March 13, 2011

What did that feeling?

Just finish my last capsule of antibiotic. finally, out of drug after a week been sick! even its not really heal but its getting better. two times seeing doctor, 3 times changing medication, take a few types of medicine and my work worse for the whole week due to my bad condition.

apologize to students that i had to cancel all the discussion, my friends thanks for company me to clinic and absolutely my mom which I make her worry about my health. Not to forget to U, honestly I didnt really treat you good since my state of health affected my emotion too. Really sorry for the argument that we had and maybe it cos by PMS also. perhaps! i dont know...

what should I feel? Of course, being thankful to Allah for give me my health back! Alhamdulillah after a week full of tiredness, sickness and anxiety about the condition. and I'm going through over it well. Syukran :) I can walk well, no blur, no headache, just a lil cough and a lil smile sometimes. Its Him give me a chance to breathe again. alhamdulillah.

Well what more should I feel? Hurmmm.... Okay honestly, cant hide myself of having this feeling. I'm a bit depressed! Oh dont worry, its not too bad, still can deal with this. Just dont know what the causes of my depressed. its either about missing someone or worrying about the relationship! Or its nothing to do with both but it just a bit jumpy or PMS again. well i could not discovered the causes. Hurm all I can do just pray this feeling will be away. Maybe I need a space to relax or a vacation would help or someone to talk too. Yeah! I'm going for it... :|

what did that feeling? I dont know!!!! I wanna myself cheer. Is there anyone could help me?

Nope! Guess so. its better to raise hand and recite a doa to Allah to soothe my heart all the time rather that lying on bed thinking all this misery and finding somebody to clear the feelings that I know it wouldn't heal......

Sigh! the only thing that I can do. But I believe doa its a better way right now. Insyaallah He would listen.

Things that we should know about doa is.....

Doa mempunyai kedudukan yang mulia di sisi Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala, kerana doa itu penyataan seorang hamba akan kefakiran, kelemahan serta kehinaannya dan pengakuannya
terhadap kekuatan, kebesaran dan kekuasaan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala. Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:

“Tidak ada sesuatu (zikir dan ibadat) yang lebih mulia di sisi Allah Ta‘ala daripada doa.”
(Hadits riwayat Tirmidzi)

and i would love to share with all of you about doa...

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