and at the end you feel ashamed cos you know what? Friend listed in your page was your parents, teachers, friends and relatives.. What if the judge went wrong from what you try to convey... Please to myself and i have changed..and you?tepuk dada tanya minda...
Too much bebel.. Please dont mind it, the first thing you will view when there is a new friend request was the picture... Shook me if you dont? But i am... Its not to tell you that i am choosing the face but i chose to recognize the person in the first place and tell you i only approve my friend. Before i miss this... Please behave and jaga sopan dan santun.. Put your picture as priceless and put it as high as no one can be afford to see those... Got me? Kata yang agak kasar..janganlah berposing posing maut dan jagalah adap bergambar...errr ada ke adab bergambar... Sesungguhnya seseorang manusia yang berperasaan malu dan imannya menguasai segala nafsu maka dia antara orang orang yang sentiasa memelihara kesuciaan dan keharmonian diri...
One friend told me this...seorang wanita yang baik tidak perlulah menunjuk nunjukkan dirinya kepada orang lain kerana kebaikannya melalui kata kata adalah kecantikan yang abadi... I take his words and he is the one keep his words well...
Before i end, people said i am not alim but why i wrote those words... May He guide them. Ameen
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